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研究生: 簡頌沛
Chien, Sung-Pei
論文名稱: 探討教師科技導入評量的信念、評量的實務、與學生表現間關聯性的系列研究
Three Studies of the Relationships among Science Teachers’ Beliefs about, Practice on and their Students’ Performances on a Technology-based Assessment.
指導教授: 吳心楷
Wu, Hsin-Kai
學位類別: 博士
系所名稱: 科學教育研究所
Graduate Institute of Science Education
論文出版年: 2019
畢業學年度: 107
語文別: 英文
論文頁數: 110
中文關鍵詞: teachers’ beliefs about technology-based assessmentsteachers’ usage of technology-based assessmentsstudents’ performancesdecomposed theory of planned behaviorstructural equation modeling (SEM)hierarchical linear modeling (HLM)
英文關鍵詞: teachers’ beliefs about technology-based assessments, teachers’ usage of technology-based assessments, students’ performances, decomposed theory of planned behavior, structural equation modeling (SEM), hierarchical linear modeling (HLM)
DOI URL: http://doi.org/10.6345/DIS.NTNU.GSE.001.2019.F02
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:212下載:62
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  • 摘要
    因此本系列研究透過3個子研究力求探索台灣科學教師對於科技融入評量的信念成分為何,驗證其信念與實務之間的關係,並評估教師對於科技融入評量的信念與實務如何調節學生的學習成效。在本系列研究的執行過程中,教師信念的相關文獻與理論如:technology acceptance model (TAM) 與decomposed theory of planned behavior (DTPB) 則構成了貫串全文的編碼架構與理論模型。
    接著,為了進一步檢驗子研究1所發現的10項信念成分是否真的是組成教師科技融入評量信念的成分,我將子研究1的10項信念成分改寫為子研究2的信念問卷,並邀請494台灣的高中科學教師填寫,並藉由因素分析的結果確認此分問卷具備足夠的信效度來測量教師的科技融入評量信念。最後藉由結構方程式分析 (structural equation modeling) 所提供的路徑分析,我發現了除了從未使用者之外,其餘教師的有效性信念、方便性信念、相容性信念都會顯著且正向地影響其對科技評量的態度,而態度又能決定其使用科技評量的傾向。
    在此系列的尾聲,為了評估教師對於科技融入評量的信念與實務如何調節學生的學習成效,子研究3採用2階層的階層線性模式的分析 (hierarchical linear modeling),除了從學生個體層次探討其課堂參與、電腦使用經驗如何影響其學習成效,亦由學校層次探討屬於該校特色的教師科技評量使用時數、教師科技評量使用傾向、學校平均電腦使用經驗如何影響學生學習成效,更呈現學校層次的變數如何調節學生層次變數與其學習成效的關係。結果顯示,學生層次變數均對其學習成效有顯著正向影響,學校層級變數則對其學習成效有調節作用卻無直接影響。

    This series of studies aimed at not only investigating the components and features of teachers’ beliefs about technology-based assessments (TBAs), but also revealing the relationship between teachers’ beliefs about TBAs and their assessment practices and estimating the effects of teachers’ practice and beliefs about TBAs on students’ performances.
    On the basis of these purposes, three studies that combined the qualitative data analysis, a structural equation modeling (SEM) analysis that combines both confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) and path analysis, and the two-level hierarchical linear modeling (HLM) were conducted. In the study 1, the main components and features of teachers’ beliefs and practice about TBAs were investigated and analyzed based on the qualitative data from 40 technology-experienced science teachers. In the study 2, I developed a specific questionnaire from the result of the study 1 to elicit another 494 high school science teachers’ beliefs about TBAs and conducted a confirmatory factor analysis to ensure unobserved beliefs could be identified by the questionnaire to take the study 1 a step further. Besides, the study 2 specified the possible relationships among teachers’ beliefs about, attitudes toward, and intention to use TBAs by conducting a SEM analysis. Finally, a HLM analysis was conducted to estimate the effects of teachers’ practice and beliefs about TBAs on students’ performances. The same 494 science teachers in the study 2 and their 1,774 students from eighth and 11th grades from 32 secondary schools participated in the study 3.
    Based on the definitions of teachers’ beliefs systems and the literature review, this series of studies adapted both the elements and hierarchical structure of the technology acceptance model (TAM) and decomposed theory of planned behavior (DTPB) to form the coding scheme of the study 1 to explore the substantial components of science teachers’ TBAs beliefs and portraying the features of science teachers’ TBAs beliefs as comprehensive as possible. And then I modified TAM and DTPB based on the result of the study1 to form a prosed model to be examined in the study 2. Finally, on the basis of the study 2, I conducted a hierarchical linear modeling analysis to investigate the relationships among teachers’ beliefs about TBAs, their usage of TBAs, and their students’ performances on a TBA.
    The analysis of qualitative data in the study 1 showed that 10 components were substantial in the behavioral, control, and normative beliefs. While 34 teachers perceived TBAs as useful tools and identified a variety of usefulness, nearly 40% of the participants indicated the difficulties in using TBAs and their beliefs of ease of use were mainly negative. Also, teachers’ control beliefs about TBA focused on the external components such as time, supporting personnel, and infrastructure rather than the personal factors. In their normative beliefs, teachers tended to view school policies and parents’ opinions as constraints, whereas they also realized the benefits of using TBAs for learning. Furthermore, based on their usage of TBAs, teachers were identified and characterized as three groups: frequent, occasional, and non-users. Although some frequent users did not teach in resource-rich schools and faced constraints similar to those encountered by the occasional users, they seemed to actively look for more supports and solutions to overcome the lack of resources and the disapproval from the school administration.
    To take the study 1 a step further, the questionnaire in the study 2 was developed from the result of the study 1 to elicit the teachers’ beliefs about TBAs and then I conducted a CFA to ensure unobserved beliefs could be identified by the questionnaire. The results of CFA showed that all of the items developed in the study 2 were validated as being adequate indicators for measuring teachers’ beliefs about TBAs. Furthermore, the results of SEM analysis suggested that with the exception of teachers who had never used TBAs previously, teachers’ beliefs about usefulness, ease of use, and compatibility were significant predictors of attitude, which could explain the intention of teachers to use TBAs. However, perceived behavior control and subjective norms beliefs did not influence teachers’ intention.
    On the basis of the study 2, I utilized a HLM technique to investigate the relationships between science teachers’ beliefs about TBAs, their usage of TBAs, and their students’ performances on a TBA in the study 3. The results of the study 3 showed that there was significant variation between schools in terms of student performances. The results also showed that both of the variables at the student level, such as students’ inquiry‐related laboratory engagement and their PCs experience had significant positive effects on their learning performances. However, none of the variables at the school level, such as teachers’ TBA hours and teachers’ intentions to use TBA, had significant effects on students’ learning performances.
    Finally, the relationship between students’ inquiry‐related laboratory engagement and their learning performances could be moderated by two different variables at the school level in different ways. In one way, Average PCs usage at the school level would positively moderate the relationship between students’ inquiry‐related laboratory engagement and their learning performances. In another way, the TBA hours at the school level would negatively moderate the relationship between students’ inquiry‐related laboratory engagement and their learning performances. The results highlight the role of teachers’ practice and its impact on students’ performances.

