簡易檢索 / 詳目顯示

研究生: 趙雅玲
Chao Ya-ling
論文名稱: MTP講師培訓成效之調查研究
A Study on the Training Effectiveness of Management Training
指導教授: 李隆盛
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 科技應用與人力資源發展學系
Department of Technology Application and Human Resource Development
畢業學年度: 86
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 190
中文關鍵詞: 管理訓練計畫管理訓練計畫講師效能評估
英文關鍵詞: management training program (MTP), management training program instructor (MTPI), effectiveness assessment
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:201下載:0
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  • 近年來﹐台灣國際化腳步愈趨快速﹐愈來愈多的企業開始重視管理能力訓練﹐但國內架構完整的管理訓練課程卻非常有限﹐為了提升國內企業管理的品質與成效﹐職訓局曾於民國七十年自日本引進MTP訓練﹐民國八十年再度引進此項訓練﹐並委託財團法人職訓研發中心辦 理MTP講師的培訓﹐至今已辦理七屆培訓181名講師。本研究旨在瞭解結訓MTP講師﹐在企業內推展此項訓練的成效﹑現況與未來規劃及發展的方向﹐以作為改善MTP講師培訓及推廣相關訓練之參考﹐進而改善企業界管理能力訓練發展之品質。研究架構主要以Stufflebeam的CIPP模式﹐對MTP講師培訓成效進行評估﹐所採用的方法有文獻探討﹑專家諮詢﹑問卷調查﹑資料與文件分析及深度訪談等進行研究〝珣o的研究結論如下﹕(1)MTP講師培訓課程對於個人管理能力﹑教學技巧等的增進具有較高的效益﹔(2)結訓講師在企業推廣的普遍程 度有中上的成效﹐但在企業中落實的狀況有待改善﹔(3)結訓學員對 MTP講師培訓課程整體滿意度高﹐但認為宣傳﹑授證與結訓後的追蹤 輔導方面的工作有待加強﹐並應有長期
    的規劃﹔(4)結訓講師對於改 版後的推展現況並不看好﹐但仍對相關單位提出積極的建議﹔(5)結 訓學員期望目前不利於訓練推展的情況﹐能透過相關單位的溝通協調 獲得改善﹐並對未來國內管理課程有更長遠與計畫性的規劃與發展。

    As global competition in business has become more intense during the last few decades, more and more companies have come to value management training. However, there have been few well-structured management training programs in Taiwan. In order to improve the quality of business management, the Employment and Vocational Training Administration (EVTA) introduced the Management Training Program from Japan, and entrusted the Research and Development Institute of Vocational Training Republic of China (RDIVT) with the implementation of MTP and MTPI (Management Training Program Instructor). 181 instructors have been trained since 1991. So, the purpose of this research was to understand the training and practices of these MTP instructors, use the Stufflebeam's model to evaluate the context, input, process, and product of the program, and to propose recommendations to the related authorities (EVTA, RDIVT, China Productivity Center (CPC)). Literature review, consultation with experts,questionnaire survey, in-depth interview, statistical analysis, and documentanalysis were the research methods. The abstract of the importantconclusions is described below﹕(1) The MTPI program has contributed to a great improvement in management knowledge, management practices, and teaching skills. (2) Through the trained instructors, MTP was widely taught; however the practical implementation of the material in day-to-dayoperations needed to be enhanced. (3) Most instructors felt great satisfaction towards the whole MTPI program﹐but suggested the promoting, certification, and continued consulting and assistance should be enhanced.In short, the program should be implemented on a more long-term basis. (4) The instructors predicted that the spread of the revised version wouldn't be very effective, and they gave some constructive suggestions to the relatedauthorities. (5) The instructors hope that the program will be allowed to thrivewithout interference, and that the current difficult situation will be solvedthrough the related authorities' mutual communication and coordination. Additionally, the related authorities should make further plans for the development of management training programs throughout Taiwan, R.O.C.
