簡易檢索 / 詳目顯示

研究生: 陳昱成
Yu-Chien, Chen
論文名稱: 非營利組織員工知識管理與員工效能之相關研究
Non-profit organization staff knowledge management with employee effectiveness related research
指導教授: 余鑑
Yu, Chien
Yu, Chin-Cheh
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 科技應用與人力資源發展學系
Department of Technology Application and Human Resource Development
論文出版年: 2009
畢業學年度: 97
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 156
中文關鍵詞: 非營利組織知識管理員工效能
英文關鍵詞: Non-profit organization, knowledge management, employee effectiveness
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:132下載:10
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  • 非營利組織員工知識管理與員工效能之相關研究
    研 究 生:陳 昱 成
    指導教授:余 鑑
    于 俊 傑
    根據文獻探討與問卷調查結果的發現,綜合歸納以下各項結論:(1) 非營利組織成員不同年齡在工作績效、組織承諾、學習與成長有顯著差異。(2) 非營利組織成員不同學歷在知識取得、知識儲存、知識創新有顯著差異。(3)非營利組織成員不同職務在知識取得、知識儲存有顯著差異。(4) 非營利組織成員不同組織規模、組織歷史在知識儲存、工作績效、組織承諾、組織公民行為、學習與成長有顯著差異。(5) 組織變項、員工背景變項、員工知識管理認知變項,對員工效能預測力分析結果,均呈現顯著預測力,以知識取得、知識儲存影響力最大。(6) 知識取得、知識儲存、知識擴散對員工效能有影響力,換言之,提升組織成員對知識取得、知識儲存、知識擴散的正面評價,可以提高其員工效能。本文同時針對相關研究之實施與待深入探究問題提出建議以供後續研究之參考。


    Non-profit organization staff knowledge management with employee effectiveness related research
    Author: Yu-Chien, Chen
    Adviser: Chien, Yu
    Chin-Cheh YU
    This research main purpose because of understood that 5 sample Non-profit organization staffs to the knowledge management consciousness situation, then discuss the organization to be variable, the staff background is variable and the staff knowledge management cognition and the employee effectiveness relations, and analyze the Non-profit organization to impel the staff knowledge management course and the possible bitter experience to be difficult, propose the concrete proposal. In order to achieve the above goal, this research uses methods and so on literature analytic method and questionnaire survey, first penetrates the theoretical analysis, discusses the Non-profit organization staff knowledge management with the employee effectiveness scientific theory foundation, so as to understands the Non-profit organization, the knowledge management, the employee effectiveness meaning, the function, the management, the course and the essential factor; Next based on the literature discussion's result, refers to the experts to establish the questionnaire to revise arranges plans “the Non-profit organization staff knowledge management cognition and the staff potency the related research” the questionnaire to study the tool, carries on the questionnaire survey, so as to understood that the present Non-profit organization staff knowledge management present situation of with the employee effectiveness, further discusses each other relations and the relativity. Below according to the literature discussion and the questionnaire survey result's discovery, the synthesis induces each conclusion: (1) Non-profit organization member disparity in age in the work achievements, the organization pledged that the study and the growth have the remarkable difference. (2) Non-profit organization member different school record obtains, the knowledge storage, the knowledge innovation in the knowledge to have the remarkable difference. (3) Non-profit organization member different duty obtains, the knowledge storage in the knowledge to have the remarkable difference. (4) Non-profit organization members organize the scale, the organization history in the knowledge storage, the work achievements, the organization to pledge that to organize the citizen behavior, the study and the growth differently has the remarkable difference. (5) organization is variable, the staff background is variable, the staff knowledge management cognition is variable, to the staff potency forecast strength analysis result, presents the remarkable forecast strength, obtains, the knowledge storage influence by the knowledge to be biggest. (6) knowledge obtains, the knowledge storage, the knowledge proliferation to have the influence to the employee effectiveness, in other words, promotes the organization members to obtain, the knowledge storage, the knowledge proliferation frontage appraisal to the knowledge, may enhance its staff potency. This article simultaneously aims at implementation of the related research with to wait the thorough inquisition question to propose that the suggestion supplies reference of the following research.

    Keywords: Non-profit organization, knowledge management, employee effectiveness

    目  錄 中文摘要.............................................................................................................ⅰ 英文摘要.............................................................................................................ⅲ 目 錄.............................................................................................................ⅴ 表 次.............................................................................................................ⅶ 圖 次.............................................................................................................ⅸ 第一章 緒論.......................................................................................................1 第一節 研究動機.......................................................................................1 第二節 研究目的與問題...........................................................................4 第三節 研究範圍與限制...........................................................................5 第四節 研究方法與步驟...........................................................................6 第五節 名詞釋義.......................................................................................8 第二章 文獻探討.............................................................................................11 第一節 非營利組織.................................................................................11 第二節 知識管理的意涵.........................................................................15 第三節 員工效能.....................................................................................55 第四節 知識管理與員工效能之其他相關研究.....................................63 第三章 研究設計與實施.................................................................................67 第一節 研究架構與變數.........................................................................67 第二節 研究假設.....................................................................................71 第三節 工具編製.....................................................................................73 第四節 樣本選取.....................................................................................81 第五節 調查實施.....................................................................................81 第六節 資料分析法.................................................................................83 第四章 資料分析結果................................... .................................................85 第一節 敘述性統計分析及差異分析.....................................................85 第二節 相關分析.....................................................................................98 第三節 預測力分析...............................................................................103 第四節 研究假設驗證結果...................................................................108 第五章 結論與建議.......................................................................................111 第一節 結論...........................................................................................111 第二節 建議...........................................................................................120 第三節 後續研究建議...........................................................................123 參考文獻...........................................................................................................124 一、中文部分...........................................................................................124 二、外文部分...........................................................................................128 附  錄...........................................................................................................135 附錄一「非營利組織員工知識管理認知與員工效能之相關研究」調查問卷(預試)...........................................................................137 附錄二「非營利組織員工知識管理認知與員工效能之相關研究」調查問卷...........................................................................................142

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