簡易檢索 / 詳目顯示

研究生: 錢宛鈺
Wan-Yu Chien
論文名稱: 水資源對地方感形塑之影響—以淡水水源里為例
The Effect Of Water Resources On The Sense Of Place - A Case Study of The Shuiyuan Village In Tamsui
指導教授: 廖學誠
Liaw, Shyue-Cherng
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 地理學系
Department of Geography
論文出版年: 2014
畢業學年度: 102
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 90
中文關鍵詞: 地方感環境識覺地方認同地方依賴地方依附
英文關鍵詞: Sense of Place, Environmental Perception, Place identity, Place Dependence, Place Attachment
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:468下載:13
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  • 位於陽明山國家公園大屯火山群西北麓的淡水區水源里,為一典型的山區聚落,當地湧泉資源充沛,源自大屯山脈,注入公司田溪,聚落依此而生。早期居民的日常生活與農業生產都仰賴當地豐富的水資源,但隨著人口日增、耕地漸多處境下,湧泉資源益感不足。在水源有限的情況下,如何分配泉水、灌溉農田,遂成為當地早期發展的重要議題;另外,透過水資源的分配網絡及永續利用,也成為凝聚居民地方意識的關鍵力量。水源里居民如何透過水源的獲取與使用,建構出此地的人文生態,形塑出地方感,實乃本研究的問題意識。本文透過文獻探討、408份問卷調查及16位居民的深度訪談,多元收集資料,探討當地居民與湧泉的人地關係,並分析水資源如何形塑出當地居民的地方感。研究結果顯示,居民與當地水資源關係密切,最喜歡的水資源景觀依序為湧泉(69.4%)、溪流(40.0%)、水圳(29.4%)及水梯田(21.3%),使用的方式主要為取水飲用(66.9%)、民生洗滌(51.2%)、農業灌溉(41.2%)、休閒遊憩(32.4%)。經由因素分析,15個環境識覺問項可歸納成三大因素組,分別為效益認知、環境態度、景觀認知;12個地方感問項可精簡成三大因素組,分別為地方認同、地方依賴、地方依附。此外,民眾的環境識覺及地方感均與社區參與意願呈現顯著正相關。

    The Shuiyuan Village is a mountainous town located at the foot of the northwest side of Datun Volcanic Mt. Range. Communities came to exist due to residents’ use of spring water which gushed from the foot of Datun Mt. and purled into Gung Sz Tian River. In the past, owing to the limited amount of water, the issue of how to share spring water for irrigation was important. Through the allocated networks of water resource for sustainable development, it became a fundamental factor to unite the villagers’ consensus. The present study deals with how villagers of Shuiyuan Village form the communities and sense of place through the obtainment and use of water. In this study, we apply the methods of literature review, questionnaire (n=408) and 16 in-depth interviews to collect important information. Through the causal relationship between the use of spring water and the formation of communities, the study aims to shape local residents’ sense of place. Results show that there is a close relationship between residents and water resources. Residents prefer the landscape of spring water (69.4%), following by stream (40.0%), irrigation ditch (29.4%) and terraces (21.3%). Residents depend on the water resources for drinking (66.9%), washing (51.2%), agricultural irrigation (41.2%) and recreation (32.4%). Based on the factor analysis, 15 items of environmental perception could be summarized into three factors, including beneficial cognition, environmental attitude and landscape cognition. Moreover, 12 items of sense of place could be also reduced to three factors, including place identity, place dependence and place attachment. Residents’ environmental perception and sense of place have a significant positive relationship with the behavior intention of community involvement.

    第一章 緒論 第一節 研究動機與目的 1 第二節 文獻探討 3 第三節 研究區域 8 第四節 研究方法 10 第五節 研究架構與研究流程 13 第二章 居民對水資源的意見分析 16 第一節 受訪居民基本屬性 16 第二節 居民對水資源的環境識覺 24 第三節 地方感分析 37 第四節 地方感分級比較 49 第三章 居民的地方感 55 第一節 水資源的用途 55 第二節 水資源的管理 59 第三節 水資源的信仰與節慶 64 第四節 水資源的價值觀及認同感 67 第五節 水資源的景觀變化 69 第六節 水資源的顯著意義 74 第七節 小結 76 第四章 結論與建議 78 第一節 結論 78 第二節 建議 80 參考文獻 81 附錄 88

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