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研究生: 陳映春
論文名稱: 國民中小學英語教師對於英語學習低成就學生補救教學之看法與實施現況
Elementary and Junior High School English Teachers’Perceptions and Implementation of Remedial Instruction for Underachievers
指導教授: 許月貴
Hsu, Yueh-Kuei
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 英語學系
Department of English
論文出版年: 2004
畢業學年度: 92
語文別: 英文
論文頁數: 119
中文關鍵詞: 中小學英語教師英語學習低成就學生補救教學
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:282下載:146
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  • 隨著九年一貫英語課程的實施,目前全國已自國小五年級開始實施英語教
    議。有效回收問卷共計239 份,其中包含92 位國小英語教師及147 位國中英語
    教師。另亦針對4 位國中小英語教師進行深入訪談,以更充分反映教師的意見。

    With the implementation of Grades 1 to 9 English Curriculum in Taiwan,
    English education has been extended to the fifth grade at the elementary school level.
    The existence of a large gap among the students’ English language abilities observed
    both in the elementary school and junior high school contexts has drawn increasing
    attention of the practicing teachers, schools and educational authorities. In view of
    this problem, the implementation of remedial instruction for the underachievers has
    been included as an important measure of contemporary educational reform. The
    major purpose of the present study is to emphasize the significance of remedial
    instruction. With the understanding of the teachers’ perceptions, implementation,
    difficulties and support needed in remedial instruction, it is hoped that the educational
    authorities could take necessary actions to assist the frontline teachers in order for
    remedial instruction to be fully realized in each classroom and to help every
    Teachers are active agents in putting remedial instruction into practice in the
    classrooms. The present study investigated the teachers’ perceptions and
    implementation of remedial instruction for underachievers. Based on the difficulties
    and necessary support the teachers need, this research then provided insights for the
    practitioners and educators in the implementation of remedial instruction.
    The target population for the present study is elementary and junior high school
    English teachers in Taipei City. A total number of 239 questionnaires were collected,
    including 92 and 147 from elementary and junior high schools respectively. Besides, 4
    key persons in the field of Grade 1 to 9 English Curriculum were interviewed in order
    to gain a more in-depth understanding of the issue of remedial instruction,.
    Findings of the present study are as follows. First, the importance of remedial
    instruction was widely recognized, and most of the teachers were willing to implement remedial instruction for the underachievers. Their knowledge of remedial
    instruction procedures, however, still had room for improvement. Secondly, effective
    in-class strategies identified are “peer-tutoring” and “cooperative learning.” It was
    further suggested that teachers’ positive attitude towards the students have profound
    influence on the students’ learning motivation and attitude. Third, school-wide
    remedial programs were more frequently implemented in junior high schools, with
    “pull-out resource program” and “after-class session” to be the two common programs.
    However, the teachers’ evaluation suggested only minor effects the two programs had
    in enhancing the learning of underachievers. Fourth, difficulties the teachers
    encountered included heavy teaching workload, lacking complete sets of remedial
    instruction measures, and being difficult in raising students’ motivation and interest.
    Necessary support were reducing teachers’ teaching workload, incorporation of
    resources from the parents and the community, providing learning materials
    appropriate for students’ language abilities, and administering ability grouping for
    English courses. Finally, the teachers’ suggestions for promoting the effectiveness of
    remedial instruction were allocating special funding for remedial instruction,
    providing relative teacher training courses, promoting extensive communication
    between elementary and junior high school teachers, and establishing a
    comprehensive teaching resource bank.

