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研究生: 馮英騏
Fung, Ying-ki
論文名稱: 自然步態轉換在運動學及生理學上之分析
A kinematic and metabolic comparison to preferred transtion speed in gait
指導教授: 相子元
Shiang, Tzyy-Yuang
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 體育學系
Department of Physical Education
論文出版年: 2009
畢業學年度: 97
語文別: 英文
論文頁數: 89
中文關鍵詞: 自然步態轉換肌肉效率運動效能
英文關鍵詞: Preferred transtion speed, Muscle efficiency, Cost of locomotion
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:183下載:0
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  • 自然步態轉換(PTS)和最佳化轉換速度(EOTS)在走跟跑上的特徵一直是生物力學及生理學學者探討的課題。本研究致在探討人類在在三種不同自然轉換速度底下之走跑形態,肌肉神經及生理學系統參數在趨勢上的改變。十二位男性受試者自願參與本實驗。本研究使用之儀噐分別有Vicon®動作擷取系統、Biopac®肌電擷取系統及Cosmed®心肺功能測量系統。結果顯示大腿及小腿肌電訊號在iEMG ECC/CON ratio上可顯示生理代謝率在三個自然轉換速度上的改變。小腿肌肉在走路速度低於100%PTS時效率比較低。而當走路速度增加到100%PTS跟125%PTS之間時,大腿肌肉也隨之變得效率較低。筆者認為這結果可闡明肌肉彈性位能在兩種步態及不同的自然轉換速度的關係。當增加走路速度時會減少人類使用肌肉彈性位能的能力,反之跑步卻可以比較使用到肌肉彈性位能。本研究結果結合生物力學及生理學並為自然步態轉換提供了一個合理的解釋。

    Preferred Transition Speed (PTS) and Energetically Optimal Transition Speed (EOTS) for walk and run were two of the phenomenon which has been explored by exercise physiologist and biomechanist. The present study attempted to determine trend of the neuromuscular and metabolic change among three selected percent PTS and two locomotions (walk and run). Twelve male subjects were invited to be the participants in this study. A Vicon® motion capture system, Biopac® Electromyography and Cosmed® Indirect Calorimeter were used to determine the kinematic, neuromuscular and metabolic expenditure, respectively. The results showed that Thigh/Shank iEMG ECC/CON ratio may illustrate the metabolic change among different levels of PTS. A significant inefficiency shank muscle activation was initially occurred under 100%PTS, furthermore thigh muscle became inefficiency under 125%PTS. By reviewing the literatures and interpolate current study, we found that this result may illustrate the use of “muscle elastic capacity” among the type of locomotion and different PTS. During walking, the increase of locomotion speed might lead to decrease the ability for using the muscle elastic energy, whereas it is inverse for running. The value of this study was to provide a possible way to clarify the unexplored area between physiological and neuromuscular system on PTS.

