研究生: |
郭明松 ming-song Kuo |
論文名稱: |
青少年原住民與非原住民對運動覺之影響 The Differences of Kinesthetic Sense Between Teenagers and Aboriginal Teenagers |
指導教授: | 林德隆 |
學位類別: |
碩士 Master |
系所名稱: |
體育學系 Department of Physical Education |
論文出版年: | 2005 |
畢業學年度: | 93 |
語文別: | 中文 |
論文頁數: | 81 |
中文關鍵詞: | 運動覺 |
英文關鍵詞: | Kinesthetic sense |
論文種類: | 學術論文 |
相關次數: | 點閱:261 下載:27 |
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研 究 生:郭明松
日 期:2005年六月
摘 要
本研究目的以不同種族-原住民與非原住民對運動覺表現能力之影響,針對身體上下肢段-上肢運動覺與下肢運動覺進行相關性與差異性之探究。研究對象:以屏東地區60名原住民與60名非原住民國中二年級女生均未曾參與運動訓練者為主,共計120名。研究實驗內容:上肢運動覺之測量以肘關節最佳內收位移45度與90度角為基準;下肢運動覺之測量以髖關節最佳位移距離30公分與60公分為基準,而下肢運動覺之測量基準採重測信度係數分析(30公分,r=.822;60公分。r=.789),各試做3次並以絕對誤差AE值計算之。統計方式採SPSS 10.0套裝軟體,研究結果以混合設計二因子變異數分析求兩種族之間對上、下肢運動覺表現能力之差異性;以皮爾森積差相關求原住民對上、下肢運動覺表現能力之相關性。結果顯示:原住民在上肢與下肢運動覺之表現都比非原住民來的優異。由上述結果進而論證:種族差異(屏東地區原住民與非原住民)是影響運動覺能力表現的重要因素之一。實驗結果也證實,屏東地區青少年原住民在上肢與下肢運動覺表現能力之間成正相關。結論:運動覺的表現能力會因種族不同而有所差異。
The Differences of Kinesthetic Sense Between
Teenagers and Aboriginal Teenagers
The research subjects are teenagers and aboriginal teenagers. The purpose of this research is to investigate the different performing abilities of kinesthetic sense between these two races. I used two different parts of limbs, which were upper limbs and lower limbs, to measure the kinesthetic sense. Moreover, the relationship between the upper limbs kinesthetic sense and the lower limbs kinesthetic sense of those aboriginal teenagers would be discussed at the same time. First of all, I selected 60 teenagers and 60 aboriginal teenagers, who were junior high school girl students in Pingtung never taking athletic training, as my subjects. Forty-five and ninety degrees of inner flexion were set to be the criterion of upper limbs. Thirty and sixty centimeters movements distance were set to be the criterion of lower limbs. The measurement of lower limbs kinesthetic senses was analyzed according to the reliability. The reliability of thirty centimeters is .789, and sixty centimeters is .822. The reliability test was tried three times for each and was measured by AE. The SPSS 10.0 package software was used to gather the statistics. The statistics was analyzed with the two-way mixed-design ANOVA to find out the differences between upper and lower limbs kinesthetic senses, and with Pearson’s Product-moment correlation to find out the correlation between upper and lower limbs kinesthetic senses. The research result revealed that aboriginal teenagers performed better than non-aboriginal teenagers in both upper and lower limbs kinesthetic senses. In other words, different races played a crucial part in kinesthetic performances. Besides, upper and lower limbs kinesthetic senses of aboriginal teenagers showed a positive correlation, that is, with great upper limbs kinesthetic performances, the aboriginal teenagers definitely have great lower limbs kinesthetic performances.
Key words:Kinesthetic sense
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