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研究生: 歐明軒
論文名稱: 拆分九二一地震後草嶺社區發展的驅力
Driving force of Community Development in Caoling After the 921 Earthquake
指導教授: 王文誠
Wang, Wen-Chang
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 地理學系
Department of Geography
論文出版年: 2020
畢業學年度: 108
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 86
中文關鍵詞: 政治生態學草嶺社區發展
英文關鍵詞: Caoling
DOI URL: http://doi.org/10.6345/NTNU202000413
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:140下載:18
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  • 本文旨在透過政治生態學分析影響地理發展的動力。本研究聚焦草嶺社區自九二一地震干擾事件後的權力群體與經濟發展演替、及權力群體在系統演替過程中的作用。各式各樣的力量如何介入形成的結果是政治生態學所探討的範疇,如同生態系統的演替過程是複雜的,綜合這些各式各樣作用的結果就是所謂的地理發展。藉由政治生態學分析,並,納入Panarchy理論架構,讓我們瞭解草嶺社區的發展演替歷程。本研究採取面對面訪談研究法,共訪談8位。草嶺社區在歷經九二一地震以來,仍不斷受到新的干擾,例如,敏督利颱風、台灣加入世界貿易組織、金融海嘯、劣質食用油品事件,上述突發性干擾事件不斷影響不同權力群體在草嶺社區系統的作用,造就草嶺社區發展演替。主要的結論:第一,不同尺度的權力群體介入草嶺社區程度影響當地居民對於草嶺社區發展演替的看法。第二,不同尺度的權力群體是推動草嶺社區的經濟發展演替的力量,九二一地震干擾事件後,重建會成為當時主要推動草嶺社區經濟發展演替的力量,2006年重建會退出草嶺社區後,推動草嶺社區經濟發展演替的力量由內部權力群體所推動,外部權力群體並無明顯的作用。第三,系統的3個變相影響草嶺社區在面對干擾事件下的發展演替,系統的內部潛力愈佳,系統的易受損性愈高,所需要回復的時間會更短。第四,干擾事件對於草嶺社區的發展演替系統扮演著重要性的腳色,孔隙的出現不一定會帶來新的權力群體介入。干擾事件給系統帶來的效益,沒有完全的好及完全的負面。第五,草嶺社區因為3個干擾事件後,進入新的循環演替中,記憶作用影響系統新階段如何開始。最後,本文通過探討草嶺社區發展演替歷程,提出新理論架構以幫助解釋地理發展的複雜性,強調地理發展是在隨著不同時間尺度中受到主要不同力量驅動。

    The research aims at analyzing the major driving forces that impact geographical development through a political ecology approach. Our research focuses on the power groups and the economic development after the interfering incident of the 1999 Jiji earthquake as well as the effects of the power groups in the stages of development. How various power intervening into the outcomes is the scope that political ecology is discussing. The evolutionary progress of ecological system is complex. Complexity of evolutionary progress of ecological system in combining with all sorts of outcomes from the affects, that’s what we called the geographic development. With political ecology analysis and the adoption of Panarchy’s theoretical framework, we aim at understanding the evolutionary progress of Caoling neighbor. The research utilizes face-to-face interview methodology and we interviewed a total of 8 interviewees. After the event of 1999 Jiji earthquake, Caoling neighbor has constantly faced new interferences: Typhoon Mindulle, participance of Taiwan in World Trade Organization, the Financial Crisis, inferior edible oil product incident (naming the DinXing food safety scandal) and so on. The above-mentioned abrupt intervening incidents constantly influences the affects of different power groups within Caoling neighbor, and hence results in the development of Caoling neighbor. Our research has made 5 major conclusions. First, the intervention to Caoling neighbor from power groups of multiple scales has influenced the opinions to the development of neighbor from the locals. Second, intervention from power groups of multiple scales is the force that drove the economic development of Caoling neighbor. After the event of the 1999 Jiji earthquake, the reconstruction committee had been the main force that drove the economic development of the neighbor. In 2006, the reconstruction committee withdrew from the neighbor. From then on, the force that drove the politic economy of the neighbor has been contributed by the power groups from within. The external power groups have no significant effect. Third, three variables from the system effects the development of the neighbor under interfering events. With better potential within the system, the susceptibility of the system is higher, but it takes less time to recover. Forth, interfering incidents has played an important character in the evolutionary progress of development of the neighbor. The existence of cracks in the system may not bring forth intervention from new power groups. The effects that interfering incidents bring to the neighbor is not absolute positive nor negative. Fifth, Caoling neighbor underwent a new evolutionary cycle because of the three interfering incidents. Memory effects influence how the new stage of the system starts. Finally, from the discussion of the development progress of Caoling neighbor, our research proposes a new theoretical framework for explaining the complexity of geographical development. We put an emphasis on how geographical development is driven by different forces through different scales of time.

    第一章 緒論 1 第一節 前言 1 第二節 研究動機與目的 3 第二章 政治生態與社區發展 7 第一節 政治生態學 7 第二節 生態系統的演替與干擾 12 第三節 生態系統的演替 15 第四節 從生態系統到社區發展:Panarchy 17 第三章 研究方法 20 第一節 研究架構 20 第二節 研究方法 21 第三節 田野調查 24 第四章 草嶺社區發展演替歷程 26 第一節 草嶺經濟發展演替 26 第二節 權力群體的結構消長 45 第三節 草嶺社區的發展演替 61 第四節 草嶺社區中記憶作用與反饋作用 71 第五章 結論 75 第一節 結論 75 第二節 後續研究 80 參考文獻 81


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