研究生: |
劉子鍵 Tzu-Chien Liu |
論文名稱: |
認知測量在APM和新編圖形推理能力測驗效度化上的驗證研究 An Empirical Study of Cognitive Measurement on the Validation of APM and NFRT |
指導教授: |
Lin, Sieh-Hwa |
學位類別: |
博士 Doctor |
系所名稱: |
教育心理與輔導學系 Department of Educational Psychology and Counseling |
論文出版年: | 2000 |
畢業學年度: | 88 |
語文別: | 中文 |
論文頁數: | 285 |
中文關鍵詞: | 認知測量 、高級圖形推理測驗 、測驗編製 、構念效度 、解題歷程 、圖形推理 、自動命題及施測系統 |
英文關鍵詞: | cognitive measurement, APM, test design, construct validity, problem-solving process, automatic item-generation and online testing system |
論文種類: | 學術論文 |
相關次數: | 點閱:438 下載:25 |
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The study contains the following purposes: (1) exploring the test-structure of Raven’s Advanced Progressive Matrics (APM), (2) examining the process of solving APM, (3) investigating possible factors that affect the construct validity of APM, (4) developing New Figure Reasoning Test (NFRT), using cognitive measurement approach test design model and computer technology, (5) contrasting APM and NFRT from the viewpoints of test designing and empirical analysis, and (6) developing an automatic item-generation and online testing system for NFRT.
The main findings of the research results can be summarized as follows.
1.Test-structure of APM: The one-factor model can better explain the response patterns of both the high-school samples and the college samples. Since the main factor can not account for the variance validly, some other factors are believed to affect the test-structure.
2.Problem-solving process of APM: Constant in low rule, quantitative pairwise progression rule, figure addition or subtraction rule, distribution of three values rule, and distribution of two values rules—five problem-solving rules proposed by Carpenter et al. (1990)—can explain clearly how the testers induct and deduct while working on APM.
3.Other factors that affect the construct validity of APM: In addition to ability of induction and deduction, abilities not related to measurement goals—such as abstract thinking ability at a higher level, goal-management ability, mental flexibility, strategies of problem-solving, and learning ability—are all required by the process of solving APM. APM henceforth has poor construct validity.
4.Construct validity of NFRT: The construct validity of NFRT can be revealed by the following: (a) the test-structure of NFRT meets one-factor model; (b) Constant in low rule, quantitative pairwise progression rule, figure addition or subtraction rule, and distribution of three values rule can account for how the testers induct or deduct in the problem-solving process; (c) NFRT has a good nomothetic span.
5.Contrast between NFRT and APM: Unlike APM, NFRT has drawn attention of the researcher when he designs the test not only to more carefully control the cognitive process related to the measurement goal, but also to exclude affective factors that are not related to the measurement goals. The contrast between the empirical results of NFRT and APM reveal that the construct validity of the former is better than the latter.
6.Functions of automatic item-generation and online testing system: Responding to a specific input, the system can produce a test item with specific content features and specific difficulty, and yet various surface features. Secondly, the system can control the testing process according to specific inputs. Moreover, the system can generate an item automatically and give it out immediately. Finally, the system can keep track of the information of testing process, item features and testers’ response.
The study concludes with suggestions for using the two tests and further research.
林世華、劉子鍵和梁仁楷(民87)。認知設計系統的建構與試題輔助產生引擎的運作—以二度空間視覺化測驗為例。師大學報,34(1), 17-32 。
劉子鍵(民83)。LISREL-MANOVA 與傳統 MANOVA 的比較與模擬分析。台北市:國立政治大學教育研究所碩士論文(未出版)。