研究生: |
林婉翎 Lin, Wan-Ling |
論文名稱: |
小說IP跨媒介改編個案分析:以Netflix《媽,別鬧了!》為例 A Case Study of Transmedia Adaptation : " Mom, Don't Do That!" as example |
指導教授: |
Liu, Li-Hsing |
口試委員: |
Lien, Shu-Chin 李貞怡 Lee, Chen-Yi 劉立行 Liu, Li-Hsing |
口試日期: | 2024/01/07 |
學位類別: |
碩士 Master |
系所名稱: |
圖文傳播學系碩士在職專班 Department of Graphic Arts and Communications_Continuing Education Master's Program of Graphic Arts and Communications |
論文出版年: | 2024 |
畢業學年度: | 112 |
語文別: | 中文 |
論文頁數: | 78 |
中文關鍵詞: | OTT原創影集 、小說IP 、跨媒介改編 |
英文關鍵詞: | OTT original TV shows, novel IPs, transmedia adaptation |
研究方法: | 主題分析 、 文本分析法 |
DOI URL: | http://doi.org/10.6345/NTNU202400192 |
論文種類: | 學術論文 |
相關次數: | 點閱:149 下載:17 |
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本研究以Netflix原創影集《媽,別鬧了!》為研究個案,首先以文本分析探討OTT 原創影集跨媒介改編小說IP時因媒體特性差異重新編創與組織故事之情節、人物、場景的差異;同時透過主題分析法自網路社群平台Facebook社團「NETFLIX新台灣討論區(非官方)」蒐集閱聽眾於網路發表關於此影集相關PO文,期藉此瞭解閱聽人對此小說IP改編為OTT原創影集的看法。
This research used Netflix's original TV show "Mom, Don't Do That!" as the focal text and employed textual analysis to investigate the differences in storyline, characters, and settings arising from the transmedia adaptation of a novel IP into an OTT original TV show, driven by disparities in media characteristics. Additionally, thematic analysis was applied to scrutinize posts from the audience on the Facebook group "NETFLIX New Taiwan Discussion Zone (Unofficial)" that discussed the plots of "Mom, Don't Do That!" The aim was to comprehend audience perspectives on the adaptation of novel IPs into OTT original TV shows.
The study revealed that the TV shows mainly continues the context of the original novels but introduces adaptations in plots, characterizations, and settings to enhance the visual aspects of the films. In particular, additional narrative content, such as elements of "romance," "family," and "friendship," serves to emphasize the unique characteristics of the characters. Furthermore, through thematic analysis of audience online posts, the research identified key topics discussed by the audience, including "differences between the original and adaptation," "different relationships," "characters-creating that touches people's hearts," and "recreation of a nostalgic atmosphere".
For the knowing audience who have read the original text, "faithfulness to the source material" is relatively important. However, the transition from novel IPs to OTT original TV shows requires transmedia adaptation. Such cross-media texts should embody intertextuality and intermediality.
Therefore, creative teams, after extracting key elements from the novel IPs, must adapt to different media characteristics. This ensures that both knowing and unknowing audiences can derive positive viewing experiences from various types of texts. They are encouraged to actively share their insights through online posts and discussions. Moreover, the study revealed that some audiences, moved by the OTT original TV shows, turn to the original novel IPs for further engagement. Through this process, they experienced the multiplying pleasure generated by the same story presented in different media formats.
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