簡易檢索 / 詳目顯示

研究生: 葉書瑜
Yeh-shu yu
論文名稱: 婚禮攝影表現研究
A Research of the Performance of Wedding Photography
指導教授: 梁桂嘉
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 設計學系
Department of Design
論文出版年: 2010
畢業學年度: 98
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 108
中文關鍵詞: 婚禮攝影畫意攝影純粹攝影紀實攝影攝影思考
英文關鍵詞: wedding photography, artistic photography, pure photography, documentary photography, photographical thinking
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:109下載:31
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  • 攝影經過一百八十年的發展,終究確立藝術的地位與價值。近年來因為多媒體藝術的發展,攝影以一種前所未有的方式進入到我們的生活,而婚禮是每個人一生中一輩子一次的大事 ,因此人們對於高品質影像的需求更為強烈。

    Photography’s legitimate status as a form of art has been gradually solidified since its invention 180 years or so ago. Furthermore, due to the development of multi-media art in the past recent years, photography has ambled its way into the everyday lives of ours, and while weddings are considered a most essential moment in most people’s lives, the aspirations and needs for higher quality images have thus grown.

    The maturing of the technology of DSLRs comes to meet this market need at the right timing, and sees the blooming of wedding photography. Wedding photography fails to fall into any traditional photographical school / category, for the photographed include a bunch of people, scenes, things and also take on a documentary quality. Also, the many uncontrollable variables on scene add to the difficulty of wedding photography. All the afore-mentioned challenges that append to wedding photography lead to the birth of this research.

    This research aims to discuss the artistic status of wedding photography and is meant to compare wedding photography with western paintings in terms of the employment of lighting. It also intends to discuss the analytical compositional structures within each frame and to analyze the winning photographical works of Wedding & Portrait Photographers International (WPPI). Thru the discussion of the application of light and shadow in artistic photography, pure photography, documentary photography and paintings, this research will hopefully serve as and fortify the theoretical basis for my works.

    Three consequences have thus been gained:

    A. After a series of studies of the literary works in question, this research has inductively examined the visual and psychological effects of different types of lighting seen in artistic photography, pure photography and documentary photography and also its application in wedding photography. A good wedding photographical work has be capable of linking the inner thoughts with the outer circumstance by the photographer’s careful observation and imagination. And a successful wedding photographical work may have one or many qualities, though the number of the qualities it possesses doesn’t necessarily serve as the factor of success. When shooting, photographers can closely examine the angles he wishes to adopt and the objects thru those qualities. Viewers, too, can analyze and understand the thoughts of the photographers.

    B. By analyzing the winning works of WPPI, it is concluded that a successful wedding photographical work is always compatible with the mood of the situation as well as the movements of the photographed, regardless of races and cultures. Pure photography will exert its power only when the photographer is familiar enough with all the basic skills, in addition to his or her sharp observation, imagination, power to associate things, creativity and aesthetic experiences.

    C. Thru photography, it is found that photographical thinking plays a very important role in photographing. A good piece of work is seen at the last stage by its viewers, while the process of photographing hasn’t been in much of their consideration. Plate 2-5 that shows the process and plate 2-6 that is of the theoretical model will help to clarify the process in which thinking is required and will help the photographer to merge into the realtime situation, and lastly to take better pictures thru thinking.

