研究生: |
陳繹如 Chen Yi Ru |
論文名稱: |
環境學習中心地方本位課程發展與實踐之初探 Exploration of an Environmental Learning Center Developing and Implementing Place-based Education Program |
指導教授: | 周儒 |
學位類別: |
碩士 Master |
系所名稱: |
環境教育研究所 Graduate Institute of Environmental Education |
論文出版年: | 2014 |
畢業學年度: | 102 |
語文別: | 中文 |
論文頁數: | 203 |
中文關鍵詞: | 環境學習中心 、地方本位教育 、質性研究 |
英文關鍵詞: | environmental learning center, place-based education, qualitative research |
論文種類: | 學術論文 |
相關次數: | 點閱:243 下載:11 |
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本研究採質性研究的方式,以社區型環境學習中心──裡山塾發展與執行地方本位課程為例,探討環境學習中心如何運用地方本位教育(place-based education)概念,以七大要素為原則:「運用真實環境資源」、「科際整合」、「問題解決模式」、「協同教學」、「以學習者為中心」、「獨立與合作式學習」以及「真實性評量」,規劃與執行一套具有在地特色且能呼應學生學習需求的課程方案。並瞭解由環境學習中心提供當地學童持續性地方本位方案的挑戰與優勢,提供未來欲發展類似課程方案之單位參考。
Place-based education is an extension of environmental education. This pedagogy emphasize that learning should start from the student daily life in community environment. The student learning motivation and achievement will be increased by doing, getting practical experience, thinking and problem-solving process. In addition, being able to apply what they learn to local social cultural and environmental issues, students could recognize themselves as a part of the community, and improve the citizen awareness as well as environmental literacy.
By qualitative research, this study discussed how Li San Shu, the community-based environmental learning center (ELC), participated in developing and implementing a place-based education program, which is featured in the ground and responding to the needs of students. The designing principle of this program is based on seven factor which are using natural and community settings as a context for learning, interdisciplinary instruction, problem-based instruction, collaborative instruction, learner-centered methods, independent and cooperative learning, and authentic assessment of learning. Simultaneously, this study tried to understanding the superiority and challenges of providing the local students continuing place-based program by environmetnal learning center. It would be served as a reference for any other agency longing to develop similar program in the future.
The results are shown as follows:
1.The seven priciples for successful place-based education proposing by SEER are useful for designing program.
2.Programs in long term, real life content and the constructive instruction are the key points to fulfill place-based eduction.
3.The superiorities of ELC implementing place-based eduction are the understanding of local issues, the platform role of exchanging knowledge and technology, and resources of teacher and imformation. The challenges are the outreach operating model, the difficult of connecting community , the custom of relying on applying plan to execute program, and the needs of long-term human resources.
4.Four strategies to raise the opportunity of place-based education implementing by ELC are responding the needs of students and parents, after-school time usage, charging reasonably, and integrating human resources.
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