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研究生: 胡慧兒
Hui-er Hu
論文名稱: 台灣高職學生英語後設認知閱讀策略使用探究
An Investigation of Taiwanese Vocational High School Students' Use of Metacognitive Reading Strategies
指導教授: 陳秋蘭
Chen, Chiou-Lan
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 英語學系
Department of English
論文出版年: 2012
畢業學年度: 100
語文別: 英文
論文頁數: 101
中文關鍵詞: 後設認知閱讀策略閱讀能力高職學生閱讀策略
英文關鍵詞: Metacognitive reading strategies, reading proficiency, vocational high school students, reading strategies
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:139下載:59
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  • 本研究旨在探討台灣高職學生的英文後設認知閱讀策略,以及與英文閱讀能力之間的關係。台灣北部某高職194位學生參加本項研究。藉由一份修改自Mokhtari & Sheorey(2002)的閱讀策略問卷,以及全民英檢中級的閱讀能力測驗為主要實驗工具,研究者能回答研究問題。主要的研究發現如下:

    The study investigates Taiwanese vocational high school students’ use of metacognitive reading strategies, and their relationship with students’ performance on reading proficiency tests. A total 194 participants from a vocational high school in northern Taiwan joined the study. By adopting a modified Survey of Reading Strategy (M-SORS) questionnaire from Mokhtari & Sheorey (2002), and a reading proficiency test in the intermediate level of General English Proficiency Test, the researcher was able to answer the research questions of the present study. Major findings are as follows:
    1. Generally speaking, Taiwanese vocational high school students used metacognitive reading strategies at medium level.
    2. Among the three groups of metacognitive reading strategies, vocational high school students tended to rely on problem solving strategies the most, followed by support strategies, and global reading strategies.
    3. Problem solving strategies were proven to significantly correlate with students’ performance on vocabulary and structure, cloze, and reading comprehension test.
    4. Reading aloud was the least used metacognitive reading strategy by all participants. However, it was found to correlate significantly with learners’ overall reading proficiency. In addition, it was a crucial strategy that distinguished high proficiency learners from low ones.
    5. There was a significant difference between high and low reading proficiency learners’ use of metacognitive reading strategies, especially in the use of problem solving strategies. Low achievers’ frequent use of translation method was found to negatively correlate to their reading performance.
    The findings of this study re-iterated the importance of reading strategy instruction. Language teachers should incorporate the teaching of reading strategies into curriculum to raise students’ awareness, and provide opportunities for hands-on practice. Through reading strategy instruction, students can become strategic readers and are able to govern their reading process. In addition, language teachers can train students to read aloud to improve their reading comprehension. Finally, translation should be used with caution so as not to cause students’ over dependence on this strategy.

    CHINESE ABSTRACT.........................................i ENGLISH ABSTRACT........................................ii ACKNOWLEDGEMENT.........................................iv TABLE OF CONTENTS........................................v LIST OF TABLES........................................viii LIST OF FIGURES..........................................x CHAPTER ONE INTRODUCTION............................1 Background and Motivation............................1 Research Questions...................................4 Significance of the Study............................4 Organization of the Thesis...........................5 CHAPTER TWO LITERATURE REVIEW........................7 Learning Strategy....................................7 Language Learning Strategies.........................8 Instruments Developed to Measure Language Learning Strategies...............................................11 Studies on Language Learning Strategies..............11 Studies on Reading and Reading Strategies............13 Metacognition........................................15 Taxonomy of Metacognition............................16 Metacognition and Reading............................19 Instruments Developed for Measuring Metacognitive Reading Strategy Use.....................................21 Studies on Learners’ Metacognitive Reading Strategy Use 23 Summary..............................................28 CHAPTER THREE METHOD..................................29 Participants.........................................29 Instruments..........................................30 Modified Survey of Reading Strategies (M-SORS).......30 Pilot Study for Testing the M-SORS...................31 English Reading Proficiency Test.....................32 Piloting English Reading Proficiency Test............34 Procedure............................................35 Data Analysis........................................36 CHAPTER FOUR RESULTS.................................37 Metacognitive Reading Strategies Used by Vocational High School Students.....................................38 The Frequency of Use of Overall Metacognitive Reading Strategies...............................................39 The Frequency of Use of Individual Strategies........39 The Frequency of Use of Three Categories of Metacognitive Reading Strategies.........................41 Problem Solving Strategies (PROB)....................42 Support Strategies (SUP).............................44 Global Reading Strategies (GLOB).....................46 The Top Eleven Most Frequently Used Metacognitive Reading Strategies.......................................48 The Ten Least Frequently Used Metacognitive Reading Strategies...............................................50 The Relationship between Metacognitive Reading Strategy Use and Students’ Performance on Reading Proficiency Test.....................................................53 Strategy Use and Reading Proficiency Test............53 Individual Strategy Use and the Reading Proficiency Test.....................................................54 Overall Strategy Use and the Three Subtests of the Reading Proficiency Test.................................56 Three Categories of Metacognitive Reading Strategies and Three Subtests of the Reading Proficiency Test.......57 Individual Strategy Use and Vocabulary and Structure Section..................................................57 Individual Strategy Use and Cloze Section............59 Individual Strategy Use and Reading Comprehension Section..................................................60 High and Low Reading Proficiency Learners’ Use of Metacognitive Reading Strategies.........................61 Overall Strategy Use between High and Low Reading Proficiency Students.....................................62 Strategy Category Use between High and Low Reading Proficiency Group........................................63 Ten Most Frequently Used Metacognitive Reading Strategies by High and Low English Reading Proficiency Students.................................................63 Ten Least Frequently Used Metacognitive Reading Strategies by High and Low English Reading Proficiency Students.................................................66 Individual Strategies Used Significantly Different by High and Low Reading Proficiency Learners................68 Summary..............................................71 CHAPTER FIVE DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSION................72 Major Findings of the Present Study..................72 The Preference in the Use of Problem Solving Strategies 74 The Importance of Reading Aloud......................75 The Impact of Doing Translation......................75 Pedagogical Implications.............................76 The Use of Reading Aloud.............................77 Be Cautious About Applying Translation...............78 Direct Teaching of Metacognitive Reading Strategies..79 Limitations of the present study and Suggestions for future research..........................................81 Conclusion...........................................82 REFERENCES...............................................84 APPENDIX 1: Survey of Reading Strategies (SORS) by Mokhtari & Sheorey (2002).........................................96 Appendix 2: Unmodified SORS..............................98 Appendix 3: Modified- Survey of Reading Strategy (M-SORS)100

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