研究生: |
黃淑麗 Huang, Shu-Li |
論文名稱: |
代間學習在木工創客平台之建構策略探討 以懷德基木師基地為例 Implementation of Intergenerational Learning at a Woodworking Maker Platform - A Case Study of Woodworking Complex, HDG |
指導教授: |
Han, Tzu-Shian |
學位類別: |
碩士 Master |
系所名稱: |
國際時尚高階管理碩士在職專班 Executive Master of Business Administration Program in Global Fashion |
論文出版年: | 2019 |
畢業學年度: | 107 |
語文別: | 中文 |
論文頁數: | 87 |
中文關鍵詞: | 代間學習 、創客 、顧客旅程地圖 、同理心地圖 、設計思考 、商業模式畫布 |
英文關鍵詞: | Intergenerational Learning, Maker, Customer Journey Mapping, Empathy Map, Design Thinking, Business Model Canvas |
DOI URL: | http://doi.org/10.6345/THE.NTNU.GFEMBA.001.2019.F08 |
論文種類: | 學術論文 |
相關次數: | 點閱:434 下載:29 |
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全世界頂尖的設計公司IDEO創辦人David Kelley,帶領史丹福大學設計學院,發展出的一套以「人」為核心,在需求性(Desirability)、存續性(Viability)、可行性(Feasibility)三個準則下,找出激發創新思維的課程「設計思考(Design Thinking)」成了跨時代設計創意產業的經營寶典。
在推出第二代學校「木師基地」前夕,本研究嘗試以設計思考(Design Thinking)作業流程,為「木師基地」重新定位「木工創客的自造平台」,建構一套新的經營模式。期使新模式導入,能將該校獨樹一格的「研究、教學、推廣」三合院制辦學理念,在代間學員推波助瀾下,做最佳的營運組合。同時,也成為這個品牌永續經營之續航力後盾。
關鍵字: 代間學習、創客、顧客旅程地圖、同理心地圖、設計思考(Design Thinking )、商業模式畫布
Woodwork is an aged occupation - to the casual observer, there seems to be little to link woodworking to contemporary management. However, when traditional craftsmen become “Woodworking Makers”, as traditional woodcraft begins to focus anew on design creativity, it is sure to influence the ideas of Design Thinking and the Experience Economy.
Has Taiwan’s traditional woodwork craftsmanship caught up to this Maker phenomenon? Whether yes or no, it is a concept worth exploring by Taiwan’s traditional crafting and design industries.
David Kelley, founder of the world renowned design firm IDEO, led the Stanford Design School to develop a “human-centered” design philosophy based on three principle of Desirability, Viability, Feasiblity. As this functional needs to inspire innovative thinking – turning “Design Thinking” into a bible for creative industries.
HDG has firmly rooted itself in educating woodwork crafting for twelve years, having trained close to a thousand students across generations through its unique intergenerational learning methodology. Amongst them, there’re students highly dedicated towards the organization, willing to act as volunteers in service of the school’s next iteration: the Woodworking Complex ,HDG. With HDG being an NPO, the value of this intangible asset cannot be overlooked. The second generation Woodworking Complex, HDG will need an innovative operating model that leverages these intergenerational students’ cross-industry expertise in its operations.
As HDG is about to begin its next generational transformation into a “Woodworking Complex”, this paper attempts to apply the processes of Design Thinking to develop a new operating model for this Woodworking Complex that is redefining itself as a “Woodworking Makers’ Platform”. This new model seeks to combine the school’s unique founding principles of “ Research, Education, Promote” into an optimal operating configuration - with the intergenerational students’ help – and also lay the foundations for the sustainable operation of the organization.
The limiting factor for this paper is that due to the target study is not yet fully operational, the relevant interviews and research data could only be based on the existing first-generation facility – the Woodworking Experimental School HDG situated in the mountains of Linkou. After the Woodworking Complex officially begins operation, there’re bound to be differences in the strategy outlined here when compared to the actual implementation. The aim is to learn through experimentation, then make adjustments as needed in order to determine the optimal operating model for the Woodworking Complex, and develop the capability for sustainable operations.
Keywords : Intergenerational Learning, Maker, Customer Journey Mapping, Empathy Map, Design Thinking, Business Model Canvas.
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