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研究生: 吳皇慶
Wu, Huang-Ching
論文名稱: 新世代多媒體線上科學素養評量的發展與應用
MOST for LESS: The Next Generation of Scientific Literacy Assessment
指導教授: 張俊彥
Chang, Chun-Yen
學位類別: 博士
系所名稱: 地球科學系
Department of Earth Sciences
論文出版年: 2019
畢業學年度: 107
語文別: 英文
論文頁數: 76
中文關鍵詞: 科學素養探究能力知識信念評量
英文關鍵詞: Scientific literacy, Inquiry ability, Epistemic beliefs, Assessment
DOI URL: http://doi.org/10.6345/NTNU201900382
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:149下載:38
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  • 本文作者在研究中發展了一套適用於小六學生的自然科學素養線上多媒體評量(MOST for LESS)。研究中作者進行了以下的工作:(1)討論臺灣科學教育改革的背景,(2)介紹和描述十二年國教自然科學領域課程綱要的的特點及其與國際相關研究的接軌情形,(3)評價現行評量試題的相對優勢和局限性,(4)描述MOST for LESS的試題架構,(5) 進行一系列試題分析來驗證效度,(6)運用試題實際評量六年級學生的科學素養。作者參考了有關科學素養評量的相關文獻,以十二年國教自然科學領域課程綱要作為試題架構,研究人員最終開發了33道多媒體線上評量試題,用於衡量學生的探究能力;以及20道用於衡量學生的科學態度和科學本質的問卷試題。測量結果表明, MOST for LESS具備可以接受的信效度、難易度和鑑別度。研究亦發現,學生的探究能力(包括問題解決能力和思考智能)與對科學知識的信念(Epistemic Beliefs)之間存在直接的因果關係。即使MOST for LESS具備可接受的試題品質,但未來還需要更多研究來確定測驗的效度。此外,未來若能輔以更多元的評量方式,將能獲得更完整且準確的科學素養評量結果,如此亦有助於提升研究的參考價值。最後,本研究除了提供國內外科學教育界一個小六學生科學素養評量發展的參考模組,更揭示透過引導小六學生發展科學的知識信念,將有助於他們展現更優異的探究能力。

    In this dissertation, the author (a) discussed the background of science education reform in Taiwan, (b) introduced and described the features of new science curriculum guidelines (NSCG), (c) evaluated the relative strengths and limitations of the present assessments, (d) described a framework for aligning assessment with the NSCG, (e) conducted a series of pilot studies for item analysis and (f) examined 6th graders’ scientific literacy (SL) via the validated assessment. The relevant literature on SL was reviewed. And in reference of the framework of Taiwan's NSCG, the researcher ultimately developed a multimedia online scientific test for literacy of elementary school students (MOST for LESS). The instrument contains 33 multimedia online items for measuring students’ inquiry ability and 20 items for measuring students’ attitude toward science and beliefs of the nature of science. The testing results indicate a direct causal link between students’ scientific inquiry (including problem solving and thinking abilities) and their epistemic beliefs (EB). While MOST meet the standard of reliability and validity, it needs to be further validated, in terms of directly applying MOST to SL-oriented curriculum, to test its’ capability of measuring students ' SL. In the future, MOST results must be complemented with other relevant test methods to provide an accurate evaluation of students' SL. MOST for LESS will be applied to Taiwan's scientific education community to help students develop SL while also providing the international science education community with a more convenient, low-burden and accurate way of assessing primary students’ SL.‬

    Note on contributors 1 Acknowledgment 2 摘要 3 Epitome 4 Prologue 5 Episode 1 7 Episode 2 25 Episode 3 53 Epilogue 76

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