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Author: 白泰澤
Pai, Tai-Tse
Thesis Title: 心理師參與心理劇之負向經驗及其轉化
Negative Experiences of Psychologists Participating in Psychodrama and Their Transformations
Advisor: 田秀蘭
Tien, Hsiu-Lan
Lai, Nien-Hwa
Committee: 鈕文英
Niew, Wern-Ing
You, Shu-Yu
Chou , Chi-Chu
Tien, Hsiu-Lan
Lai, Nien-Hwa
Approval Date: 2021/10/19
Degree: 博士
Department: 教育心理與輔導學系
Department of Educational Psychology and Counseling
Thesis Publication Year: 2021
Academic Year: 109
Language: 中文
Number of pages: 210
Keywords (in Chinese): 負向經驗心理劇心理師轉化
Keywords (in English): negative experience, psychodrama, psychologist, transformation
Research Methods: 現象學
Thesis Type: Academic thesis/ dissertation
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  • 本研究採用質性研究中的現象學研究法,主要使用個別深度訪談,在個別訪談資料不足之處,則以通訊訪談的方式作補充,旨在了解心理師參與心理劇之負向經驗及其轉化的內涵,以及分析心理師參與心理劇之負向經驗及其轉化的脈絡,本研究共有一位前導研究者和九位心理師參與。本研究結論如下:(1)心理師參與心理劇之負向經驗內涵分布在特定階段和橫跨不同階段,特定階段包括團體內和團體外;(2)心理劇的影響力有相應之衝擊與限制,同時心理劇也能催化負向經驗轉化;(3)不良的互動形成心理師的負向經驗,而團體內和團體外的正向互動則能形成轉化;(4)團體中創造力準則運作不良時,會影響導演、輔角的自發性與創造力,心理師期望導演有自發性與創造力,也給予輔角自發性的空間。此研究結果呈現以下意涵:(1)導演可以考量在招募成員時,或團體一開始的時候,分享成員可能出現負向經驗的情況,同時有心理師表示參與本研究讓他知道原來也有其他心理師有參與心理劇之負向經驗,如此未來心理劇的成員在有類似經歷時可以獲得普同感;(2)想要擔任導演的人要對心理劇這個強而有力的工具,讓許多人獲得正向的意義,但仍有其相應的衝擊或帶來負向經驗的風險有更深刻的認識,同時當成員反應參與心理劇團體有負向經驗時,導演也可以在適當的時候,透過心理劇的替身或分享等技術,協助成員轉化之;(3)導演在帶領團體時,要能夠理解成員是否與團體領導者、其他成員或者團體中的事件有了不良的互動,同時協助成員能從與導演本身或其他團體成員的互動中,獲得矯正性的經驗,或是協助他尋找適合他的導演、團體,或鼓勵他從團體外的互動中獲得協助;(4)導演在進入團體前可以協助自己暖身,讓自己在團體中能夠保有自發性與創造力,同時能夠給予輔角自發的空間,邀請輔角進入協作的歷程;而當導演自身受到平行議題影響時,能有所覺察,並適時地自我揭露,以一個真實的人之狀態與成員互動。

    This research adopted phenomenological research method, mainly using individual in–depth interviews, and supplemented insufficient information by remote interviews. The purpose of this study is to understand the negative experience and its transformations of psychologists participating in psychodrama as well as analyse the context of the negative experience and its transformation. In total one pilot participant and nine psychologists participated in this research. This study drew the following conclusions: (1) The negative experience of psychologists participating in psychodrama happened at specific stages and across different stages, both within and outside the group; (2) Psychodrama had corresponding impacts and limitations, and can also catalyze the transformation of negative experience; (3) The psychologist’s negative experience resulted from negative interactions, while positive interactions within and outside the group can transform negative experience; (4) Poor execution of the creativity canon affected the spontaneity and creativity of the director and auxiliary ego. The psychologist expected the director to have spontaneity and creativity, and also give the auxiliary ego space to act spontaneously. These findings suggest that: (1) The director may consider when recruiting members, or at the beginning of the group, to share with the members about the possibility of any negative experience. A psychotherapist expressed that participation in this study lead to his knowledge of other psychotherapists with negative experience in psychodrama––––the insight can help future members of the psychodrama gain universal feeling when they have negative experience. (2) Those who want to serve as directors must have deeper understanding of psychodrama, a powerful tool that allows many people to gain positive meaning, while understand the corresponding impact or the risk of negative experience. Whenever participants report negative experience in a psychodrama group, the director can assist the members to transform it through techniques such as double or sharing at an appropriate time; (3) When leading the group, the director must be able to understand if members have bad interactions with the group leader, other members, or other events in the group. The director should assist the members to obtain corrective experience from their interactions with him or other members, or assist them to find another suitable director or group, or encourage them to get help from interactions outside the group; (4) The director can help himself warm up before entering the group to maintain his spontaneity and creativity in the group. The director must be able to give the auxiliary egos spontaneous space and invite them to enter the process of collaboration. When the director himself is affected by parallel issues, he should be aware of it, and disclose himself in a timely manner to interact with the members with full truthfulness.

    謝詞 i 中文摘要 iii 英文摘要 v 目次 vii 表次 xi 圖次 xiii 第一章 緒論 1 第一節 研究背景與動機 1 第二節 研究目的與問題 5 第三節 名詞定義 6 第二章 文獻探討 9 第一節 心理劇基本概念與正向效果研究 9 第二節 心理劇負向效應研究 29 第三節 心理治療負向效應轉化 39 第三章 研究方法 45 第一節 研究派典—現象學 45 第二節 研究參與者 47 第三節 研究工具 49 第四節 資料蒐集方法 55 第五節 資料分析 59 第六節 研究歷程 65 第七節 研究倫理 70 第八節 研究品質 71 第四章 研究結果與討論 75 第一節 心理師參與心理劇之負向經驗及其轉化的內涵 75 第二節 心理師參與心理劇之負向經驗及其轉化的脈絡 127 第三節 綜合討論 146 第五章 結論與建議 177 第一節 研究結論 177 第二節 研究建議 181 參考文獻 185 中文部份 185 英文部分 188 附錄 199 附錄一 研究邀請函 199 附錄二 研究參與者知情同意書 201 附錄三 研究參與者檢核紀錄工具 204 附錄四 研究活動和省思日誌 205 附錄五 同儕探詢紀錄工具 206 附錄六 訪談指引 207 附錄七 逐字稿謄寫保密同意書 209 附錄八 同儕探詢保密同意書 210

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