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研究生: 張筱莉
論文名稱: 生活用語對科學學習的影響
The effects of everyday language on learning science
指導教授: 林陳涌
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 生命科學系
Department of Life Science
畢業學年度: 87
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 153
中文關鍵詞: 生活用語科學專有名詞意譯詞倣譯詞
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:118下載:0
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  • 本研究採便利取樣(convenience sampling)之方式,選取台北市國中一年級學生258人為樣本,利用科學專有名詞定義測驗(Terminology definition test, TDT)及個別晤談方式,探討日常生活用語對學生學習科學專有名詞時造成的影響。

    This study applied the convenience sampling method to recruit participants. The sample included two hundred fifty-eight grade 7 students in Taipei City. The participants were given the Terminology Definition Test (TDT) and individual interviews to examine the impact of daily language usage on the students’ learning of science terminology.
    The results of this study showed that the students tended to break down specific science terminology into small components in order to be able to explain the whole meaning of the term. They usually tried to find the meanings for the smaller components and combine these meanings together to figure out the correct meaning for the science terminology. This phenomenon suggested that the meanings of the individual words and smaller components are better than the complete meaning of the terminology. Three methods were used by the students to guess the meaning of the science terminology: (1) transductive reasoning; (2) explaining the meanings through words with the same pronunciation; (3) applying the meanings of the words that were used in daily language to explain the science terminology.
    In understanding how meaning-based translation influences students’ learning, the results of this study also indicated that, after learning the meanings of the science terminology, the students used the literal meaning to explain the terminology less frequently than before they learned the terms. However, there were still about 7 to 42% of the students using this method to explain the terminology. As to the word-for- word translation, after learning the meanings of the terminology, the percentages increased slightly among the students who used the literal meaning to explain the terminology. This result was probably due to the fact that using the word-for-word translation method to explain the terms is similar to how the students explain the terminology in general. This did not cause any conceptual confusion and conflict, therefore, they continued to use this method after learning the meaning of the terminology. In contrast, it is more difficult to guess the meaning of the terminology using the meaning-based translation method. Therefore, when students attempt to apply this method to understand the science terminology, it is more probable that they will understand these concepts incorrectly.
    Through the written tests and individual interviews, this study examined how the students attempted to understand the science terminology in textbooks. The results of this study provided practical suggestions for science teachers in applying their teaching method and preparing teaching materials. It is recommended that they pay attention to how the students’ daily language usage impacts on their learning of science terminology.

