Author: |
吳姍蒲 Wu, Shan-Pu |
Thesis Title: |
原住民藝術研究的當代藝術史學可能性 The Possibility of Contemporary Art History in Aboriginal Art Study |
Advisor: |
Chen, Zuei-Wen |
Committee: |
Chen, Zuei-Wen 姜麗華 Chiang, Li-Hua 黃建宏 Huang, Chien-Hung 陳懷恩 Chen, Hwai-En 趙世琛 Chao, Shih-Chen |
Approval Date: | 2024/06/19 |
Degree: |
博士 Doctor |
Department: |
美術學系 Department of Fine Arts |
Thesis Publication Year: | 2024 |
Academic Year: | 112 |
Language: | 中文 |
Number of pages: | 299 |
Keywords (in Chinese): | 原住民藝術研究 、案例 、相對主義 、在地主義 、跨文化 、生存 、當代藝術史 |
Keywords (in English): | Aboriginal art studies, case study, relativism, localism, cross-culture, survivance, contemporary art history |
Research Methods: | 文本分析 、 原典閱讀 |
DOI URL: | |
Thesis Type: | Academic thesis/ dissertation |
Reference times: | Clicks: 173 Downloads: 0 |
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This essay aims to take "Aboriginal Art study" in the field of art history as the object and analyze the possibilities of contemporary art history methodologies presented therein.
This study is shaped by case discussions with five contemporary scholars. These commentators are all from the English-speaking world, and their discussions span Aboriginal art works in Canada, the United States, Australia and other places. What is special is that these studies not only once again mark the intersection and collision of interdisciplinary knowledge systems in which Aboriginal art exists, but also touch on contemporary issues such as globalization, local voices, human mobility and world networks, showing It presents a diverse, complex and rich discussion, forming a different way of discussing art history from the past.
The problem is: Since the intense post-colonial criticism of " Aboriginal Art" at the end of the last century, there have been countless problems in art history scholarship. How can the study of history of art today start from the war after "the end of art"? In the wreckage, how to deal with this vocabulary and the related concepts and historical issues it involves? How do they find a new way to discuss things in a different way? Is it a direct inheritance from critical theory of the last century? Or in order to respond to the propositions of today's times and propose various emerging experiments? Furthermore, will they be possible to be described as this diverse body of research continues to expand? How can it be described?
This dissertation found that this research development is gradually outlining the new face of the "future" of contemporary art history. "Transformation" is continuing to occur. It redefines the dimensions of time and space in a very unique manner. It also responds to the problems of repeatedly positioning itself in current art history research, and based on this, this is also the exploratory experiment that this paper attempts to conduct on methodological issues in the research process.
一、 主要研究文本
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Phillips, Ruth B. “Aesthetic primitivism revisited: The global diaspora of ‘primitive art’ and the rise of indigenous modernisms.” Journal of Art Historiography, 12 (2015), 12-RBP1.
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