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研究生: B. Vinoth
論文名稱: A Study on Integrated Dual-Mode Holographic Tomography and Adaptive Wavefront Correction Technique for Free- Floating Single Live Cell Label-Free Imaging
A Study on Integrated Dual-Mode Holographic Tomography and Adaptive Wavefront Correction Technique for Free- Floating Single Live Cell Label-Free Imaging
指導教授: 鄭超仁
Cheng, Chau-Jern
學位類別: 博士
系所名稱: 光電工程研究所
Graduate Institute of Electro-Optical Engineering
論文出版年: 2019
畢業學年度: 107
語文別: 英文
論文頁數: 96
中文關鍵詞: digital holographymicroscopythree-dimensional imagingbeam rotation tomographysample rotation tomographysingle cell analysislabel-free imagingaberration correctionadaptive opticsstructured illumination
英文關鍵詞: digital holography, microscopy, three-dimensional imaging, beam rotation tomography, sample rotation tomography, single cell analysis, label-free imaging, aberration correction, adaptive optics, structured illumination
DOI URL: http://doi.org/10.6345/NTNU201900651
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:87下載:0
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  • Three-dimensional (3D) label-free refractive index (RI) imaging and analysis of a free-floating single live cell is a puzzling keyword for the biological research communities. Digital holographic tomography (DHT) is a potential technique to generate 3D RI profile of the biological specimens without labelling. The DHT uses interferometer configuration followed by either by sample rotation method or by beam rotation method. However, there is no such experimental system is developed to perform both full-angle sample rotation method and beam rotation method; this study developed such an integrated dual-mode tomography (IDT) system for the first time.
    The IDT system is developed by combining holographic optical tweezers (HOT) with digital holographic microscopy (DHM). The HOT system is used to control the free-floating live sample and the DHM records the transmitted wavefronts of the sample simultaneously. In this manner, the developed IDT system is capable of collecting and combing the spatial frequencies of full angle sample rotation with beam rotation method to extend the spatial frequency coverages along lateral and axial directions. Consequently, a novel unidentified flying object (UFO) like shaped experimental transfer function is obtained. To demonstrate the potential capability of the developed IDT method, a free-floating live Candida rugosa were used as a sample and its label-free 3D RI profile is generated at its sub-cellular level. The experimental results revealed that the IDT method can quantitatively enhance the lateral and axial resolutions without using any complicated image processing algorithm
    One of the major issues in an imaging system is the aberrations induced by the optical components and its alignments, which severely degrades the resolution and the imaging performance of the experimental system. This research study also focused on the development of a novel computer-generated hologram (CGH) based adaptive wavefront compensation technique demonstrated on a compactly developed structured illumination holographic tomography (SI-HT) system. A series of CGHs comprises of phase Fresnel lens and binary blazed grating are designed and displayed on a phase-only spatial light modulator to generate structured light pattern on the sample. The method is validated using Siemens star target and the potential application is verified using live sample candiada rugosa and its sub-cellular level 3D label-free RI profile is generated. The experimental results demonstrated the capability of the method to enhance the resolution in lateral and axial directions.

    Thesis certificate I Acknowledgement II List of figures III Abbreviations and notations IV Abstract 1 1. Introduction 1.1 Importance of single cell analysis 3 1.2 Evaluation of digital holographic microscopy 6 1.3 Development of digital holographic tomography 8 1.4 Aberration correction techniques 12 1.5 Motivation 16 1.6 Thesis outline 18 2. Development of holographic optical tweezers 2.1 Introduction: optical trapping 20 2.2 Design of chiral square Fresnel zone plates 22 2.2.1 Experimental validation 28 2.2.2 Trapping and rotation analysis using live cell 31 2.3 Dual-trap beam manipulation method 33 2.3.1 Experimental validation 35 2.3.2 Trapping and rotation analysis using live cell 36 3. Integrated dual-mode tomography for single live cell imaging and analysis 3.1 Introduction 40 3.2 Methodology: Integrated dual-mode tomography 42 3.3 Comparison of coherent transfer functions 45 3.4 Experimental setup of IDT 47 3.5 Tomography reconstruction: Free-floating single living cell analysis 48 3.6 Discussions 54 3.7 Limitations 55 4. Adaptive wavefront correction structured illumination holographic tomography 4.1 Introduction 56 4.2 Design of adaptive optics and wavefront correction technique 58 4.3 Adaptive wavefront correction: Experimental setup 63 4.4 Experimental results: method validation 64 4.5 Tomography reconstruction: live sample imaging and analysis 66 4.6 Discussions 69 4.7 Limitations 69 5. Summary and Future work 71 References 77 Journal publications 93 Invited Talks 94 Conference publications 95

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