    CHAPTER ONE: INTRODUCTION ………………………………………….... 1 1.1 Background of the Research …………...….…………………...………. 1.2 Purpose of the Study ………………..……………….…...…………….. 1.3 Research Questions …………….……..…………...………………….... 1.4 Significance of the Present Study ………...………….…………......…... 1 5 6 7 CHAPTER TWO: LITERATURE REVIEW ………………………………….... 9 2.1 Definition of the Key Terms …….…..………..………………………… 2.1.1 Remedial instruction …………….…….…...…………………... 2.1.2 Underachievers…………………….……………………………. 9 9 10 2.2 Models of Remedial Instruction ……………….…...…………………... 10 2.3 Pull-out Remedial Programs ……………...….……………………...…. 2.3.1 After-school sessions and summer/winter remedial instruction programs ……………….…….…………………………………. 2.3.2 Resource programs ……………….….………...……………….. 2.3.3 Computer assisted instruction …..………….....………………... 2.3.4 Summary of the section ………………….….………………….. 15 15 16 16 16 2.4 In-class Strategies for Remedial Instruction …………………………… 2.4.1 Peer tutoring ……..………….….………………………………. 2.4.2 In-class ability grouping …...……….…….………...…………... 2.4.3 Cooperative learning …………...………….……………...……. 16 17 17 18 2.4.4 Differentiation of tasks by complexity and quantity …..……..… 2.4.5 Explicit instruction of learning strategies …………….…............ 2.4.6 Summary of the section ………….…….……………………….. 18 18 19 2.5 Related Research on Remedial Instruction …….…………….……….... 2.5.1 Related research on remedial instruction in Taiwan ………….... 2.5.2 Remedial programs in U.S. ………………….….……....……… 19 19 23 2.6 Guidelines for the Present Study …………...………….……………….. 26 CHAPTER THREE: METHODOLOGY ………………...……………………... 27 3.1 Participants ………..…………...…………….…………………………. 3.1.1 Target population ……………..………………………………… 3.1.2 Sampling criteria ………….…....………………………………. 27 27 28 3.2 Data Collection ………….………..…...………………………………... 3.2.1 Questionnaire construction ………….……….…………………. 3.2.2 Format and content of the questionnaire …….………......……... 3.2.3 Interview ……………………………………..…………………. 29 29 30 32 3.3 Data Collection Procedures ……...………….…………...……………... 3.3.1 Questionnaire administration ……………….…...….………….. 3.3.2 Teacher interviews ….…………………….…………………….. 33 33 34 3.4 Data Analysis …………………...………...…………………………….. 35 CHAPTER FOUR: FINDINGS ……………………………………...…………... 36 4.1 Background Information ……………….……......……………………... 36 4.2 School Policy on English Teaching and Remedial Instruction …….…... 40 4.3 Current Situation of Multilevel Classes and Teachers’ Responses in Dealing with This Problem …………....…………………….....………. 48 4.4 Teachers’ Perceptions and Knowledge of Remedial Instruction .............. 56 4.5 Current Situation of Teachers’ Implementation of Remedial Instruction …………...……………………………………………...…... 58 4.6 Difficulties Encountered by the Teachers and the Support TheyNeed ……………………………………………………………………. 69 4.7 Results from the Teacher Interviews ………………...……………….… 4.7.1 Teachers’ perceptions of teaching mixed-ability classes and of underachievers in the classes they are teaching ……….……….. 4.7.2 Teachers’ attitude towards the underachievers and towards the implementation of remedial instruction ………….....……..…… 4.7.3 The remedial instruction strategies (or programs) implemented by the teachers (or their schools) ……….…….………………… 4.7.4 Crucial elements of effective remedial instruction …………..…. 4.7.5 Teachers’ suggestions and expectations of future implementation of remedial instruction …………...……..…….. 72 75 77 79 83 86 CHAPTER FIVE: RESULTS AND DISCUSSION …..…………………………. 90 5.1 The Elementary and Junior High School English Teachers’ Perceptions and Understanding of Remedial Instruction ……...............................….. 5.2 Teachers’ Strategies in Helping Underachievers ……...………..……..... 5.3 Current Administration of Remedial Instruction in Elementary and Junior High Schools ………………...……...…………………….…….. 90 94 97 5.4 Difficulties and Necessary Supports in the Implementation of Remedial Instruction ……………………...………….………………………........ 100 5.5 Future Directions of Remedial Instruction …..………….…...….…..…. 103 CHAPTER SIX: CONCLUSION AND IMPLICATIONS ………...………...… 106 6.1 Conclusion ………………...…….….……………….…………………. 6.2 Pedagogical Implications ………………………………..…………….. 6.3 Limitations and Recommendations for Future Research ………....…… 106 108 110 REFERENCES ………………………...……………………………...………….. 112 APPENDIX …………………………………..…………………………………… 116

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