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研究生: 王祥薰
論文名稱: 生命碑文看台灣水墨的發展 (1950-2004)
指導教授: 王友俊
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 美術學系
Department of Fine Arts
論文出版年: 2005
畢業學年度: 93
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 87
中文關鍵詞: 觀念水墨速寫性水墨本土意識
英文關鍵詞: Conceptual ink-water, Sketch ink-water, Local consciousness
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:283下載:8
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  • 本論文以二次大戰後國民政府退居台灣,外來文化(包括歐美、中原文化)和本地文化相互衝擊衍生出水墨藝術家對當下的各種解讀形成不同見解,多元發展,皆反映時代某一種現象。台灣的水墨內在文化外在西潮不斷發生變化、矛盾、調和中發展,形塑與中國大陸藝術截然不同的本土演化。

    This study introduces different contemporary interpretations and understandings of ink-water painters which derive from the mutual impact between foreign culture (e.g. western culture and mainland Chinese culture) and domestic culture after the ROC government has fled to Taiwan after World War II. The development of multiculture reflects a certain specific phenomenon in a period. Under continuous changes, contradictions and harmony, the internal culture and external “western tide" of Taiwanese ink-water painting has been developing. The domestic evolution is then shaped which is totally different from the arts development in China.
    This study advances and induces three developing directions. First, “Traditional ink-water” focuses on the traditional brush, ink and landscapes, and combines the expression of paintings. It switches the mainland Chinese culture to the native one and breaks through the brush and ink style. Then, it returns to the personal experiences. Second, “The combination of Chinese and Western culture” emphasizes on the specialty of tribal culture as the subject. It gets massive “nutrition” from western painting styles and melts it into specific aesthetic consciousness of ink-water painting, or into personal creations due to the new visual experiences generated by the technological developments. Third, “Conceptual ink-water” regards ink-water as a material or transforms it into “ink-water arts.” Contemporary multiculture focuses on the concern and the project of the individual spirit on the social reality.
    Under the impact of the globalization, ink-water is lost and self-positive. First, it identifies the domestic culture and accepts the different culture. Second, the value of ink-water is on the independence and creation. Third, through re-education, exhibition, and the integration of consumption and lives, ink-water is popularized.
    Stepping into the twenty-first century, there are bickering among political parties. The economics is declining, and hostility still exists in the cross strait relationship. We still treat the nature with consuming attitudes: severe cultivation and deforestation, excessive development, ground subsidence, costal flooding, and torrential rains, all of which have served to worsen the impact of Mother Nature’s wrath. The sturdy green old pines stand tall and straight in the gifted land, the Pine Garden, telling the hardness they have experienced in the past century, and finding the strength to carry on. This creative work, “The Inscription of Life,” is elaborated and clarified in this chaotic era. It has transformed into vigorous energy, and consoled by it never submitting to fate.

    第一章  緒論 第一節 研究動機與目的 1 第二節 研究的範圍與方法 6 第二章  水墨發展三個方向 第一節 傳統水墨 11 第二節 中西融合水墨 18 第三節 觀念水墨 23 第三章  全球化衝突下的水墨迷思與自我肯定 第一節 本土意識──文化認同 28 第二節 價值認定──自主創造 32 第三節 大眾化──生活融入 39 第四章  生命碑文 第一節 習畫經驗 42 第二節 〝生命碑文〞創作緣由與想法 50 第三節 〝生命碑文〞創化形式與內容 56 第五章  結論 -------- 62 圖錄 -------- 85 參考書目--------------------------------------------------- 86

    一、雲濤‧絕‧傳狷夫  蔡文怡 雄獅出版 2004
    二、戰火淬煉下的藝術  林惺嶽 典藏雜誌出版 2003
    三、中國花鳥博物館(二) 海燕出版 2003
    四、傳統與創新  曾肅良 三藝文化 2002
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    二十九、余承堯的世界 雄獅美術 1988
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    三十一、中國畫論類編  俞崑編著 華正書局 1984

     羅斯科抽象繪畫研究  曾懷慧  台灣師大研究所論文  1999