簡易檢索 / 詳目顯示

研究生: 蕭瑜薇
Hsiao, Yu-Wei
論文名稱: 論漢語「自」動詞的生成: 反身及狀語類型
Deriving Zi-verbs in Mandarin Chinese: Reflexive and Adverbial Types
指導教授: 丁仁
Ting, Jen
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 英語學系
Department of English
論文出版年: 2017
畢業學年度: 105
語文別: 英文
論文頁數: 89
中文關鍵詞: 「自」動詞反身動詞論元結構名詞併合詞彙層次加接
英文關鍵詞: zi-verb, reflexive verb, argument structure, noun incorporation, word-level adjunction
DOI URL: https://doi.org/10.6345/NTNU202202092
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:90下載:16
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  • 本論文探討現代漢語「自」動詞的生成方式,以反身及狀語類型做為討論的主軸。在文獻上, 反身類型的「自」動詞的生成方式主要是把「自」動詞分析為在詞彙層形成的不及物動詞, 詞綴「自」在此種分析中被視為改變動詞詞彙性質的功能詞 (Kao 1993, Chief 1998, Lin 2010)。至於狀語類型的「自」動詞, 這類型的動詞都是在詞彙層形成 (Lin 2010)。然而,在新語料的檢驗下,我們發現部份的「自」動詞無法以詞彙途徑構成。本研究以句法途徑來生成現代漢語的「自」動詞,並將新的語料納入分析,得到所有可能的生成方式。在我們的句法分析裡,「自」動詞的生成方式有兩種: 一是透過反身性的 「自」語素來生成,二是透過狀語類型的「自」語素來形成。反身類型的「自」語素被分析為一個動詞的內部論元, 而反身類的「自」動詞是透過「自」語素和動詞的併合而成。另外, 狀語類型的「自」語素被分析為一個可以增加動詞語義的成份; 狀語類「自」動詞是透過「自」語素在句法上加接到動詞的中心語上。除了以上兩類自動詞的生成方式, 本論文也提出了有些自動詞(如: 自以為)是可以透過兩種類型的「自」來生成。最後,我們也提出了一項新發現:有些自動詞(如:自備)在不同語境中,「自」會產生有兩種不同的解讀, 而這兩種解讀下的「自」動詞則分別由兩種不同類型的「自」(反身及狀語類型)所生成的。

    The thesis studies the derivations of zi-verbs in Mandarin Chinese, including reflexive and adverbial types. In the literature (Kao 1993, Chief 1998, Lin 2010), reflexive zi-verbs are derived in the lexicon, which analyzes zi- as a functional element, serving as a trigger of lexical operations in the lexicon. As for adverbial zi-verbs, the previous analysis (Lin 2010) derives them in the lexicon. With more facts examined, the study finds that some zi-verbs cannot be derived under the lexical approach. We propose a syntactic approach to deriving zi-verbs in Mandarin Chinese and present possible derivations for existing facts in the syntax. Under our syntactic approach, the derivations of zi-verbs fall into two ways: (i) by the reflexive zi- and (ii) by the adverbial zi-. The reflexive zi- is analyzed as an internal argument of a verb and the reflexive zi-verbs such as zi-sha ‘kill oneself’ are derived by noun incorporation. On the other hand, the adverbial zi- is analyzed as a morpheme that contributes an extra meaning such as ‘by oneself’ to the verb and the adverbial zi-verbs are derived by word-level adjunction. Moreover, under our syntactic approach, it is found that some zi-verbs such as zi-yiwei ‘consider oneself’ have two possible derivations – by the reflexive zi- or the adverbial zi-. Lastly, new observations about zi-verbs are made in the thesis that some zi-verbs have two interpretations, which result from two possible derivations: reflexive and adverbial types.

    Table of Contents Chinese Abstract i English Abstract ii Acknowledgements iii Table of Contents iv List of Tables v Chapter 1 Introduction 01 Chapter 2 Literature Review 04 2.1 Previous analyses of French se 05 2.1.1 Grimshaw’s (1990) unaccusative analysis 05 2.1.2 Reinhart and Siloni’s (2005) unergative analysis 06 2.1.3 Transitive analyses 13 2.2 Kao (1993) 15 2.2.1 Two ways of deriving reflexive zi-verbs 16 2.2.2 Summary and issues 20 2.3 Lin (2010) 21 2.3.1 Reflexive zi-verbs 21 2.3.2 Adverbial zi-verbs 23 2.3.3 Summary and issues 25 2.4 Problems and issues 26 Chapter 3 Derivations of zi-verbs under the syntactic approach 30 3.1 Aldridge’s (2009) analysis of zi-verbs in Old Chinese 30 3.2 Reflexive zi-verbs 34 3.2.1 Derivation of reflexive zi-verbs 35 3.2.2 Issues 36 3.2.3 Summary 48 3.3 Adverbial zi-verbs 49 3.4 Zi-renwei: reflexive or adverbial type? 57 3.5 New observations 64 3.5.1 Huang’s (2007) give-type and rob-type verbs 66 3.5.2 Derivation of the newly-observed type of zi-verbs 72 3.5.3 Summary 78 3.6 Chapter summary 78 Chapter 4 Conclusion 79 References 83


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