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研究生: 郭淑玲
Shu-Ling Kuo
論文名稱: 眷村第一代女性居住空間遷移與休閒經驗之研究---以中壢馬祖新村婦女為例
Spatial Migration and Leisure Experiences of the first female generation---The case study of Matsu Village
指導教授: 顏妙桂
Yen, Miao-Kuei
學位類別: 博士
系所名稱: 公民教育與活動領導學系
Department of Civic Education and Leadership
論文出版年: 2007
畢業學年度: 95
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 263
中文關鍵詞: 休閒經驗休閒場域休閒阻礙眷村
英文關鍵詞: leisure experience, leisure field, leisure constraints, The Dormitories of the Military Dependents
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:207下載:88
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  • 摘 要







    Spatial Migration and Leisure Experiences of the first female generation
    The case study of Matsu Village

    This study focuses on the first female generation of “The Dormitories of the Military Dependents” and explores the relationships between spatial migration and leisure experiences. The research topics are: (1) what are the relationships among life cycle, living space and leisure activities in the life span of the first female generation; (2) what are the social roles and constraints that impact their leisure activities; and (3) how to transfer their leisure activities and experiences while they are moving?
    Historical literature, secondary data, analysis of life span, semi-structure interviews and observations from key informant are applied in study methods. Base on the above-mentioned methods, the developing and transforming of the life span and home span, the social construction of women roles, and the leisure space and experiences of the women can be obtained. Their living communities are changed form “Matsu Village” to “Luguang 5th Village”. All life stories result from the eight interviewers (aging from seventy-four to eighty-two) and the nine additional informants.
    Based on the life stories of the first female generation, the different developing process are found during the three stages of the transforming about the life span, living space and leisure activities.
    1. In life span, they married at young stage and moved to Taiwan depending on the occupation and power of their spouses. They raised their kids at their middle stage at the Matsu Village. They mourned for losing their husband or kids at their old stage at the Luguang 5th Village.
    2. In living space, the place is more and more opened from home town, the Matsu Village, to the Luguang 5th Village. The Matsu Village provided a great diversity of leisure field.
    3. In leisure activities, the family social activities are the major one in home town stage. It has multiple choices about leisure activities during the Matsu Village stage; but simplify in the Luguang 5th Village stage.
    Some phenomena were found in this research:
    1. In the characteristic of leisure roles, the patriarchy influences their leisure roles at youth stage, they are getting the leisure power gradually at middle stage, and the power is completely controlled at old stage.
    2. In the social recognition and support which are provided by leisure activities, the family leisure and friend social are developed in the integral identification and recognition, emotion, and company supporting at the Matsu Village stage, they are consisted of the developing roles of the multiple leisure activities, social recognition, and social support at the Matsu Village, and the personal identity, emotion, and company support are developed by using the simplified leisure activities at the Luguang 5th Village.
    3. In leisure field of the emerging public conceptions and leisure experiences, The courtyard house exhibits the social connection of the native home at the home town stage, the village community shows the social connection of the phenomenon “graft” that two different social conditions combined together at the Matsu Village stage, and the architecture of the multi-storey buildings displays the social connection of the secondary “graft” at the Luguang 5th Village stage.
    According to above-mentioned descriptions, several conclusions are descried as follows:
    1. Because of the wars, the life history of first female generation of “The Dormitories of the Military Dependents” presented two different developing processes “broken” and “reliving”. During the wars, they must adapt different spatial and social conditions based on their husbands’ occupations and powers. Now, they create a new kind of leisure form according to their accumulate experiences.
    2. They can feel a kind of leisure experience “BSNS” that one thing was suffering at the happened time, but it is sweet now when she is remembering.
    3. Government provides public leisure spaces and plans multiple activities for enriching the life of “The Dormitories of the Military Dependents” through the self-governing committees, women associations, community developing associations, and many government’s departments that provide fruitful production, consumption, leisure and political activities in the public field.
    4. Living space, leisure activities and experiences were merged twice and produced a new “relational leisure”. The females need social support at the public space of the Matsu Village, so they combined the past experiences into the new surrounding by using leisure to create the social identity and support. The process is so called “graft” in planting. In the Luguang 5th Village, the original and simple leisure forms were changed and they established a new leisure interaction “graft” and combine again.

    Keywords: leisure experience, leisure field, leisure constraints, The Dormitories of the Military Dependents

    目 錄 第一章、緒論 第一節、研究背景 1 第二節、研究動機 6 第三節、研究目的與研究問題 9 第四節、研究馬祖新村個案的重要意義 10 第五節、名詞解釋 13 第二章、文獻探討 第一節、發展理論與休閒 15 第二節、性別角色的社會建構 27 第三節、女性居住空間中的休閒場域與經驗 40 第四節、從馬祖新村到陸光五村的變化過程 55 第三章、研究方法 第一節、研究取向 69 第二節、研究場域與研究參與者 73 第三節、研究的實施程序 78 第四節、研究的信實度 80 第五節、資料蒐集、分析與角色 82 第四章、眷村媽媽的生命故事 第一節、君君媽媽的生命故事 90 第二節、美美媽媽的生命故事 102 第三節、雅雅媽媽的生命故事 114 第四節、秀秀媽媽的生命故事 126 第五節、慧慧媽媽的生命故事 138 第六節、敏敏媽媽的生命故事 149 第七節、嫺嫺媽媽的生命故事 155 第八節、琪琪媽媽的生命故事 164 第五章、生命週期、居住空間與休閒經驗的對話 第一節、從依附到自主的休閒角色 174 第二節、休閒活動提供認同與社會支持 197 第三節、休閒場域中公共的產生與休閒經驗 209 第六章、結論與建議 第一節、研究發現 222 第二節、結論 225 第三節、建議 231 第四節、研究限制 235 第五節、研究貢獻 236 第六節、研究者的省思 238 參考文獻 241 附錄一 訪談大綱(前置性研究) 261 附錄二 正式訪談大綱 263

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