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研究生: 楊小虎
Michael Djohan
論文名稱: 願意多付搭乘公共交通工具的費用之調查研究——以印尼雅加達公民為例
Consumer Willingness to Pay More in Public Transportation, Jakarta, Indonesia
指導教授: 鄒蘊欣
Chou, Yun-Hsin
口試委員: 鄒蘊欣
Chou, Yun-Hsin
Chang, Chia-Jung
Liu, Su-Chuan
口試日期: 2024/07/16
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 管理研究所
Graduate Institute of Management
論文出版年: 2024
畢業學年度: 112
語文別: 英文
論文頁數: 50
中文關鍵詞: 永續線上服務質計劃行為理論價值信念規範願意多支付更費用信任便利需求
英文關鍵詞: Sustainability, Online Service Quality, Theory Planned Behavior, Value Belief Norms, Trust, Need for Convenience, Willingness to Pay More
研究方法: 調查研究
DOI URL: http://doi.org/10.6345/NTNU202401750
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:51下載:9
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  • 印尼作為一個發展中國家,對2045年的可持續發展有著遠景目標。因此,政府採取了多種方式和策略來減少空氣污染。交通運輸業是實現可持續發展的一個重要產業之一。政府採取了推拉策略,其中之一是提供電動巴士,也就是由PT. Transjakarta提高巴士票價。儘管政府已經採取了許多措施來減少雅加達的污染,且PT. Transjakarta也在提升其線上和線下服務質量方面下了很大功夫,但仍然有許多人不願意使用公共交通工具。因此,本研究旨在了解消費者對PT. Transjakarta服務質的評價及其對消費者信任和願意支付更高費用的影響。本研究將便利需求作為調節變項,以檢驗對公共交通工具的信任以及為電動巴士支付更高費用的意願。研究結果顯示,線上服務質量、個人行為控制的主觀信念以及生態價值觀對公共交通的信任具有正面影響。最後,對公共交通的信任對於願意支付更多費用以乘坐電動巴士也有正面影響。然而,消費者的利己價值觀和便利需求對於願意支付更多費用乘坐電動巴士並沒有顯著的統計影響。本研究建議未來的研究可以探索其他地區、交通方式以及便利需求作為調節變項在各個領域中的作用。最後,PT. Transjakarta應該提升線上服務品質,包括實時巴士追蹤和與地圖應用程式的合作,並開發一個整合的交通應用程式來改善顧客體驗。同時,還應考慮調整票價,以便投資更多的電動巴士,支持雅加達的環保目標。

    Indonesia, as a developing country has visions for sustainability in 2045. Therefore, the government has many ways and strategies to reduce air pollution. One of the industries that implement the sustainability is transportation industry. The government applies push and pull strategy and one of the strategies is providing electric bus, that is, PT. Transjakarta increasing the bus fare. Despite the government has done many things to reduce pollution in Jakarta, and PT. Transjakarta put a lot of effort into improving their offline and online service quality, there are still many people who are not willing to use public transportation. Thereby, this research aims to understand consumer’s appraisal of PT. Transjakarta’s service quality and its impact on consumer trust and willingness to pay more. Need for convenience is adopted as a moderator to examine trust in public transportation and willingness to pay more for electric bus. The research findings reveal online service quality, subjective belief in personal behavioral control, and biospheric have a positive influence towards trust in public transportation. Lastly, trust in public transportation has a positive influence towards willingness to pay more for electric bus. However, consumers’ egoistic value and need for convenience had no statistically significant impact on willingness to pay more for electric bus. This research suggests future studies could explore other regions, transportation modes, and the role of need for convenience as moderator in various fields. Lastly, PT. Transjakarta should enhance online service quality, including live bus tracking and collaboration with map-based application, and develop an integrates transportation app to improve customer experience, while also considering fare increases to invest in more electric buses to support Jakarta’s environmental goals.

    CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION 1 1.1. Background Research 1 1.2. Research Questions 7 1.3. Research Procedure 7 CHAPTER II THEORETICAL FRAMEWORK 9 2.1. Online Service Quality 9 2.2. Theory of Planned Behavior 10 2.3. Value Belief Norms Theory 12 2.4. Trust in Public Transportation 14 2.5. Willingness to Pay More 15 CHAPTER III HYPOTHESIS DEVELOPMENT & RESEARCH MODEL 17 3.1. Online Service Quality and Trust 17 3.2. Subjective Belief in Personal Behavioral Control and Trust 17 3.3. Egoistic Value and Trust 18 3.4. Biospheric and Trust 18 3.5. Trust and Willingness to Pay more 19 3.6. Need for Convenience as Moderator 19 3.7. Research Model 20 CHAPTER IV RESEARCH METHODOLOGY 21 4.1. Survey Design 21 4.2. Sampling Strategy 24 4.3. Data Collection Procedure 25 4.3.1. Primary Data 25 4.4. Data Cleaning and Sample Background 25 4.4.1. Exploratory Factor Analysis (EFA) 25 4.4.2. Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA) 25 4.4.3. Validity & Reliability 26 4.4.4. Common Method Bias (CMB) 26 4.4.5. Regression Test Analysis 26 4.4.6. Structural Equation Model (SEM) 27 CHAPTER V DATA ANALYSIS 28 5.1. Descriptive Statistic 28 5.2. Test of Data Quality 30 5.2.1. Testing Exploratory Factor Analysis (EFA) 31 5.2.2. Testing Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA) 32 5.2.3. Testing Validity & Reliability 33 5.2.4. Testing Common Method Bias (CMB) 33 5.2.5. Testing Structural Equation Model (SEM) 33 CHAPTER VI DISCUSSION & CONCLUSIONS 37 6.1. Results Discussion 37 6.2. Contributions 37 6.2.1. Theoretical Implications 37 6.2.2. Managerial Implications 38 REFERENCES 39 APPENDIX 48

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