研究生: |
蔡於儒 |
論文名稱: |
百公尺跑地面反作用力的控制與技術動作研究 |
指導教授: | 黃長福 |
學位類別: |
碩士 Master |
系所名稱: |
體育學系 Department of Physical Education |
論文出版年: | 2001 |
畢業學年度: | 89 |
語文別: | 中文 |
論文頁數: | 100 |
中文關鍵詞: | 短跑、地面反作用力、水平衝量、制動衝量、加速衝量 、sprint, ground reaction force, horizontal impulse, braking impulse, propelling impulse . |
論文種類: | 學術論文 |
相關次數: | 點閱:361 下載:155 |
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國立台灣師範大學體育學系 碩士學位論文百公尺跑地面反作用力的控制與技術動作研究研究生 蔡於儒 指導教授 黃長福 摘 要本研究為結合短跑技術動作訓練之長時間性的研究計劃,其目的主要是藉由百公尺途中跑技術動作的訓練來控制支撐時期水平地面反作用力(ground reaction force)的變化,以增加推蹬離地時重心水平速度,提昇短跑成績。實驗受試者為國內五位優秀短跑運動員(100公尺選手3名、400公尺選手2名),實驗過程中利用高速攝機(Redlake,250Hz)進行矢狀面(sagittal plane) 2D拍攝以取得相關運動學參數資料,並以Kistler (1000Hz) 測力板取得垂直與水平方向支撐時期的地面反作用力參數。經過各訓練階段的跑步技術動作訓練,運動員百公尺跑成績得到很好的提昇,其中蔡孟霖在100公尺跑項目中以10秒36的成績打破高懸15年的全國記錄,張博智在200公尺跑項目中以20秒81的成績打破懸掛7年之久的全國記錄,其他運動員短跑成績亦獲得相當的進步。而本研究主要的結果為:(一)著地緩衝階段,縮短著地距離及減小著地瞬間腳相對地面水平速度可以減少制動衝量(braking impulse)的產生;(二)後蹬階段,支撐腿推蹬離地瞬間膝關節角度未充分蹬伸,表現出屈蹬式的動作,加速衝量(propelling impulse)增加;(三)支撐時期水平衝量的增加提昇離地時重心水平速度,騰空時期重心水平位移因而增加,步幅增大;而縮短支撐時間,步頻增快;(四)通過測試,下肢在跑動過程中,足-地接觸時的地面反作用力與步幅、步頻間的關係及其規律性可以用於運動訓練及檢測技術的優劣。由以上研究結果可知,水平衝量變化合理與否攸關運動表現,短跑技術的好壞可通過地面反作用力表現出來。關鍵詞:短跑、地面反作用力、水平衝量、制動衝量、加速衝量 The study of the control and technique of ground reaction force during 100m sprint Tsai yu-ju Chenfu Huang ABSTRACT The purpose of this study is to control the ground reaction force by training the running techniques of the 100m sprint in order to improve the performance. Five elite Taiwan male sprinter served as the subjects. One Rellake high speed camera (250Hz) was synchronized with a Kistler force plate (model 9287,1000Hz) to collect the subjects running motion . Another Relake camera (250Hz) was set up at 60m to collect the 2D running data .The Kinemctic and Kinetic variables were analyzed by Peak Motus system and Kistler Bioware Software. The results showed all subjects improved their performance during four training sessions. Two subjects, Tsai Meng Lin broke the 15 years 100m sprint record (10.36 s) and Chang Po Chih broke the seven years 200m sprint record (20.81 s) during the competition. The major findings were (1) during the landing phase, reduce the landing distance and the swing leg velocity decreases the braking impulse. (2) during the take off phase, the knee of the take off leg was not fully extended which increase the propelling impulse. (3) the CG velocity at take off, CG displacement during flight phase, stride length, stride rate all increased and support time decreased during running stride. (4) It was concluded that the relationships among the ground reaction forces, stride length, stride rate can be used for evaluated the sprint performance. It was suggested that the horizontal impulse during the support phase can indicate the technique of sprint performance. Key words:sprint, ground reaction force, horizontal impulse, braking impulse, propelling impulse .
The purpose of this study is to control the ground reaction force by training
the running techniques of the 100m sprint in order to improve the performance.
Five elite Taiwan male sprinter served as the subjects. One Rellake high speed
camera (250Hz) was synchronized with a Kistler force plate (model 9287,1000Hz)
to collect the subjects running motion . Another Relake camera (250Hz) was set
up at 60m to collect the 2D running data .The Kinemctic and Kinetic variables
were analyzed by Peak Motus system and Kistler Bioware Software.
The results showed all subjects improved their performance during four
training sessions. Two subjects, Tsai Meng Lin broke the 15 years 100m sprint
record (10.36 s) and Chang Po Chih broke the seven years 200m sprint record (
20.81 s) during the competition. The major findings were (1) during the
landing phase, reduce the landing distance and the swing leg velocity
decreases the braking impulse. (2) during the take off phase, the knee of the
take off leg was not fully extended which increase the propelling impulse. (3)
the CG velocity at take off, CG displacement during flight phase, stride
length, stride rate all increased and support time decreased during running
stride. (4) It was concluded that the relationships among the ground reaction
forces, stride length, stride rate can be used for evaluated the sprint
It was suggested that the horizontal impulse during the support phase can
indicate the technique of sprint performance.
Key words:sprint, ground reaction force, horizontal impulse, braking impulse,
propelling impulse .
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