研究生: |
陳依萍 Yi-Ping Chen |
論文名稱: |
校長反省實踐之研究 A Study of Principals' Reflective Practice |
指導教授: |
Hsieh, Wen-Chyuan 黃乃熒 Whang, Nai-Ying |
學位類別: |
博士 Doctor |
系所名稱: |
教育學系 Department of Education |
論文出版年: | 2001 |
畢業學年度: | 89 |
語文別: | 中文 |
論文頁數: | 267 |
中文關鍵詞: | 反省 、反省實踐 、以問題為基礎的學習 、同儕輔助領導 、校長 、校長專業培訓 |
英文關鍵詞: | peer-assisted leadership, principal, principal-professional-training, problem-based learning, reflection, reflective practice |
論文種類: | 學術論文 |
相關次數: | 點閱:352 下載:11 |
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The aim of the study is to explore the meaning and theory related to reflective practice, to investigate the ways, types, models and steps in which a principal exercises reflective practice and to further examine the application of the concept involving reflective practice to a principal-professional-training program. At length, based on the conclusion of the study I offer some suggestions, which can be referred to by the authorities concerned. By means of the analysis of the literature and interview, the following conclusions are reached:
1.Reflective practice is a process of deliberation, emphasizing the importance of experience and incessant development. The concept of reflective practice undergoes three stages─germination, development and application. For the time being, it has been applied to a teacher training and the field of educational administration.
2.Reflective practice has a positive function of uplifting personal professional development and of encouraging a revolution of an organization. Provided that a principal ignores to engage himself in reflective practice, some negative effects will occur, that is, those detrimental to a principal’s professional development will be generated and the efficiency of an organization will be decreased.
3.Action theory, adult learning theory and constructivism theory, closely related to reflective practice, support the fact that the application of reflective practice can adapt personal action theory, invoke learning motivation and construct knowledge.
4.The ways to facilitate reflective practice are diversified, including writing, observation, simulation, and semantic analysis, each with a concrete strategy. At present, a principal often uses dialogue and pay heed to others’ opinions.
5.The types of reflective practice can be classified into technical, interpretive, dialogic, critical and multiple-interaction reflective practice. The most common ones used by a principal are technical, dialogic and critical reflective practice.
6.The models of reflective practice contain reflection for action, reflection in action and reflection on action. Those interviewed principals, more often than not, adopt reflection on action, in particular a special person, thing and object can further stir principals’ reflective practice.
7.The steps of reflective practice, a process of circulation, include three stages and eight steps. All of the interviewed principals, in essence, do not completely employ all of the steps.
8.The concept of reflective practice can be applied to a principal-professional training, of which the interviewed principals also affirm the importance.
9.Foreign principal-professional-training programs, which make use of reflective practice, focus on learning to solve a practical problem and on helping principal peers build a partner relationship. Nevertheless, the situation of applying reflective practice to a professional training is still uncommon in our country.
On the basis of the conclusions given above, I offer the following suggestions:
1.Suggestions for principals:
(i) To utilize different ways, such as to keep a journal or to collect administrative portfolios to promote reflective practice and further enhance individual professional development.
(ii) To increase reflection for action and reflection in action, consolidating the application of the reflective practice.
(iii) To promote an opportunity of a professional dialogue, in which the ability for reflective practice can be aroused by means of interaction with others.
2.Suggestions for designers of a principal-professional-training program:
(i) To put the concept of reflective practice into the core of the program, changing a traditional subject-oriented design.
(ii) To offer diverse activities, which can evoke active participation, effectively elevating a principal’s ability for reflective practice.
3.Suggestions for the staff of the teacher education institution:
(i) To incorporate the concept of reflective practice into an administrative curriculum or a professional-training program, which can facilitate the combination of theory and practice.
(ii) To provide a channel for the professional development of a principal and to promote the reflective practice by playing a catalysis role.
4.Suggestions for the chief of the educational administration institution:
(i) To provide the opportunity by which a principal can develop the ability for reflective practice and plan some related systems.
(ii) To design a principal-training curriculum in terms of the concept of the reflective practice and educate a principal with the ability of reflective practice.
5.Suggestions for Further Study:
(i) To adopt a case study for longitudinal and further research.
(ii) To undertake an experimental research in light of action study.
(iii) To undertake an experimental study by means of different ways of reflective practice.
(iv) To construct a principal-professional-training program in terms of the concept of reflective practice and do some further experiments.
(v) To have other administrative staff or teachers as the subjects of the study.
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