簡易檢索 / 詳目顯示

研究生: 草柳理砂
Risa Kusayanagi
論文名稱: Required Competences for High Performance Salespeopleat at Japanese High-Tech Industrial Firms in Taiwan
Required Competences for High Performance Salespeopleat at Japanese High-Tech Industrial Firms in Taiwan
指導教授: 頼志樫
Lai, Chih-Chien
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 國際人力資源發展研究所
Graduate Institute of International Human Resource Developmemt
論文出版年: 2007
畢業學年度: 95
語文別: 英文
論文頁數: 120
英文關鍵詞: competence, salespeople, high-tech industry, Japanese firm
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:180下載:0
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The business relationship between Taiwan and Japan is quite tight. For Taiwan, Japan is very important business partner today. Therefore, it is highly important to supply excellent human resources for Japanese firms to prove the attractiveness of Taiwan as an inventory country. In addition, as the industrial trend of Taiwan, the high-tech industry become one of the core and life line businesses so that a lot of Japanese high-tech industrial firms also has been started investing to Taiwan from 1990 till now continuously. As a result, it is urgently required to educate and provide Taiwanese who are able to fit working at Japanese high-tech firms in Taiwan. However, there are gaps between ideal employees whom the real business worlds are required and the average Taiwanese employees at the moment, especially in the position of sales. Therefore, this study inquired required competences working at Japanese high-tech industrial firms in Taiwan as salespeople in order to give useful data for Taiwanese higher educations which need to provide high performance human resources for the society and Japanese firms in Taiwan which need excellent Taiwanese salespeople to win their business. Human resource is one of the most important capitals both for the nation and the enterprises.
In this study, the interviews with Japanese managers who are engaged in high-tech related business in Taiwan were conducted to analyze required competences based on the famous competence model set by Spencer & Spencer.
As the result of the interview survey, it was revealed that highly required competences for salespeople at Japanese high-tech industrial firms in Taiwan were technical/ professional/ managerial experiences, analytical thinking, impact and influence, and flexibility. Main competences what Japanese managers feel the lack for average Taiwanese salespeople were self-control and organization commitment. Furthermore, it was revealed that required competences have been changed by the rapid globalization of Japan and Taiwan. Therefore, higher educations in Taiwan are required to educate students who can catch up with those new business streams to provide much more practical educations. And Japanese firms in Taiwan that depend on OJT would need to expand their training systems to survive in this shifting global economy.

TABLE OF CONTENTS Abstract I Table of Contents III List of Figure V List ot Tables VII CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION 1 Research Motivation 1 Research Purpose 3 Problem Statement 4 Significance of the Study 5 Delimitation and Limitations 6 Definition of Terms 7 CHAPTER II LITERATURE REVIEW 9 Business Relationships between Japan and Taiwan 9 Taiwan as High-Tech Industrial Nation 13 Recruitment Problems at Japanese High-Tech industrial Firms in Taiwan 21 Higher Educations and Its Movement in Taiwan 24 Competence from Multilateral Views 28 CHAPTER III METHODOLOGY 45 Research Framework 45 Research Procedure 50 Research Method 51 Research Subject 53 Research Instrument 55 Data Analysis 56 CHAPTER IV ANALYSES AND FINDINGS 59 Introduction of Cases 59 Analyses of Competences 74 Findings from Comprehensively Analyses of Competences 88 Findings from Requests for Higher Educations 91 Findings from Requests for Corporate Trainings 94 Findings from Other Comments for Competences 97 Findings from Comprehensively Analyses 99 CHAPTER V CONCLUSIONS AND SUGGESTIONS 101 Conclusions 101 Suggestions 104 REFERENCES 107 APPENDIX A: Interview Questions in English 113 APPENDIX B: Interview Questions in Japanese 117 LIST OF FIGURES Figure 2.1 Competence ontology by Hirata 32 Figure 2.2 Iceberg model 40 Figure 2.3 Definition of a competence by Spencer & Spencer 40 Figure 3.1 Job competence assessment process 48 Figure 3.2 Research framework 49 Figure 3.3 Procedure of this study 50 Figure 3.4 Procedure of data analysis for competences 57 Figure 4.1 Main business flowchart of firm A 67 Figure 4.2 Main business flowchart of firm B 68 Figure 4.3 Main business flowchart of firm C 69 Figure 4.4 Main business flowchart of firm D 70 Figure 4.5 Main business flowchart of firm E 71 Figure 4.6 Main business flowchart of firm F 72 Figure 4.7 Main business flowchart of firm G 73 LIST OF TABLES Table 2.1 Invest volume and number of investment from Japan to Taiwan 10 Table 2.2 Investment volumes to Taiwan by countries from 2003 to 2005 11 Table 2.3 Top five industries by investment volumes from Japan to Taiwan in 2006 12 Table 2.4 Product volumes of ten priority emerging industries in 1992 and 2002 15 Table 2.5 Main products of ten priority emerging industries 16 Table 2.6 Top ten Taiwanese firms in terms of turnover in 2006 17 Table 2.7 Top ten Taiwanese firms in terms of net profit for 2006 18 Table 2.8 Global competitiveness of Taiwan from 2004 to 2006 19 Table 2.9 Definition of high-tech industry by OECD 20 Table 2.10 Top five job opportunities for Japanese speaking Taiwanese 21 Table 2.11 Management issues to increasing competitiveness in Asian Countries 22 Table 2.12 Strategies to achieve objectives of higher educations in Taiwan 25 Table 2.13 Number of institutions, teachers and students of higher educations in Japanese studies 26 Table 2.14 Purposes of studying Japanese in higher educational institutes in Taiwan 27 Table 2.15 Competences by Spencer & Spencer vs. McCelland 29 Table 2.16 Most common competences by Wood and Payne 30 Table 2.17 Eight basic and twenty-nine trendy competences in Japan by Iwawaki 33 Table 2.18 Seven categories of twenty-nine trendy competences in Japan by wawaki 34 Table 2.19 Five categories of core competences adapted by Kadogata and Yahata 34 Table 2.20 Ranking of required competences in Taiwan by 104 cooperation 36 Table 2.21 Studies for the analyses of competence at high-tech industry in Taiwan 37 Table 2.22 Required competences for sales in IBM 42 Table 2.23 Generic competence model for salespeople by Spencer & Spencer 43 Table 3.1 Five types pf competence characteristics by Spencer and Spencer 46 Table 3.2 Characteristics of four qualitative research approaches 52 Table 3.3 Research subject 53 Table 3.4 Research subject for salespeople 54 Table 4.1 Information of research firms 64 Table 4.2 Information of interviewees and interview schedule 65 Table 4.3 Twenty competences based on the competence dictionary by Spencer & Spence 74 Table 4.4 Competence of achievement orientation 76 Table 4.5 Competence of helping and human service 78 Table 4.6 Competence of impact and influence 80 Table 4.7 Competence of managerial 82 Table 4.8 Competence of cognitive 83 Table 4.9 Competences of personal effectiveness 86 Table 4.10 Superiority of management in Japanese firms and Taiwanese firms 100

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