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研究生: 劉秀英
Shiuying Liu
論文名稱: 透過Moodle線上閱讀與讀寫活動學習字彙的研究
EFL Vocabulary Learning: Online Reading and Reading-Writing Activities through Moodle
指導教授: 陳浩然
Chen, Hao-Jan
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 英語學系
Department of English
論文出版年: 2007
畢業學年度: 95
語文別: 英文
論文頁數: 148
中文關鍵詞: 課程管理系統線上閱讀線上讀寫字彙學習
英文關鍵詞: CMS, Online Reading, Online Reading-Writing, Vocabulary Learning, Moodle
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:156下載:51
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  • 中文摘要

    本研究透過描述統計、二因子變異數分析、獨立樣本t檢定與差數大小對學生字彙測驗成績進行量性分析,且以問卷探討學生對於透過Moodle進行線上閱讀與讀寫活動學習字彙的觀感。研究結果顯示,透過Moodle線上閱讀活動學習字彙的成效雖與一般字彙教學成效無異,卻有助於中、高程度學生長期字彙記憶,尤其是高程度學生。透過Moodle的線上讀寫活動,單字翻譯測驗顯示,中等程度學生表現明顯優於控制組; 而克漏字測驗顯示,中、高程度學生的字彙學習優於控制組,尤其是高程度學生。因此推測,透過Moodle的線上讀寫活動,格外加強高程度學生推測單字意義的能力。然而,兩種活動均未能使低語言程度學生特別獲益。根據問卷調查與晤談結果顯示,學生對此線上課程多抱持肯定態度。

    The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of learning vocabulary through online reading and reading-writing activities in Moodle (Modular Object-Oriented Dynamic Learning Environment).
    The participants were 34 ninth graders selected from two classes. 17 participants forming the experimental group engaged in online reading and reading-writing activities in the lab. 17 participants forming the control group received the traditional EFL instructions in classroom. Participants in each group were further categorized into high, intermediate and low groups to explore the impact of the proposed course on learners at different language proficiency levels. Descriptive statistics were employed to compare the effect of different treatments, and independent samples t-test was used to determine statistical significance. Besides, two-way ANOVA was used to detect group-by-level interactions. To reinforce the validity of the study, a questionnaire and interviews were given to probe to the participants’ perceptions of the proposed online course.
    Results of the study showed (1) the high achievers and intermediate achievers who learned through online reading in Moodle performed better in vocabulary retention, (2) the intermediate achievers who learned through online reading-writing performed better in vocabulary learning, (3) the high achievers’ inferring skills seemed to be improved through online reading-writing, (4) the low achievers did not benefit from the online course in Moodle, and (5) a questionnaire and interviews revealed that the participants’ attitude toward learning vocabulary through online reading and reading-writing activities in Moodle was positive.

