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研究生: 王順達
Wang, Shun-Ta
論文名稱: 基於頻率域和時序性特徵的假人臉影片偵測
Face Forgery Detection with Frequency and Recurrent Features
指導教授: 葉梅珍
Yeh, Mei-Chen
口試委員: 陳祝嵩 彭彥璁 葉梅珍
口試日期: 2021/07/30
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 資訊工程學系
Department of Computer Science and Information Engineering
論文出版年: 2021
畢業學年度: 109
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 35
中文關鍵詞: 深度學習合成影像偽造偽造偵測離散餘弦轉換人臉偵測
英文關鍵詞: Deep learning, Face Detection, Image Synthesis, Deepfake Forensics, Discrete Cosine Transform
DOI URL: http://doi.org/10.6345/NTNU202101099
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:95下載:19
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  • 隨著深度學習生成技術日新月異發展, 越來越多深度學習生成的假臉充斥
    取頻率域特徵,以及利用注意機制學習、強調竄改區域,和運用 GRU 架構抽
    函數實驗,Focal Loss 和 Cross-Entropy Loss 追求最好的模型泛化能力。實驗證
    實,我們的模型架構能在沒有預訓練的情況下,在 Celeb-DF 資料集達到當今最

    With the rapid development of deep generative models, more and more fake
    faces generated by deep learning models, so-called DeepFakes, are widely spread on the Internet. A number of studies show that the human eye is becoming less and less capable of judging the authenticity of DeepFakes, which must be harder in the future. Furthermore, DeepFakes are also creating much fake information and social panic. However, deep learning models are able to detect subtle features. Whether they are from semantics, attributes, spectrum, or even frame-to-frame inconsistencies, they have nowhere to hide by the detection from deep learning models. This is why we investigate DeepFakes detection by deep learning.
    In recent years, DeepFakes detection has received increasing attention. Some of
    the researchers use discrete cosine transform, Fourier transform and other methods to convert feature maps into frequency domain so as to learn features in the frequency spectrum. Others utilize attention mechanisms to allow models to emphasize local areas. Still others use recurrent neural network to learn the inconsistency between two frames. However, researchers often overlook a fact that the goal of designing a DeepFakes detection model is to have a high level of generalizability. After all, the fake clips that human encounters in the future will not be seen during model training, and DeepFakes will definitely become more complicated as the deep generative technology evolves. At present, how effectively can the model detect DeepFakes depends on the generalizability of the algorithm.
    Therefore, we design a novel architecture which uses convolutional neural
    network to extract spatial domain features, discrete cosine transform to extract
    frequency domain features, attention mechanism to emphasize the tampering area, GRU module to learn sequential features and then distinguish the authenticity. In addition, two loss functions are evaluated—Focal Loss and Cross-Entropy Loss in order to pursue the best model generalizability.
    Experiments have proved that our model can achieve the best generalization
    results in the Celeb-DF dataset without pre-trained, and it also exhibits significant
    generalizability in other datasets.

    第一章 緒論 1 1.1 研究背景 1 1.2 研究動機 3 1.3 研究架構 4 第二章 相關研究 5 2.1 假臉影片生成 5 2.1.1 Celeb-DF 資料集 7 2.1.2 DeeperForensics-1.0 資料集 7 2.1.3 FaceShifter 資料集 8 2.2 假臉影片偵測 10 2.2.1 注意機制 11 2.2.2 頻率域特徵 12 2.2.3 時序性特徵 13 2.2.4 空間域特徵 13 第三章 模型設置 15 3.1 模型大綱 15 3.2 模板注意模組 16 3.3 頻率域特徵學習模組 17 3.4 GRU 模組 17 第四章 實施細節 18 4.1 訓練方法 18 4.2 權重選擇 19 第五章 實驗 21 5.1 資料集 21 5.2 評量標準 22 5.3 FaceForensics++ 實驗 23 5.4 泛化能力實驗 24 5.5 穩定性實驗 27 5.6 消融研究 29 5.7 限制和未來工作 30 第六章 結論 32

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