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研究生: 劉育志
Yu-Chih, Liu
論文名稱: Alasdair MacIntyre的德行思想及其品格教育意蘊之探究
The Study of Alasdair MacIntyre's Perspective on Virtue and its Implication for Character Education
指導教授: 林建福
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 教育學系
Department of Education
論文出版年: 2011
畢業學年度: 99
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 151
中文關鍵詞: Alasdair MacIntyre德行品格教育
英文關鍵詞: Alasdair MacIntyre, Virtue, Character Education
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:877下載:44
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  • 本研究旨在透過探究Alasdair MacIntyre的德行思想,從中梳理出其中的品格教育意蘊,透過概念分析以及詮釋學的研究方法,先了解其學思歷程、思想承襲及其批判立場,並以此為基礎闡釋其德行觀。

    This thesis aims at probing into Alasdair Macintyre’s perspective on virtue and its implication for character education. I use methodologies of conceptual analysis and hermeneutics. At beginning, I try to figure out MacIntyre’s experience of study, origins of thoughts and critical arguments. These contents are backgrounds to understand his perspective on virtue.
    First, although MacIntyre pointed out that the concepts of virtue are not invariable; he still argued that it could be understood comprehensively through three stages. It includes practice, the narrative unity of a single life and tradition. Secondly, he indicated that human beings are with animality. There are three dimensions which are necessary for becoming independent practical reasoners from human animals. They are abilities of evaluating actions, postponing satisfies of desires and knowing future. The independent practical reasoners would set common good as the reason of actions. To achieve common good of human society, one must understand it is a giving-and-receiving society. Furthermore; givers need the virtues of justice and generosity and receivers need the virtue of thanking. Besides, MacIntyre illustrated his view point of education not only by addressing the idea of educated public but also expounding the pedagogy from practice, narrative unity of a single life and tradition. Thirdly, I found out that there are some parts of viewpoint of virtue are the same between MacIntyre’s perspective and character education of Confucius tradition.
    Accordingly, the main findings are as follow:
    1.Virtuous people would set internal good and common good as goals of actions. They can control their emotion and desire, evaluate his/her action and image the future.
    2.Cooperation, respect, responsibility, justice, honesty, courage, thanking and just generosity are virtues which are necessary for character education.
    3.Students need to understand the traditional contexts of each virtue.
    4.Educating students to become independent practical reasoners.
    5.Character education must proceed in democratic classes.
    6.Teachers need to be the models of students.

    第一章 緒論 1 第一節 研究動機與目的 1 第二節  研究方法與步驟 7 第三節 研究範圍與限制 9 第四節 名詞釋義 10 第二章 MacIntyre的學思歷程、思想承襲及其批判立場 17 第一節 MacIntyre的學思歷程 17 第二節 MacIntyre的哲學發展階段 19 第三節 MacIntyre的思想承襲 21 第四節 MacIntyre的批判立場 46 第三章 MacIntyre的德行思想 53 第一節 德行概念的變動性 54 第二節 MacIntyre的德行理解三階段論 64 第三節 人類生活與德行 82 第四章 MacIntyre德行思想的品格教育意蘊 93 第一節 MacIntyre的教育觀 93 第二節 MacIntyre的德行觀與儒家傳統脈絡之對話 104 第三節 MacIntyre的德行觀與當代品格教育論述之對照 116 第五章 結論與建議 133 第一節 結論 133 第二節 建議 136 參考文獻 140

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