研究生: |
陳德馨 Te-Hsin Chen |
論文名稱: |
台北地區大學生保險套使用行為及其影響因素研究 The study of the behavior of the condom use of college students and the influential factors in Taipei city and county |
指導教授: | 晏涵文 |
學位類別: |
碩士 Master |
系所名稱: |
健康促進與衛生教育學系 Department of Health Promotion and Health Education |
論文出版年: | 2003 |
畢業學年度: | 91 |
語文別: | 中文 |
論文頁數: | 141 |
中文關鍵詞: | 大學生 、保險套使用行為 、持續使用保險套 、持續使用保險套行為意向 、理性行動論 、自我效能 |
英文關鍵詞: | college student, condom use behavior, the consistent condom use, the future intention of consistent condom use, theory of reasoned action, self-efficacy |
論文種類: | 學術論文 |
相關次數: | 點閱:475 下載:52 |
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一、最近半年有性經驗之大四學生,佔所有研究對象之33.96﹪;其最近 半年「持續使用保險套」者佔29.3﹪;「持續使用保險套」者中,單 純為了「避孕」原因者佔61.9﹪,無人單純為了「預防愛滋病等性 病」而持續使用保險套。
二、正向影響有性經驗之大四學生,「持續使用保險套」主要五項因素 為:1.熟悉保險套使用方法並能說服性伴侶使用自我效能、2.第一次 性行為時使用保險套、3.精熟程度之自我效能、4.性樂趣態度、5.對 使用者的觀感態度。
三、大四學生未來「持續使用保險套行為意向」者佔30﹪,而未來無「持 續使用保險套行為意向」則佔70﹪。
四、對研究之所有大四學生,正向影響未來「持續使用保險套行為意向」 之主要五項因素為:1.性樂趣態度、2.熟悉保險套使用方法並能說服 性伴侶使用自我效能、3.女生、4.對使用者的觀感態度、5.精熟程度 之自我效能。
This study is to discuss the factors of impact of both “the consistent condom use” and “the future intention of consistent use” for college students based on ASE models (Attitude, Subjective Norm and Self-Efficacy). This research is by the way of questionnaire survey, which is based on the research samples of 739 students at 4 universities, the main result is as follows after the data are processed through SPSS statistical analysis:
1.The senior college students who has sexual experience is 33.96﹪, based on them, “the consistent condom use” is 29.3﹪; however, these students for preventing pregnancy is 61.9﹪, unsafely, nobody uses the condom for the purpose of the prevention of AIDS and STD.
2.The positive influential top-five factors of “the consistent condom use” to senior college students with sexual experience is as follows: (1) the self-efficacy of being familiar with the use of condom and persuading sexual partner to use it (2) the first use of condom on sexual behavior (3) the self-efficacy of the familiarity (4) sexual pleasure (5) the attitude for the sense of user.
3.The “future intention of consistent condom use” is 30﹪, the others are without “future intention of consistent condom use”.
4.The positive influential top-five factors of “future intention of consistent condom use” to 739 senior college students is as follows: (1) the attitude of sexual pleasure (2) the self-efficacy of being familiar with the use of condom and persuading sexual partner to use it (3) female (4) the attitude of sense for the user (5) the self-efficacy of the familiarity.
The rate of both “the consistent condom use” and “the future intention of consistent use” for senior college students is very low, nobody keeps on using the condom for the only reason to prevent AIDS; furthermore, both for the prevention pregnancy and AIDS among them is only about 30%; thereof this study suggest that the relative administrations of health develop the ideas of young people to use the condom for the prevention of AIDS by the broadcast of population so that it make these students pay much attention to “the consistent condom use.”
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