    TABLE OF CONTENTS CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION 1 Statement of Problem 4 Hypotheses 5 For iEMG of ECC/CON ratio 5 For metabolic cost 5 Definition of Terms 6 Preferred transition speed (PTS) 6 Eccentric (ECC) phase 6 Concentric (CON) phase 6 ECC/CON ratio 6 Oxygen consumption (VO2) 7 Metabolic energy cost of walking (Cw) 7 Metabolic energy cost of running (Cr) 7 Delimitations 8 Limitations 9 Significant of Study 10 CHAPTER 2 REVIEW OF LITERATURES 11 A: Physiological characteristics during PTS 12 B: Temporal of walk and run 14 Walking 14 Running 16 Summary 17 C: Biomechanical characteristic during PTS 18 Angular movement 18 Centre of mass (COM) 19 Muscle mechanics 20 D: Summary 21 CHAPTER 3 METHODOLOGY 23 Subjects 23 Equipments 23 Treadmill 23 Optical motion capture system 23 Electromyography 24 Thigh Muscle 24 Shank Muscle 24 Indirect calorimeter 25 Procedures 26 Experimental procedure 26 Stage 1 - Pre-test 27 PTS Determination 27 From walk to run 27 From run to walk 28 Metabolic Cost - VO2 MAX 28 Anthropometric measurement 30 Stage 2 - Experiment 31 Experimental preparation 31 Electrode installation 31 Marker placement 31 Cosmed installation 32 Warm-up 32 Experimental procedure 32 Stage 3 – Data processing 33 Kinematics 33 Lower extremity angles 33 Knee 33 Ankle 33 Electromyography - EMG 34 Cost of Locomotion 34 Statistical analysis 35 CHAPTER 4 RESULTS 37 Subjects 37 A. Pre-test 37 Maximal oxygen uptake test data 37 Percent preferred transition speed data 38 B. Experiment 38 Cost of locomotion 38 The Interaction effects between type of locomotion and percent PTS (Cost of locomotion) 39 Thigh iEMG ECC/CON ratio 41 The Interaction effects between type of locomotion and percent PTS (Thigh iEMG ECC/CON ratio) 41 Thigh %MVC (Eccentric phase) 43 The Interaction effects between type of locomotion and percent PTS (Thigh %MVC – Eccentric phase) 43 Thigh %MVC (Concentric phase) 45 The Interaction effects between type of locomotion and percent PTS (Thigh %MVC – Concentric phase) 45 Shank iEMG ECC/CON ratio 47 The Interaction effects between type of locomotion and percent PTS (Shank iEMG ECC/CON ratio) 47 Shank %MVC (Eccentric phase) 49 The Interaction effects between type of locomotion and percent PTS (Shank %MVC – Eccentric phase) 49 Shank %MVC (Concentric phase) 51 The Interaction effects between type of locomotion and percent PTS (Shank %MVC – Concentric phase) 51 CHAPTER 5 DISCUSSION 53 A. Pre-test 53 Maximal oxygen uptake test data 53 Percent Preferred transition speed data 53 B. Experiment 54 Cost of locomotion 54 Thigh iEMG results 54 Shank iEMG results 55 Summary 56 Thigh iEMG results 56 Shank iEMG results 57 Overall results 57 CHAPTER 6 CONNCLUSION 60 REFERENCES 61 APPENDICES 65 A. Plug-in-Gait marker placement and guideline 65 B. Experimental procedure 70 C. Definition of angle 72 D. Arthropometric Data 74 E. Guideline for MVC 75 LIST OF TABLES TABLE Page 1. Time stage flow of Bruce Protocol Test (Bruce, 1972) 29 2. Statistic description 35 3. Demography data 37 4.1. Descriptive statistic of Cw and Cr among three PTS 38 4.2. The Interaction between type of locomotion and percent PTS (Cost of locomotion) 39 4.3. Paired samples t-test of cost of locomotion 40 5.1. Descriptive statistic of Thigh iEMG ECC/CON ratio of walk and run among three PTS 41 5.2. The Interaction between type of locomotion and percent PTS (Thigh iEMG ECC/CON ratio) 42 5.3. Paired samples t-test of Thigh iEMG ECC/CON ratio 42 6.1. Descriptive statistic of Thigh %MVC (Eccentric phase) of walk and run among three PTS 43 6.2. The Interaction between type of locomotion and percent PTS (Thigh %MVC – Eccentric phase) 44 6.3. Paired samples t-test of Thigh %MVC – Eccentric phase 44 7.1. Descriptive statistic of Thigh %MVC (Concentric phase) of walk and run among three PTS 45 7.2. The Interaction between type of locomotion and percent PTS (Thigh %MVC – Concentric phase) 45 8.1. Descriptive statistic of Shank iEMG ECC/CON ratio of walk and run among three PTS 47 8.2. The Interaction between type of locomotion and percent PTS (Shank iEMG ECC/CON ratio) 48 8.3. Paired samples t-test of Shank iEMG ECC/CON ratio 48 9.1. Descriptive statistic of Shank %MVC (Eccentric phase) of walk and run among three PTS 49 9.2. The Interaction between type of locomotion and percent PTS (Shank %MVC – Eccentric phase) 50 9.3. Paired samples t-test of Shank %MVC – Eccentric phase 50 10.1. Descriptive statistic of Shank %MVC (Concentric phase) of walk and run among three PTS 51 10.2. The Interaction between type of locomotion and percent PTS (Shank %MVC – Concentric phase) 52 10.3. Paired samples t-test of Shank %MVC – Concentric phase 52 LIST OF FIGURES FIGURE Page 1. Hierarchy model between the physiological and biomechanical feedback 2 2. Relationship between metabolic cost (VO2) and speed (%PTS) for walking and running. Intersection of the curves represents the EOTS (Hreljac, et al., 2002). 12 3. Group mean values for stride interval, step interval, stride length and step length versus % preferred walking speed (Jordan, et al., 2007b) 15 4. Foot contact and foot off times for the ipsi- and contralateral leg versus speed group (Schwartz, et al., 2008) 15 5. Group mean values for stride interval, step interval, stride length and step length versus % preferred running speed (Jordan, et al., 2007a). 16 6. A schematic representation of walking by vaulting (inverted pendulum) and running by a “bouncing” gait (leg spring-loaded behaviour during stance) (Cappellini, et al, 2006). 19 7. Estimated marginal cost of locomotion mean (type of locomotion X percent PTS). 40 8. Estimated marginal Thigh iEMG ECC/CON ratio mean (type of locomotion X percent PTS). 42 9. Estimated marginal Thigh %MVC mean – Eccentric phase (type of locomotion X percent PTS). 44 10. Estimated marginal Thigh %MVC mean – Concentric phase (type of locomotion X percent PTS). 46 11. Estimated marginal Shank iEMG ECC/CON ratio mean (type of locomotion X percent PTS). 48 12. Estimated marginal Shank %MVC mean – Eccentric phase (type of locomotion X percent PTS). 50 13. Estimated marginal Shank %MVC mean – Concentric phase (type of locomotion X percent PTS). 52

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