    目錄 第一章:緒論 1.1研究動機與背景 1 1.2研究目的 2 1.3研究範圍與限制 3 1.4研究流程 4 第二章。文獻探討 2.1 光線、顏色原理及特性探討 5 2.1-1光線生成的原因與特性 5 2.1-2光色彩的心理效果 6 2.1-3光色彩的心理感受 6 2.1.4關於顏色的寓意跟聯想 8 2.1.5色彩與攝影 11 2.2西洋繪畫光線探討 13 2.2.1分析西洋繪畫的光 14 2.2.2小結 21 2.3攝影的光 22 2.3.1攝影的光源特性 23 2.3.2光線的視覺特性 24 2.3.3光源形式 27 2.4攝影和繪畫的差異 28 2.4.1攝影與繪畫的語言效果及視覺效果 28 2.4.2攝影與繪畫的時間性 29 2.4.3攝影和繪畫的真實與寫實 30 2.4.4攝影和繪畫的光源特性 30 2.4.5小結 33 2.5婚禮攝影探討 34 2.5.1攝影史的發展 37 2.5.2畫意派攝影(Pictorial Photography) 38 2.5-3純粹攝影(Purism Photography) 40 2.5-4紀實攝影(Documentary Photography) 43 2.6小結 47 第三章 研究方法 3.1婚禮攝影作品蒐集與分類 48 3.1.1蒐集與整理 48 3-2婚禮攝影作品的特徵分析 53 3.2.1分析依據之架構 53 3.2.2WPPI婚禮攝影作品分析 54 3.3小結 64 第四章 婚禮攝影創作表現與說明 4.1創作說明 65 4.1.1婚禮攝影創作-畫意攝影部分 67 4.1.2婚禮攝影創作-畫意攝影部分 72 4.1.3婚禮攝影創作-畫意攝影部分 76 4.1.4婚禮攝影創作-畫意攝影部分 79 4.1.5婚禮攝影創作-純粹攝影部分 81 4.1.6婚禮攝影創作-純粹攝影部分 85 4.1.7婚禮攝影創作-純粹攝影部分 88 4.1.8婚禮攝影創作-純粹攝影部分 91 4.1.9婚禮攝影創作-純粹攝影部分 94 第五章 結論與建議 5.1研究結論 105 5.2研究建議與後續研究方向 106 參考文獻 107


    5.吳光亞(譯)(2009)Michael Freeman著。《攝影師之眼》大家出版社。
    6.李文吉(譯)(2004)Arthur Rothstein著。《紀實攝影》。遠流出版社。
    11. 許綺玲(譯)(1998)華特.班雅明著。《迎向靈光消逝的年代》。台灣攝影。
    12. 盛繼潤(譯)(1990)吉澤爾 . 弗倫德 著。《攝影與社會》。攝影家出版社。
    13. 曾文中(譯)(1997) PARRAMON'S EDITORIAL TEAM著。《光與影的祕密》。三民書局股份有限公司。
    廖澺蒼(譯)(2005) Peter Ward 著。《影視攝影與構圖》。五南文化事業。
    19.閻凱毅(譯)(1981)。Angus Mcdougall/Gerald D.Hurley著。《視覺的震撼》。時報文化出版事業有限公司。
    20.魯道夫.亞因海姆著(Rudolf Arnheim)在《Art and Visual Perception,藝術與視知覺》。

    外文圖書 --(依照筆劃順序排序)
    1.SUSAN SONTAG 著《攝影論》(1998)。唐山出版社。
    2.The Arsthetic Understanding CH.9,(London,Methuen,1983),p105


    1.Monique Sicard 莫尼克‧西卡爾:作品之光自何而來?—論攝影圖像之藝術與
    2.什麼是攝影的本質? 傑夫·沃爾談攝影。藝術世界雜誌 2002 年 1 月期刊。

    學位論文 --(依照筆劃順序排序)

    1.林照鈞(2008)傑夫.沃爾(Jeff Wall)攝影作品中的「繪畫性」之形式。國立台灣師範大學。
    3.許日亮 (2005)光影與律動的表現與運用—許日亮舞蹈影像攝影創作論述。國立新竹教育大學。
    4.陳靜慧(2002)色影都會-繪話光影色彩的表現 。國立台灣師範大學。

    網頁資料 --(依照筆劃順序排序)

    奇摩新聞。 2010年4月3日。取自http://tw.news.yahoo.com/article/url/d/a/100403/4/238ah.html?
    4.國際婚紗及人像攝影協會。 2010年2月8日 ,取自http://www.wppionline.com/
    視丘攝影圖書館。 2010年3月10日 。取自http://www.fotosoft.com.tw/book/papers/library-1-1009.htm
    6.管伯伯 。台灣針孔攝影聯盟。 2010年4月10日 ,取自http://www.wretch.cc/blog/pipemore7/3149191
    8.選擇婚禮攝影師的要訣。 2010年2月10日,取自http://space.rayfme.com/44011/viewspace-3426
    9.[講座心得] 好萊塢御用婚禮攝影師--喬必信。 2010年4月7日 。取自http://www.wretch.cc/blog/boyen/11855048&tpage=1
    10.Joe Buissink 演講會。 2010年2月10日,取自http://blog.yam.com/sowang/article/13949299