    Contents 1. Introduction 5 2. Research Purposes of This Series of Studies 8 3. Theoretical Background 9 3.1 The definition of teachers’ beliefs 9 3.2 Teachers’ beliefs about assessment 10 3.3 Models of teachers’ beliefs about educational technology 12 3.3.1 The technology acceptance model (TAM) 12 3.3.2 Decomposed theory of planned behavior (DTPB) 13 3.3.3 Development of a guiding framework in this series of studies 14 3.4 The definitions of teachers’ practice, assessment practice, and assessment practice about TBAs 15 3.5 Factors that might affect students’ performances on a TBA 16 4. Methods 17 4.1 Research design of this series of studies 17 5. An Investigation of Teachers’ Beliefs and Their Use of Technology-based Assessments (The study 1) 20 5.1 Purpose and research questions 20 5.2 Research design 20 5.3 Participants 21 5.4 Development of the semi-structured interview 22 5.5 Development of the coding scheme 23 5.6 Procedure of data analysis 28 5.7 Findings 28 5.7.1 Overview of teachers’ beliefs 28 5.7.2 Teachers’ behavioral beliefs about TBAs 30 5.7.3 Teachers’ control beliefs about TBAs 35 5.7.4 Teachers’ normative beliefs about TBAs 38 5.7.5 Teachers’ usage of TBAs 40 5.7.6 The Interaction between Teachers’ Degrees of Usage and Their Beliefs 43 5.8 Conclusions 48 6. Teachers’ Beliefs about, Attitudes toward, and Intention to Use Technology-Based Assessments: a Structural Equation Modeling Approach (The Study2) 51 6.1 Purpose and research questions 51 6.2 Design of the instrument 52 6.3 Participants and data collection 54 6.4 Data analysis 55 6.5 Results 56 6.5.1 Evaluation of the measurement of the proposed model 56 6.5.2 Goodness of fit of the Proposed Model 59 6.5.3 Path analysis of the models 60 6.5.4 Assessment of direct and indirect effects 67 6.6 Conclusions and discussion 68 7. Examining the impacts of science teachers’ practice and beliefs about technology-based assessments on students’ performances: A hierarchical linear modeling approach. (The Study 3) 72 7.1 Purpose and research hypotheses 72 7.2 Participants and data collection 74 7.3 Design of the instrument and measurements of variables 75 7.4 Data analysis 77 7.5 Results 77 7.5.1 The establishment and testing of the null model 77 7.5.2 The establishment and testing of the student-level model (Random intercept model Lv1) 79 7.5.3 The establishment and test of the student-level + school level model (Random intercept model Lv1+2) 80 7.5.4 The establishment and testing of the full model 82 7.6 Conclusions and discussion 84 8. Conclusions of This Series of Studies 90 9. Implications for the Models of teachers’ technology beliefs 94 10. Implications for Teacher Education and Students’Learning 96 References 101 Appendix 1 Standardized Factor Loadings and the Normality of Observed Items 108 Appendix 2 The Questionnaire about teachers’ beliefs about TBAs 109

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