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研究生: 盧承聰
Lu, Chen-Tsung
論文名稱: 情意設計於古蹟活化之在地體驗研究– 以孫立人將軍官邸為例
Research on Local Experience of Affective Design in Revitalization of Historical Sites– Gen. Sun, Li-Jen Residence
指導教授: 伊彬
I, Bin
口試委員: 王麗卿
Wang, Li-ching
Chang, Wan-Chi
I, Bin
口試日期: 2023/07/04
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 設計學系設計創作碩士在職專班
Department of Design_Continuing Education Master's Program of Creative Practice in Design
論文出版年: 2023
畢業學年度: 111
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 264
中文關鍵詞: 情意設計古蹟活化在地體驗孫立人將軍官邸
英文關鍵詞: emotional design, revitalization of monuments, local experience, Gen. Sun, Li-Jen Residence
研究方法: 參與觀察法比較研究內容分析法半結構式訪談法
DOI URL: http://doi.org/10.6345/NTNU202301198
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:63下載:13
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  • 「孫立人將軍官邸」又稱為陸軍聯誼廳,建立於西元1909年,在日據時期曾為總督府土木局水道課課長官舍、古亭庄(街)高等官舍、古亭街舊台北總督官邸、日本台灣軍司令官邸、第十方面軍司令官官邸,光復後為臺灣防衛司令官邸與陸軍總司令官邸且孫立人將軍曾居住在此,1955年孫立人事件後於隔年改為陸軍聯誼社又稱陸軍軍官俱樂部,1998年納入基金管理改為陸軍聯誼廳並對外開放餐廳使用,2015年完成修復再利用工程,再參促法架構下於2017年1月3日起由民間業者開始經營促進古蹟活化與再利用效益,古蹟活化與空間規劃的目的是提高公共服務體驗,唯有提高公共服務體驗才能達到活化目的。
    研究後得知民眾大致對官邸園區整體滿意度高達95.7% 且無不滿意程度,並取問卷50題問項中滿意度與意願度前三名及統計中並達到顯著差異正面評價題項歸納以下結果:(1)情意設計於園區空間之認知滿意度分析:「園區外觀氛圍有時代建築特色」與民眾在「年齡、當天是否為最長時間停留點」不同屬性之關係;「日式庭院全區視覺氣氛營造、園區古蹟紀念性價值感氛圍」與民眾在「年齡」不同屬性之關係。(2)在地民眾於園區之體驗價值滿意度分析:「園區環境有吸引力」與民眾在「當天是否為最長時間停留點」不同屬性之關係。(3)在地民眾於園區經營再利用滿意度分析:「官邸園區環境乾淨整潔」與民眾在「何訊息來源得知將軍官邸」不同屬性之關係。(4)在地民眾日後再重遊園區之意願度分析:「與同輩親友再度蒞臨官邸園區」與民眾在「年齡、教育程度、當天是否為最長時間停留點(主要活動)」不同屬性之關係;「與他人推薦到官邸園區一遊」與民眾在「年齡」不同屬性之關係;「與長輩長官老師再度蒞臨官邸園區」與民眾在「何訊息來源得知將軍官邸」不同屬性之關係。

    "General Sun Li-Jen Residence," also known as the Army Officers' Club, was formerly the residence of the Chief of the Waterworks Division of the Civil Engineering Bureau of the Governor-General's Office was established in 1909 during the Japanese colonial period. It was subsequently used as a high-ranking official residence in the Guting District, the former Taipei Governor-General's Residence on Guting Street, the residence of the Japanese Taiwan Army Commander, and the residence of the Commander of the Tenth Area Army. After the restoration of Taiwan, it became the residence of the Commander-in-Chief of the Taiwan Defense Command and the Commander-in-Chief of the Army. General Sun Li-ren once resided here. In 1955, after the Sun Li-ren Incident, it was converted into the Army Officers' Club, also known as the Army Officer's Recreation Club. In 1998, it was incorporated into the fund management and renamed the Army Officers' Club, which opened its restaurant to the public. After the completion of the restoration and reuse project in 2015, it was operated by private businesses under the promotion of monument revitalization legislation from January 3, 2017. The purpose of revitalizing and spatial planning for the monument is to enhance the public service experience. Only by improving the public service experience can the goal of revitalization be achieved.
    For this study, a survey will be conducted to assess the perception and feedback of the public regarding the emotional design areas within the official residence compound. The survey will consist of 62 questionnaire items targeting local visitors, covering the cognitive satisfaction of emotional design in the compound space, experiential value satisfaction of local visitors in the compound, satisfaction with the reuse and management of the compound by local visitors, and the willingness of local visitors to revisit the compound in the future. Additionally, semi-structured interviews will be conducted with three parties: the outsourced operational unit (Artgo Cultural & Creative), the supervisory unit (Department of Cultural Affairs, Taipei City Government), and the owner of the heritage site (Taiwan Ministry of National Defense, Army Headquarters). A total of 210 physical questionnaires will be collected from visitors in the compound, and statistical analysis and qualitative comparisons will be performed on the collected data.
    The research findings indicate that the overall satisfaction of the visitors towards the official residence compound is as high as 95.7%, with no indications of dissatisfaction. The top three aspects that garnered the highest satisfaction and willingness scores were analyzed, along with statistically significant positive evaluations, leading to the following conclusions: (1) emotional design in the compound's space: The "period architectural characteristics of the exterior atmosphere of the compound" and its relationship with different attributes of visitors, including "age" and "whether it was the longest stay of the day"; The "visual atmosphere created by the Japanese-style courtyard and the commemorative value atmosphere of the historical site in the compound" and its relationship with visitors of different "age" attributes. (2) Experiential value satisfaction of local visitors in the compound: The "attractiveness of the compound environment" and its relationship with visitors of different "whether it was the longest stay of the day" attributes. (3) Satisfaction with the reuse and management of the compound by local visitors: The "clean and tidy environment of the official residence compound" and its relationship with visitors with different "information sources to know about the General's Residence" attributes. (4) Willingness of local visitors to revisit the compound in the future: "Visiting the official residence compound again with peers and relatives" and its relationship with visitors of different "age," "educational background," and "whether it was the longest stay of the day" attributes; "Recommendation to others to visit the official residence compound" and its relationship with visitors of different "age" attributes; "Revisiting the official residence compound with seniors, superiors, or teachers" and its relationship with visitors of different "information sources to know about the General's Residence" attributes.

    謝誌i 中文摘要iii 英文摘要v 目錄vii 表目錄xi 圖目錄xxiii 第壹章緒論1 第一節背景與動機1 第二節研究目的4 第三節研究方法與架構5 第四節研究範圍6 第貳章文獻探討9 第一節古蹟維護管理9 第二節情意設計思考22 第三節在地體驗感受33 第四節文獻小結38 第參章研究方法41 第肆章研究結果55 第一節民眾問卷資料分析55 第二節個案訪談資料整理194 第伍章討論203 第陸章結論211 第一節民眾在地體驗於官邸園區211 第二節研究限制223 第三節研究價值224 第四節研究建議225 參考文獻227 附錄一 現場蒞臨民眾問卷239 附錄二 民間委外執行單位代表人專訪問卷247 附錄三 古蹟園區所有權單位代表人專訪問卷249 附錄四 主管機關監督單位代表人專訪問卷251 附錄五 個案訪談逐字稿整理253

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