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研究生: 廖家琪
Liao, Chia-Chi
論文名稱: 慢性病患者之自我監控覺察、健康焦慮、疾病監控/控制與身心變動的關係
The Relationship of Self-monitoring Awareness, Health Anxiety, Illness Monitoring/Control and Life Change Among Chronic Patients.
指導教授: 陳秀蓉
Chen, Hsiu-Jung
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 教育心理與輔導學系
Department of Educational Psychology and Counseling
論文出版年: 2014
畢業學年度: 102
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 162
中文關鍵詞: 自我監控覺察健康焦慮疾病監控疾病控制疾病後身心變化疾病自我調適
英文關鍵詞: self-monitoring awareness, health anxiety, illness monitoring, illness control, life change, self-regulation of illness
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:99下載:7
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  • 研究目的:為探究慢性病患者疾病自我調適歷程中個體特質、認知因素及疾病自我調適的關係,本研究目的包括:1.探討疾病客觀訊息與個體一般性自我監控覺察特質交互作用時,對患者的疾病認知監控與控制的影響;2.驗證疾病背景訊息、特質變項中之一般性自我監控覺察與健康焦慮,疾病監控與疾病控制認知因素與疾病後身心變化的關係。並先以前行研究確定慢性病患者在疾病監控與疾病控制判斷中所涵括的認知因素,接著在研究中再進行對研究假設的驗證,以及結果的討論。




    Aim: For trying to discover the relationship among chronic patients’ trait factors, cognitive factors and self-regulation of illness, our research purposes were: 1. To test the interaction effect between illness objective messages and self-monitoring awareness may impact the cognitive illness monitoring and illness control variables. 2. The research frame and hypotheses were established by purpose and paper review, and the relationship of disease background factors , self-monitoring awareness, health anxiety, illness monitoring/ control and life change was examined. A pilot study was accomplished to ensure the cognitive factors in illness monitoring/ control among chronic patients, results were examined with discussion.

    Method: 233 chronic patients (age=61.03) completed demographic data, illness-related information questionnaire, Self-monitoring Awareness Questionnaire, Illness Monitoring/ Control Awareness Questionnaire, Health Anxiety Questionnaire (HAQ), and Life Change Questionnaire. Effect of interaction between illness objective message and self-monitoring awareness on illness monitoring/ control was examined by MANOVA. The prediction of life change by self-monitoring, health anxiety, illness monitoring/ control and the mediating effect of health anxiety between illness monitoring/ control and life change were examined by hierarchical regression.

    Results: (1) Interaction effect between illness objective message and self-monitoring awareness was showed on body message awareness, and the main effects were showed on the other cognitive factors. (2)The more body message awareness, irregular medication, life and diet control and the lesser objective message monitoring, health behavior patient has, the greater life change is. (3)The mediating effect of health anxiety was showed between each of cognitive variables(includingpassive seeking help, irregular medication, emotion adjustment, internal constraint perception, or external constraint perception) and life change.

    Discussion: (1) The interaction effect between illness objective message and self-monitoring awareness was showed on body message awareness, but patient who has more objective message and higher self-monitoring awareness still has higher illness monitoring/ control performance. (2)The lesser self-care strategies patient has, the greater life change is, and patient needs to consider appropriate monitoring and control in order to promote self-regulation of illness. (3) Cognitive judgments of illness monitoring/ control were mediated by health anxiety to impact life change, and the effect of health and illness worry of health anxiety was discussed.

    目 次 致謝.......................................................i 中文摘要..................................................iii 英文摘要....................................................v 目次.....................................................vii 表次......................................................ix 圖次......................................................xi 第一章 緒論................................................1 第一節 研究動機與目的........................................1 第二節 名詞解釋.............................................4 第二章 文獻回顧.............................................7 第一節 疾病客觀訊息、自我覺察與疾病自我調適......................7 第二節 疾病監控、疾病控制覺察與疾病自我調適.....................18 第三節 疾病監控、疾病控制、健康焦慮與疾病自我調適的關係............38 第四節 研究架構與研究假設....................................43 第三章 前行研究............................................49 第四章 研究方法............................................65 第一節 研究對象............................................65 第二節 研究工具............................................69 第三節 研究程序與資料處理....................................77 第四節 資料分析............................................77 第五章 研究結果............................................79 第一節 人口變項與研究模式中各變項的關係.........................79 第二節 研究變項間的相關......................................83 第三節 定期客觀測量、一般性自我監控覺察在疾病監控覺察、知覺疾病 控制的多變量分析......................................87 第四節 一般性自我監控覺察、疾病監控覺察、知覺疾病控制、健康焦慮 對疾病後身心變化之預測.................................93 第五節 健康焦慮在疾病監控覺察、知覺疾病控制與疾病後身心變化間的 中介效果............................................96 第六章 討論與建議.........................................109 第一節 討論..............................................109 第二節 研究建議、限制與未來研究方向...........................120 參考文獻..................................................123 中文部分..................................................123 西文部分..................................................123 附錄.....................................................135 附錄一 研究問卷調查表(高血壓) ...............................135 附錄二 研究問卷調查表(糖尿病) ...............................149

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