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研究生: 梁金鳳
Liang, Chin-Feng
論文名稱: 業務人?組織人?從組織發展視角
Business People? Organizer? From an Organizational Development Perspective
指導教授: 吳彥濬
Wu, Yen-Chun
口試委員: 蔡坤穆
Tsai, Kune-Muh
Hsieh, Ying-Jiun
Wu, Yen-Chun
口試日期: 2022/05/27
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 高階經理人企業管理碩士在職專班(EMBA)
Executive Master of Business Administration
論文出版年: 2022
畢業學年度: 110
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 58
中文關鍵詞: 保險公司組織發展個案研究個人商業畫布創業家精神
英文關鍵詞: Insurance company, Organizational development, Case study, The Personal Business Canvas, Entrepreneurship
研究方法: 行動研究法個案研究法
DOI URL: http://doi.org/10.6345/NTNU202200525
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:135下載:17
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  • 保險公司因著外部環境迅速地改變,業務單位同時面臨的是業績達成及人才招募的競爭,營業單位若沒有組織發展的人才養成計劃,培育內部成員對組織發展的認知與組織建立的執行方法,容易造成組織的停滯、新人招募困難以及主管晉升動力不足。一個成功的通訊處要達成業績目標與持續培養優秀的人才,業務主管需透過招募新人、加速開發新市場,培養育才以及留才的能力。透過選才、輔導與訓練建立優質團隊,能整合資源與凝聚團隊共識,增強組織發展的能力。因個案的保險公司與業務人員關係是承攬制度的合約,業務管理與升遷方式不同於一般的雇傭關係,是一種鼓勵內部創業當老闆的制度。承攬的合約制度可以讓願意學習、努力打拚的優秀業務人員,透過組織發展晉級到各種業務主管職位,進而可擁有屬於自己通訊處的經營管理。本次個案研究是以國內保險公司高資通訊處的高資會員為訪談對象,依據個人商業畫布透過行動研究的介入方法,由意識問題到辨識問題的過程,透過訪談與運用個人商業畫布形成職能診斷與行動建議,協助個人關鍵資源與組織目標的整合。提升個人處理組織內部和外部關係的能力。進而改進組織互動關係和流程建立,增強組織成員新人的招募與組織發展的能力。根據研究發現將個人的關鍵資源與組織發展的目標,聯結以創業家精神為設計的業務承攬制度,透過外部資源的力量啟動組織成員內在的驅動力,可以協助發展組織價值與個人關鍵資源的建立。因此,個人的關鍵資源與組織環境的創業文化以及獎勵制度的設計,這些都是影響組織成長的重要因素。

    Due to the rapid changes in the external environment of insurance companies, business units are also faced with competition in performance achievement and talent recruitment. If the business unit does not have a talent development plan for organizational development, it is necessary to cultivate internal members' awareness of organizational development and the implementation of organizational establishment. method, it is easy to cause organizational stagnation, difficulty in recruiting new people, and lack of motivation for supervisors to promote. To achieve performance goals and continuously cultivate excellent talents for a successful communications office, business executives need to recruit new people, accelerate the development of new markets, cultivate the ability to cultivate and retain talents, build high-quality teams through talent selection, coaching and training, and be able to integrate resources Consolidate team consensus and enhance organizational development capabilities. The relationship between the insurance company and the business personnel of the case is based on the contract of the contract system. The business management and promotion methods are different from the general employment relationship. It is a system that encourages internal entrepreneurship to be a small boss. The contracted system allows outstanding business personnel who are willing to learn and work hard to be promoted to various business executive positions through organizational development, and then have the right to operate their own communication office. This case study is based on the interviews with senior members of the high-level communication department of domestic insurance companies. According to the personal business canvas, through the intervention method of action research, from the process of problem awareness to problem identification, the function is formed through interviews and the use of personal business canvas. Diagnosis and action recommendations to assist in the integration of individual key resources with organizational goals. Improve the ability of individuals to deal with internal and external relationships of the organization, thereby improving the organizational interaction and process establishment, and enhancing the ability of recruiting new members of the organization and organizational development. According to research findings, linking personal key resources and organizational development goals to a business contract system designed by entrepreneurship, and activating the internal driving force of organizational members through the power of external resources, can help develop organizational value and build personal key resources. Therefore, the key resources of the individual and the entrepreneurial culture of the organization, the organizational environment, and the design of the reward system are all important factors that affect the growth of the organization.

    第一章 緒論 1 第一節 研究背景 1 第二節 研究動機 2 第三節 研究流程 3 第二章 文獻探討 4 第一節 組織發展 4 一、組織發展的定義 4 二、組織發展的理念與價值 5 三、組織發展干預技術 6 第二節 商業模式 8 一、商業模式定義 8 二、商業模式畫布 8 三、個人商業模式 9 第三節 創業家精神 11 第三章 研究方法 13 第一節 個案研究 13 第二節 行動研究 15 一、行動研究的定義 15 二、行動研究的步驟和過程 17 第三節 個案背景 19 一、南山公司沿革 19 二、業務承攬制度的創業模式 20 三、專業人才的養成 21 四、主管的晉升制度 22 五、通訊處成立的標準 23 六、高資會員與高資通訊處 24 七、通訊處功能與處經理的角色 25 第四節 個案分析 26 第五節 個案研究流程 28 第六節 訪談資料收集 29 一、訪談目的 29 二、訪談對象 29 三、訪談問題 30 四、訪談摘要與診斷 30 第七節 共識營工作坊 33 第八節 高資會員個人商業模式分析 34 第九節 對應指標之行動方案 38 一、共識營評值項目 38 二、領導人反思與回應 40 三、領導人承諾 41 第四章 結論與建議 42 第一節 研究結論 42 第二節 研究貢獻 43 第三節 研究建議 43 參考文獻 45 附 件 50 附件一:NZ高資通訊處12位高資會員訪談摘要與職能診斷摘錄 50 附件二:NZ高資通訊處12位高資會員個人商業模式畫布 53

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