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Author: 羅廷瑛
Lo, Ting-Ying
Thesis Title: 「重新作決定」團體諮商對國小單親男童忠誠性衝突、社會焦慮及生命腳本諮商效果之研究
The Effects of Redecision Therapy Group Counseling on the Loyalty Conflict, Social Anxiety, and Life Script of Boys with Divorced Parents
Advisor: 劉焜輝
Degree: 碩士
Department: 教育心理與輔導學系
Department of Educational Psychology and Counseling
Academic Year: 84
Language: 中文
Number of pages: 201
Keywords (in Chinese): 團體諮商單親男童
Thesis Type: Academic thesis/ dissertation
Reference times: Clicks: 416Downloads: 0
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  • 本研究的主要目的在以重新作決定學派為理論基礎,運用團體的動力,以了解本研究者所設計的「重新作決定」團體諮商是否能降低單親男童忠誠性衝突和社會焦慮。

    The purpose of this study is to examine whether the group counseling program influenced loyalty conflict, social anxiety and life script of boys with divorced parents.
    The group counseling program was based on the Redecision Therapy. The method of small - group dynamics is used for performing the group counseling program. The subjects were from Wang-Shi Elementary School in Taipei County. Twelve boys were randomly selected from 28 4th - grade volunteers with divorced parents. Expermtal design was applied for this study. Therefore, the 12 boys were randomly assigned to the experimental group and the control group. Each group was composed of six boys. The experimental group was given group counseling treatment. twice sessions a week. Everv session took 70 minutes with the total of the 10 sessions. On the other hand. the control group did not receive any treatment. The group counseling was based on the Redecision Therapy.
    The test instruments used in this study were (1)Parent and I Scale; and, (2)Life Story Questionnaire, Designed by the author; and, (3)the Questionnaire modified from the Scale for the Life of Elementary Students. The test methods was used in this study were the statistical to technique known as Analsis of Covariance was used to analyze the data from the Parent and I Scale and the Scale for the School Life of Elementary Student. In addition the above quantitative research, the qualitative research was used to analyze the Life Story Questionnaire; and hence, to distinguish the change of the life script of the experimental group in the group process. Moreover, the record of the group process taken by the observer and the author and the feedback of the children are used to supply and support the effect of the group counseling.
    The major findings of this study are summarized as follow:
    1. The Effects of Redecision Therapy Group Counseling
    (1) There was no significant difference between the score of loyalty conflict for both experimental group and control group.
    (2) The score of social anxiety and critical anxiety for boys in the experimental group were significant lower when compared with those of the boys in the control group.
    (3) By analyzing the life script. it was found that the groupcounseling program had an positive effect on the loyalty conflict and social anxiety of the boys of the experimental group.
    2. The Effect of Group Process
    (1)Group atmosphere and group dynamics are different in group process.
    (2)The self- evaluation by the boys in the experimental group showed a high level of satisfaction in, group order, group interaction, activity, and group impressions. This finding indicated the necessity and importance of the group counseling.
    Finally, the implication of this study in education and guidance and teh future research of this field was discussed.
