簡易檢索 / 詳目顯示

研究生: 陳玉枝
Chen, Yuh-Chih
論文名稱: 體育課學生行為之描述分析--以台北縣國民小學開放教育之體育教學為例
A Descriptive Analysis of Students' Behavior in Physical
指導教授: 趙麗雲
Chao, Li-Yun
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 體育學系
Department of Physical Education
畢業學年度: 84
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 81
中文關鍵詞: 學生行為參與運動時間體育教學國民小學開放教育
英文關鍵詞: student behavior, motor engagement time, physical education, elementary school, open education
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:125下載:0
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  • 本研究的目的在描述臺北縣實施開放教育的國民小學,學生上

    體育課時行為表現及參與運動時間(motor engagement time ,簡稱 MET)
    百分比的分配情形,進而探討影響學生MET的教學情境因素。 研究
    方法在過程上採用結構、非參與性的觀察,輔以訪談及樣 本補充資料的
    調查。以隨機抽樣的方式,抽取20個班級中 100位學 生作為觀察記
    錄的對象。採用修訂過的體育課學生行為(behavior of student in
    physical education,簡稱BESTPED)觀察系統,透 過教學實況錄影,使
    用五秒間歇記錄和群集時間抽樣的系統觀察技 術。研究結果經綜合分析
    討論後,得到以下結論: 一、學生行為:主動參與學習的行為太少
    ,被動式的學習行為 是學生的主要行為,與傳統教育的學生行為相近
    。 二、學生參與運動時間:學生在體育課中參與運動的時間仍然
    偏低;與一般體育教學的學生一樣,仍以技能練習為主。 三、教學
    的先在變項及情境變項與學生參與運動時間:教學年 資較久、具體育專
    業訓練及任教科任的教師,其學生MET 較高;小
    校、小班、高年級、男生、混齡合班、球類活動項目以及教學進程 愈後
    者的教學情境,其學生MET 較高。

    The purpose of this study was to describe participation
    behavior of student in P.E. classes. Subjects were from
    elementary schools of " open education " . Students'motor
    engagent time (MET) was recorded. Besides, Factors
    influencing MET were discussed. The method of
    structured observation and interview were used in this
    study. One hundred randomly selected students in twenty
    elementary school physical education classes were observed
    and recorded. The adaped BESTPED coping system, a five-
    second interval coding and ground time sampling technigue
    were used. The findings in this study were as follows :
    1. The students' behavior : The students learn in
    passive ways, just as the students receiving
    traditional education. 2. The students' MET : The
    percentage of MET found in this study is lower than
    those found in other studies. 3. The teaching
    presage variables & context vaiables and the students'
    MET : Students' MET are higher for students in
    classes taught by teachers who are more experienced in
    teaching, were P.E. majors in college, and teach
    certain subjects. The percentage of MET was higher
    under the factors of small school , male student,
    mixed-age class, higher grade levels, ball games
    and latter teaching process.
    The purpose of this study was to describe participation