    目  次 第壹章 緒論……………………………………………1 第一節 研究背景與重要性……………………………2 第二節 研究理念………………………………………5 第三節 研究目的………………………………………7 第四節 名詞解釋………………………………………7 第五節 研究限制………………………………………8 第貳章 文獻探討………………………………………9 第一節 兒童科學概念的獲得…………………………9 第二節 語言、文字與概念學習………………………12 第三節 科學語言及其在科學學習中的問題…………20 第四節 生活世界與科學世界…………………………31 第五節 相關研究及方法………………………………35 第參章 研究方法………………………………………42 第一節 研究樣本………………………………………42 第二節 研究工具………………………………………43 第三節 研究流程………………………………………49 第肆章 研究結果與討論………………………………54 第一節 生物學專有名詞中之意譯詞………………54 第二節 生物學專有名詞中之倣譯詞………………99 第伍章 結論與建議……………………………………122 第一節 結論……………………………………………122 第二節 建議……………………………………………132 參考文獻….……………………………………………138 附錄………………………………………………………145 附錄次 附錄一:科學專有名詞定義測驗………………………………145 附錄二:國中生物教科書之專有名詞…………………………151 附錄三:國小自然科學教科書中生物學相關專有名詞………153 圖 次 圖3-1:研究流程圖……………………………………………53 表 次 表3-1:試測中選用之科學專有名詞……………………………45 表3-2:紙筆測驗中54個科學專有名詞…………………………46 表3-3: 各版本問卷中包含之科學專有名詞……………………47 表3-4:晤談內容……………………………………………………49 表3-5:各版問卷中進行分析之科學專有名詞……………………52 表4-1:國一學生對「維管束」一詞作答類型及頻率分布………55 表4-2:訪談記錄符號說明表………………………………………56 表4-3:前、後測中,國一學生對「維管束」一詞作答類型之轉變…60 表4-4:國一學生對「葉脈」一詞作答類型及頻率分布………………61 表4-5:前、後測中,國一學生對「葉脈」一詞作答類型之轉變……64 表4-6:國一學生對「動脈」一詞作答類型及頻率分布……………66 表4-7:國一學生對「靜脈」一詞作答類型及頻率分布……………66 表4-8:前、後測中,國一學生對「動脈」一詞作答類型之轉變……69 表4-9:前、後測中,國一學生對「靜脈」一詞作答類型之轉變……70 表4-10:國一學生對「擴散」一詞作答類型及頻率分布……………71 表4-11:前、後測中,國一學生對「擴散」一詞作答類型之轉變……75 表4-12:國一學生對「蒸發」一詞作答類型及頻率分布……………76 表4-13:前、後測中,國一學生對「蒸發」一詞作答類型之轉變……78 表4-14:國一學生對「蒸散」一詞作答類型及頻率分布…………79 表4-15:前、後測中,國一學生對「蒸散」一詞作答類型之轉變…81 表4-16:國一學生對「酵素」一詞作答類型及頻率分布…………82 表4-17:前、後測中,國一學生對「酵素」一詞作答類型之轉變……85 表4-18:國一學生對「代謝」一詞作答類型及頻率分布…………86 表4-19:前、後測中,國一學生對「代謝」一詞作答類型之轉變……89 表4-20:國一學生對「維生素」一詞作答類型及頻率分布………91 表4-21:前、後測中,國一學生對「維生素」一詞作答類型之轉變…94 表4-22:國一學生對「血紅素」一詞作答類型及頻率分布………95 表4-23:前、後測中,國一學生對「血紅素」一詞作答類型之轉變…98 表4-24:國一學生對「細胞膜」一詞作答類型及頻率分布………100 表4-25:前、後測中,國一學生對「細胞膜」一詞作答類型之轉變…103 表4-26:國一學生對「細胞質」一詞作答類型及頻率分布……104 表4-27:前、後測中,國一學生對「細胞質」一詞作答類型之轉變…106 表4-28:國一學生對「細胞壁」一詞作答類型及頻率分布…….108 表4-29:前、後測中,國一學生對「細胞壁」一詞作答類型之轉變…110 表4-30:國一學生對「恆溫動物」一詞作答類型及頻率分布……111 表4-31:國一學生對「變溫動物」一詞作答類型及頻率分布……112 表4-32:前、後測中,國一學生對「恆溫動物」一詞作答類型之轉變………………………………………………………114 表4-33:前、後測中,國一學生對「變溫動物」一詞作答類型之轉變………………………………………………………114 表4-34:國一學生對「一年生植物」一詞作答類型及頻率分布……115 表4-35:國一學生對「多年生植物」一詞作答類型及頻率分布…116 表4-36:前、後測中,國一學生對「一年生植物」一詞作答類型之轉變…………………………………………………119 表4-37:前、後測中,國一學生對「多年生植物」一詞作答類型之轉變……………………………………………………120 表5-1:國一學生於前、後測中,以個別文字意義描述「倣譯詞」之情形…………………………………..………………123 表5-2: 國一學生於前、後測中,以個別文字意義描述「意譯詞」之情形…………………………………………………124 表5-3:前、後測中,學生持續以文字字面意義作答之情形…125 表5-4:學生以橫貫事理推理方式說明的科學專有名詞………126 表5-5:文字讀音與科學詞語意義間之關聯……………………127 表5-6:學生以日常生活語意說明科學專有名詞的情形………127 表5-7:科學語意與生活語意間的聯結(linking) …………129 表5-8:學生以生活經驗推理之科學概念………………………130 表5-9:學生使用之類比型式……………………………………131

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