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研究生: 潘艾嘉
Olga Del Carmen Pena Orochena
論文名稱: The Effect of Transformational Leadership on Innovation and Business Performance: A Survey Study Conducted in a Selected Organization in Nicaragua
The Effect of Transformational Leadership on Innovation and Business Performance: A Survey Study Conducted in a Selected Organization in Nicaragua
指導教授: 施正屏
Shih, Cheng-Ping
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 國際人力資源發展研究所
Graduate Institute of International Human Resource Developmemt
論文出版年: 2014
畢業學年度: 102
語文別: 英文
論文頁數: 109
中文關鍵詞: transformational leadershipempowermentclimate for innovationinnovationbusiness performanceorganizational performance
英文關鍵詞: transformational leadership, empowerment, climate for innovation, innovation, business performance, organizational performance
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:235下載:15
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  • Among the key factors that have been found to lead to competitive advantage, innovation is one of these factors. Being, in turn, the leadership style identified as one of the more important to affect organizational innovation, with other contextual variables which also could help to enhance innovation, such as empowerment and climate for innovation. Based on literature review, this study proposed four hypotheses about those variables and attempt to present a complete picture on the relationship between transformational leadership behaviors, perceived innovation and the final relationship with business performance. A quantitative approach was used. Two hundred ninety two online questionnaires were received from a private Nicaraguan company. The findings indicate that transformational leadership behaviors do have a positive and highly significant relationship with perceived empowerment and perceived climate for innovation, which in turn climate for innovation does have a positive and highly significant relationship with innovation. Innovation also has a positive and significant relationship with business performance. Since this is a survey of selected company results may not be generalized to all private Nicaraguan companies. Using a modified transformational leadership model this thesis attempted to make private Nicaraguan companies’ aware of the importance of leadership and innovation to business performance.

    Among the key factors that have been found to lead to competitive advantage, innovation is one of these factors. Being, in turn, the leadership style identified as one of the more important to affect organizational innovation, with other contextual variables which also could help to enhance innovation, such as empowerment and climate for innovation. Based on literature review, this study proposed four hypotheses about those variables and attempt to present a complete picture on the relationship between transformational leadership behaviors, perceived innovation and the final relationship with business performance. A quantitative approach was used. Two hundred ninety two online questionnaires were received from a private Nicaraguan company. The findings indicate that transformational leadership behaviors do have a positive and highly significant relationship with perceived empowerment and perceived climate for innovation, which in turn climate for innovation does have a positive and highly significant relationship with innovation. Innovation also has a positive and significant relationship with business performance. Since this is a survey of selected company results may not be generalized to all private Nicaraguan companies. Using a modified transformational leadership model this thesis attempted to make private Nicaraguan companies’ aware of the importance of leadership and innovation to business performance.

    TABLE OF CONTENTS Abstract I Table of Contents II List of Tables IV List of Figures V CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION 1 Background of Study 1 Statement of the Problem 3 Purpose of Study 4 Questions of Study 4 Significance of the Study 5 Delimitations 5 Definition of Key Terms 5 CHAPTER II LITERATURE REVIEW 8 Leadership Theories 8 Empowerment 12 Climate for Innovation 13 Innovation 15 Business Performance 16 Relationship between the Variables 17 Organizational Case 25 CHAPTER III METHODOLOGY 28 Research Framework 28 Research Procedures 30 Data Collection 33 Instrumentation 35 Data Analysis 45 Pilot Study Results 47 CHAPTER IV FINDINGS AND DISCUSSIONS 54 Descriptive Statistics 54 Common Method Bias (CMB) 66 Correlations Analysis 67 Partial Least Square (PLS) Analysis 69 Discussion 78 CHAPTER V CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS 82 Conclusion 82 Limitations 84 Recommendations for Practitioners 85 Recommendations for Casa Pellas 85 Recommendations for Future Research 86 REFERENCES 88 APPENDIX A: QUESTIONNAIRE USED IN THE MAIN STUDY 94 APPENDIX B: SCATTERPLOT SHOWING LINEARITY 106 APPENDIX C: RESIDUAL PLOT SHOWING HOMOSCEDASTICY 107 APPENDIX D: HISTOGRAM AND P-P PLOT SHOWING NORMALITY 108

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