    TABLE OF CONTENTS 中文摘要 i Abstract ii Acknowledgements iii List of Tables ix List of Figures xi Chapter 1 Introduction 1 1.1 Background 1 1.2 Purpose of the Study 5 1.3 Organization of the Thesis 6 Chapter 2 Literature Review 7 2.1 Computer-Aided Vocabulary Learning 7 2.1.1 Vocabulary Learning Strategies 8 2.1.2 Empirical Studies on Computer-aided Vocabulary Learning 10 2.2 Online Reading and Vocabulary Learning 15 2.2.1 Reading-based Vocabulary Learning 16 Encounter and Vocabulary Learning 17 Noticing and Vocabulary Learning 18 Depth of Processing and Vocabulary Learning 18 2.2.2 Empirical Studies on Online Reading and Vocabulary Learning 19 2.2.3 Use of Online Dictionary 22 2.3 Online Reading-Writing and Vocabulary Learning 27 2.4 Summary 30 2.5 Research Questions 30 Chapter 3 Methodology 31 3.1 Participants 31 3.2 The Procedure of the Study 32 3.2.1 Online Reading Activity 39 Reading Materials 39 Vocabulary Selection 40 Online Reading & Assignments 40 Online Reading Comprehension Test 41 The Immediate Vocabulary Tests 42 The Delayed Vocabulary Test 42 3.2.2 Online Reading-Writing Activity 43 Reading Materials 43 Vocabulary Selection 44 Online Survey 45 Online Reading & Assignments 46 Online Writing 47 Posttests for Online Reading-Writing Activity 48 3.3 A Questionnaire and Interviews 48 3.4 Data Collection and Data Analysis 48 Chapter 4 Results 51 4.1 Results from the Immediate Vocabulary Tests and the Delayed Vocabulary Test: The Comparisons between the Experimental Group and the Control Group 51 4.2 Results from the Immediate Vocabulary Tests and the Delayed Vocabulary Test: the Comparisons of Participants at Different Language Proficiency Levels 53 4.2.1 The Comparisons of the Overall Mean Scores on Immediate Vocabulary Tests 53 4.2.2 The Comparisons of the Mean Scores on the Delayed Vocabulary Test 54 4.3 Results from the Word Level Translation Test and the Cloze Test: the Comparisons between the Experimental Group and the Control Group 56 4.4 Results from the Word Level Translation Test and the Cloze Test: the Comparisons of Participants at Different Language Proficiency Levels 57 4.4.1 The Comparisons of the Mean Scores on Word Level Translation Tests 57 4.4.2 The Comparisons of the Mean Scores on the Cloze Tests 58 4.5 The Participants’ Responses to the Questionnaire 60 4.5.1. The Access to the Learning Web 60 4.5.2 The Online Dictionaries 61 4.5.3 The Reading Materials 61 The Reading Materials Used in Online Reading Activity (the News Stories Retrieved from CBBC Newsround) 62 The Reading Materials Used in Online Reading-Writing Activity (the Online Comments Retrieved from CBBC Newsround) 62 4.5.4 The Favored Task (or Tasks) in Online Reading and Reading-Writing Activities 63 4.5.5 The Effectiveness of Each Task in Online Reading and Reading-Writing Activities 64 4.5.6 The Participants’ Preference 65 4.5.7 The Advantages and Disadvantages of the Online Course 65 4.6 Summary of the Results 66 4.6.1 Quantitative Results 66 4.6.2 Qualitative Results 67 Chapter 5 Discussion 68 5.1 Discussions about Research Findings 68 5.1.1 Research Question One: Do online reading activities in Moodle enhance vocabulary learning? 68 5.1.2 Research Question Two: Do online reading activities in Moodle help students at different language proficiency levels learn vocabulary? 72 5.1.3 Research Question Three: Do online reading-writing activities in Moodle enhance vocabulary learning? 74 5.1.4 Research Question Four: Do online reading-writing activities in Moodle help students at different language proficiency levels learn vocabulary? 76 5.1.5 Research Question Five: What are learners’ perceptions of vocabulary learning through online reading and reading-writing activities in Moodle? 77 5.2 Summary of Findings 79 5.3 Pedagogical Implications 80 5.4 Limitations of the Study and Recommendations for Future Research 82 References 84 Appendices 93 Appendix 1 Screening Test (1): 1000 LEVELS TEST A 93 Appendix 2 Screening Test (2): A GEPT Test on Reading Comprehension 101 Appendix 3 Screening Test (3): A Grammar Test 108 Appendix 4 Reading Materials Used in Online Reading Activity —News Stories Retrieved from CBBC Newsround 111 Appendix 5 Reading Materials Used in Online Reading-Writing Activity —Online Comments Retrieved from CBBC Newsround 116 Appendix 6 Vocabulary Selection (1)—Making a Word List 120 Appendix 7 Vocabulary Selection (2)--A Translation Work 125 Appendix 8 A Sample of the Delayed Vocabulary Test 130 Appendix 9 Posttests for Online Reading-Writing Activity (1)—A Word Level Translation Test (1) 131 Appendix 10 Posttests for Online Reading-Writing Activity (2)—A Cloze Test 132 Appendix 11 The Questionnaire 133 Appendix 12 Raw Scores on Immediate and Delayed Vocabulary Tests 135 Appendix 13 Converted Scores on Immediate and Delayed Vocabulary Tests 136

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