簡易檢索 / 詳目顯示

研究生: 曾鈺庭
Tseng, Yu-Ting
論文名稱: 車載網路中儲存攜帶轉送訊息傳遞延遲之穩態分析
Steady state analysis of delivery delay of store-carry-forward messages in VANETs
指導教授: 黃政吉
Huang, Jeng-Ji
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 電機工程學系
Department of Electrical Engineering
論文出版年: 2016
畢業學年度: 104
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 61
中文關鍵詞: 車載網路儲存攜帶轉送穩態機率
英文關鍵詞: vehicluar ad hoc networks (VANETs), store-carry-forward, steady state probability
DOI URL: https://doi.org/10.6345/NTNU202203669
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:119下載:13
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  • 在車載網路(Vehicular Ad Hoc Networks, VANETs)中,當道路上發生意外時距離最近的車輛會傳送緊急訊息給後方車輛,由於稀疏的交通量或是很低的無線裝置市場滲透率會發生很多的網路斷開現象,當發生網路斷開的現象時可利用對向車輛使用儲存攜帶轉送(store-carry-forward)來修復,而使用儲存攜帶轉送來修復網路斷開則需花費延遲時間。

    在本論文會利用嵌入的馬可夫鍊(Embedded Markov Chain, EMC)分析前一次網路斷開的狀態對此次網路斷開的影響,並且分為三種類型去做討論,以及計算出使用儲存攜帶轉送傳遞訊息的穩態機率以及延遲時間的平均值與變異數,而數值分析的結果呈現出我們的分析是高度準確的。

    In vehicular ad hoc networks (VANETs), when accident occurs, the vehicles which is the nearest of incident place, sends an emergency message to rear vehicle. There may occur network disconnections because of low penetration of wireless devices or light vehicle traffic. When a network disconnection occurs, a store-carry-forward message delivery can be carried out by vehicles in the reverse direction to help restore the network connection, and it may have some delay time. In this paper, we use the Embedded Markov Chain (EMC) to analysis the previous network disconnection that have impact on the actual network disconnection. And the state will divide into three type to analysis. The steady state probability of a store-carry-forward message delivery, the mean of delay and the variance of delay are investigated. Numerical results show that our analysis is highly accurate.

    中文摘要 ............................................................................................. i 英文摘要 ............................................................................................ ii 誌 謝 ........................................................................................... iii 目 錄 ....................................................................................... iv 圖 目 錄 ....................................................................................... vi 第一章 緒論 ................................................................................ 1 1.1 研究動機與背景 .................................................................................1 1.2 研究目的 ...............................................................................................3 1.3 其他相關研究 .......................................................................................4 1.4 論文架構 .............................................................................................6 第二章 數學分析模型 ................................................................ 7 2.1系統架構 ................................................................................................7 2.1.1在雙向高速公路上的儲存攜帶轉送.................................................7 2.1.2嵌入的馬可夫鏈 .................................................................................8 2.1.3三種類型 .............................................................................................9 2.2類型一 (Λ1) .........................................................................................15 2.2.1 πj−1=0 (Π0) .................................................................................15 2.2.2 πj−1=𝐾 (Π𝐾) ................................................................................23 2.3類型二 (Λ2) ........................................................................................28 2.3.1 πj−1=0 (Π0) .................................................................................28 2.3.2 πj−1=𝐾 (Π𝐾) ................................................................................33 2.4類型三 (Λ3) ........................................................................................37 2.4.1 πj−1=0 (Π0) .................................................................................37 2.4.2 πj−1=𝐾 (Π𝐾) ................................................................................39 2.5穩態機率 ..............................................................................................41 2.5.1 πj−1=0 (Π0) .................................................................................41 2.5.2 πj−1=𝐾 (Π𝐾) ................................................................................42 2.6平均值與變異數 ..................................................................................43 2.6.1 πj−1=0 (Π0) .................................................................................44 2.6.2 πj−1=𝐾 (Π𝐾) ................................................................................45 2.6.3 延遲時間的平均值與變異數 ..........................................................48 第三章 數值分析與模擬結果 .................................................. 49 3.1 模擬環境與參數設定 .......................................................................49 3.2 模擬結果 ...........................................................................................49 3.2.1 穩態機率 ..........................................................................................49 3.2.2 延遲時間平均值與變異數 ..............................................................51 第四章 結論 .............................................................................. 54 參 考 文 獻 .............................................................................. 56 自 傳 ...................................................................................... 59

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