簡易檢索 / 詳目顯示

研究生: 劉立婷
Li-Ting Liu
論文名稱: 國際花卉博覽會對主辦地區經濟效益的影響
Exploring the Economic Impact of International Flora Exposition on the Hosting Area
指導教授: 方進義
Fang, Chin-Yi
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 餐旅管理與教育研究所
論文出版年: 2012
畢業學年度: 100
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 66
中文關鍵詞: 國際花卉博覽會迴歸分析事件研究法經濟效益入境旅客人數
英文關鍵詞: IFE, regression analysis, event study, economic impact, inbound tourist
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:83下載:4
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  • 國際會展活動在臺灣已經有極大成長並使臺灣累積許多舉辦國際大型會展活動的經驗。過去文獻曾研究大型運動賽事活動對於主辦地區經濟層面之影響,但研究大型博覽會對於主辦地區績效的影響之文獻卻極為有限。本研究的主要貢獻為研究國際花卉博覽會對於主辦地區之經濟效益之影響程度,本文採用迴歸分析 (regression analysis) 及事件研究法 (event study),研究自1951至2011年間,12個國家與34場國際花卉博覽會對於主辦地區績效之影響。本研究以GDP、失業率、投資額,及入境旅客人數作為探討之因變數。自變數則為舉辦階段、國別、舉辦次數及等級。人口成長率、國家發展程度與國土面積則為控制變數。實證結果顯示主辦國際花博會對於主辦國家之GDP、投資額及入境旅客人數在舉辦活動前與舉辦活動中階段有顯著正向影響,對於失業率有顯著負向影響。主辦國家或地區中,日本與中國大陸相較臺灣對GDP及失業率有較佳之表現;臺灣相較其他國家在投資額表現上較好;法國、義大利與中國大陸在入境旅客人數上有較好表現。舉辦次數對GDP、投資額及入境旅客人數也有顯著正向影響,對於失業率則有顯著負向影響。至於舉辦國際花博會之規模等級中,A1等級對失業率有顯著負向影響、對入境旅客人數有顯著正向影響,A2、B2等級對GDP及投資額有顯著正向影響。建議本研究之實證結果可作為地區發展觀光與振興經濟之參考。

    Meeting, incentive travel, convention and exhibition (MICE) industries have been growing up and developing rapidly in the world. Existing researches that investigated the economic impact of mega events on the hosting area or country are limited. This study explores the economic and tourist impact of international flora expositions (IFE) on the hosting areas, and using both regression analysis and the event study approaches in the observed 12 countries which had ever hosted 34 IFEs during 1951 to 2011. This research using four dependent variables including the gross domestic product, the unemployment rate, the investment amount, and the number of inbound tourists, examined the economic and tourism impacts of hosting the IFE. The different phases of holding the event, the country where the IFEs belong to, the frequency of hosting IFEs, and the categories of IFEs are considered as independent variables; the population growth rate, the degree of development of country and the area of country land are control variables. The result shows that hosting IFEs could make significantly positive impacts on GDP, investment and number of inbound tourists, and make a significantly negative impact on unemployment rate of the hosting areas during the pre-event and event phases. Comparing to the impact of GDP and unemployment rate of Taiwan to those of the other hosting areas, Japan and China, these two areas have relatively better performance. Taiwan instead is relatively better than other countries or areas in terms of investment amount. In contrast, regarding the inbound tourists, the hosting areas of France, Italy, and China have operated it much well than Taiwan. The frequency of hosting IFEs could also make significantly positive impacts on GDP, investment and number of inbound tourists, and make a significantly negative impact on unemployment rate. Regarding to the impact of IFE’s level, A1 has a significantly negative impact on unemployment rate, and makes a significantly positive impact on number of inbound tourists. Both A2 and B2 instead make significantly positive impacts on GDP and investment. Future research involving social and cultural impact of IFEs on the hosting areas would be further extended.

    誌謝---------------------------------------------------- I 摘要---------------------------------------------------- II ABSTRACT----------------------------------------------- III 目錄---------------------------------------------------- V 表目錄-------------------------------------------------- VII 圖目錄-------------------------------------------------- IX 第一章 緒論-------------------------------------------- 1 第一節 研究背景與動機----------------------------------- 1 第二節 研究目的---------------------------------------- 6 第三節 研究範圍與限制----------------------------------- 7 第四節 研究流程---------------------------------------- 7 第二章 文獻回顧---------------------------------------- 8 第一節 會展活動的分類與定義------------------------------ 8 第二節 會展活動的經濟績效比較---------------------------- 10 第三節 過去博覽會的相關績效研究-------------------------- 19 第四節 花博相關文獻------------------------------------- 20 第三章 研究方法---------------------------------------- 23 第一節 研究架構---------------------------------------- 23 第二節 研究假設---------------------------------------- 24 第三節 研究資料與樣本----------------------------------- 26 第四節 研究模型與測量變數-------------------------------- 26 第五節 測量變數之選取----------------------------------- 31 第四章 實證結果與討論----------------------------------- 33 第一節 實證結果---------------------------------------- 33 第二節 討論與分析-------------------------------------- 47 第五章 結論與建議-------------------------------------- 56 參考文獻------------------------------------------------ 59 中文參考文獻--------------------------------------------- 59 英文參考文獻--------------------------------------------- 61

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