Author: |
郭宇恩 Guo, Yu-En |
Thesis Title: |
以S-O-R理論探討OTA平台之服務體驗、社群媒體行銷對知覺價值與行為意圖的影響及時間壓力之調節效果 Using S-O-R theory to explore the impact of service experience and social media marketing on perceived values and behavioral Intentions on OTA platforms as well as the moderating effect of time pressure |
Advisor: |
Fang, Chin-Yi |
Committee: |
Fang, Chin-Yi 翁振益 Wong, Jhen-Yi 羅印呈 Lo, Ying-Chen |
Approval Date: | 2024/06/21 |
Degree: |
碩士 Master |
Department: |
運動休閒與餐旅管理研究所 Graduate Institute of Sport, Leisure and Hospitality Management |
Thesis Publication Year: | 2024 |
Academic Year: | 112 |
Language: | 中文 |
Number of pages: | 151 |
Keywords (in Chinese): | S-O-R理論 、行為意圖 、OTA平台 、社群媒體行銷 、服務體驗 、時間壓力 |
Keywords (in English): | Time pressure, Social media marketing, Behavioral intention, Service experience, S-O-R theory, OTA platform |
Research Methods: | 調查研究 |
DOI URL: | |
Thesis Type: | Academic thesis/ dissertation |
Reference times: | Clicks: 297 Downloads: 0 |
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線上旅行社 (Online travel agency, OTA) 是一個提供旅遊產品之線上諮詢、預訂和評論等服務的線上旅遊服務商。現今手機和應用程式的使用也已逐漸影響消費者的日常生活,也對旅遊產業產生重大影響,行動應用程式近年來也越來越受歡迎,也成為許多旅館客人首選的購買方式。本研究採用刺激-情緒-反應理論 (Stimulus-Organism-Response,S-O-R理論) 為研究架構,探討OTA平台之服務體驗、社群媒體行銷對消費者之知覺價值、行為意圖的影響,並在研究中探討時間壓力在知覺價值與行為意圖之間的調節效果及知覺價值在OTA平台之服務體驗、社群媒體行銷與行為意圖之間的中介效果。本研究使用立意抽樣法的方式,選擇過去12個內,曾經使用過OTA平台,如Agoda、Expedia、Trivago與 Booking.com等OTA平台或社群媒體之相關服務的消費者為本研究之研究對象,並依據先前文獻建構5個構面,49題的問卷題項,經七位異質性專家修正問卷內容後,透過網路問卷平台SurveyCake製作預試問卷,並在Instagram、Facebook、Dcard等平台發放問卷,以Smart PLS 4.0 檢測題項之信、效度,使用AMOS 26.0 進行數據之分析。本研究發現服務體驗、社群媒體行銷對知覺價值有顯著正向影響;時間壓力在知覺價值與行為意圖之間有正向調節效果;知覺價值在服務體驗、社群媒體行銷與行為意圖之間有中介效果;知覺價值對行為意圖有顯著正向影響;傳統訂房網站對消費者之服務體驗的刺激影響較大,且比價型網站所受到之刺激比傳統型網站還要來的更強烈。
Online Travel Agency (OTA) is an online travel service provider that offers online consultation, booking, and review services for travel products. Nowadays, the use of mobile phones and applications has gradually influenced consumers' daily lives and has had a significant impact on the travel industry. This study adopts the Stimulus-Organism-Response (S-O-R) theory as the research framework to explore the impact of service experience on OTA platforms, social media marketing on consumers' perceived value, and behavioral intentions. The study also investigates the moderating effect of time pressure on perceived value and behavioral intentions, as well as the mediating effect of perceived value on service experience, social media marketing, and behavioral intentions on OTA platforms. This study used purposive sampling to select consumers who have used OTA platforms such as Agoda, Expedia, Trivago, and, or related services on social media within the past 12 months as research subjects. Based on previous literature, the study constructed a questionnaire with 5 dimensions and 49 items. After seven heterogeneous experts revised the questionnaire content, a preliminary questionnaire was created using the online survey platform SurveyCake. The questionnaire was distributed on platforms such as Instagram, Facebook, and Dcard. Smart PLS 4.0 was used to test the reliability and validity of the items. Using AMOS 26.0 for data analysis.This study found that service experience and social media marketing have a significant positive impact on perceived value. Time pressure moderates the relationship between perceived value and behavioral intentions. Perceived value mediates the relationship between service experience, social media marketing, and behavioral intentions. Perceived value has a significant positive impact on behavioral intentions. Traditional booking websites have a greater stimulating effect on consumers' service experience compared to price comparison websites, and the stimuli received from price comparison websites are even stronger than those from traditional websites.
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