研究生: |
葉麗津 Yeh, Li-Chin |
論文名稱: |
臺商在越南的25年投資經驗 ~ 以紡織成衣業為研究案例 A Silver Jubilee of Taiwanese Investment in Vietnam: A Case Study in the Textile and Apparel Industry |
指導教授: |
Ying, Yung-Hsiang |
學位類別: |
碩士 Master |
系所名稱: |
高階經理人企業管理碩士在職專班(EMBA) Executive Master of Business Administration |
論文出版年: | 2016 |
畢業學年度: | 104 |
語文別: | 中文 |
論文頁數: | 43 |
中文關鍵詞: | 雁型理論 、外人資金 、區域整合 、跨太平洋協定 、SWOT 分析 |
英文關鍵詞: | FG Model, FDI, regional cluster synergy, TPP, SWOT |
DOI URL: | https://doi.org/10.6345/NTNU202204813 |
論文種類: | 學術論文 |
相關次數: | 點閱:381 下載:0 |
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本研究以雁型理論(Flying Geese Model)觀察過去25年來臺商紡織業者從臺灣到越南投資設廠的轉化歷程。研究發現兩國的紡織成衣工業都是開始從依賴大量進口原物料、投入勞力密集的成衣加工,演進到以出口導向、在地生產原物料的主要創匯產業。這個發展過程在臺灣及越南的紡織成衣業發展史上,都留下了相當重要的軌跡。
透過對臺商管理者的深度訪談,本研究進一步以 SWOT 分析臺商在越南當地投資的優勢、劣勢、機會及威脅,對未來臺商紡織業者在越南的發展提出建議。紡織成衣業的臺商在越南未來的佈局,除了考量本身的專長,整合當地上、中、下游供應鏈,同時要評估投入的時空,及資源限制,作好危機管理,發展出差異性的策略更積極有效的因應全球性生產的商業模式變化。
Drawing on the Flying Geese (FG) model, this thesis studies the industrial shifts over the past 25 years of Taiwanese investment in the textile and apparel (T&A) industry in Vietnam. The findings evince similar developmental patterns and paths between Taiwan and Vietnam in the transforming T&A industry. Both countries started the investment from labor-intensive garment assembly factories and relied heavily on massive amounts of imported raw materials, then evolving, through learning from the early entry, to have been competent for producing raw materials to support the high demands of exportation. The T&A industry has become a major export sector with surplus for both Taiwan and Vietnam, where such transformational imprints have significant impacts on the national development of the T&A.
However, in the shifting paradigms of the flying geese in different geo-temporal contexts, Vietnam, following the paths of the predecessors (i.e., Taiwan, South Korea, Mainland China), progressed to be a producing country. Foreign direct investment (FDI) has been flowing in Vietnam due to the cheap labor cost, skillful manpower, comparably stable politics, and favorable tariffs beneficial to investors. Not only has the Vietnamese government improved the infrastructure of investment, but the country has been active in signing various free trade agreements (FTA) to contributing to the regional cluster synergy. With the Trans Pacific Partner (TPP) – led by the USA – under the final review now, the investment of the T&A in Vietnam catches all investors’ attention to adjusting their business strategies to meet the requirements.
Through the thorough interviews with Taiwanese corporate managers in the T&A industry, this study analyzes the strength, weakness, opportunity, and threat (SWOT) to propose trends, developments, and challenges of investing in Vietnam. In the deployment for Taiwanese investors in Vietnam, it is crucial to formulate differentiating business models while expanding and fortifying the complete supply chain through the vertical up-stream, middle-stream, and down-stream setups. It is also suggested that Taiwanese investors carefully evaluate individual limitations and proactively take effective measures to respond to global changes of production.
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