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研究生: 朱建穎
Chu, Chien Ying
論文名稱: 不同的夏季降雨型態對於極端時雨量與大氣溫度對應關係的影響
Different summer rainfall types modulate the linkage between hourly precipitation extremes and atmospheric temperature
指導教授: 陳正達
Chen, Cheng-Ta
口試委員: 陳正達
Chen, Cheng-Ta
Hsu, Huang-Hsiung
Huang, Wan-Ru
Hong, Chi-Cherng
Lu, Mong-Ming
口試日期: 2022/08/22
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 地球科學系
Department of Earth Sciences
論文出版年: 2022
畢業學年度: 110
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 50
中文關鍵詞: 克勞修斯–克拉佩龍極端降雨氣溫露點溫度負斜率降雨型態日循環降雨事件延時
英文關鍵詞: Clausius–Clapeyron relation, extreme rainfall, temperature, Dew point temperature, negative slope, rainfall type, diurnal cycle, rainfall event duration
研究方法: 比較研究內容分析法
DOI URL: http://doi.org/10.6345/NTNU202201825
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:74下載:11
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  • 全球暖化使得溫度上升,大氣溫度變化可能對於極端降雨型態與特性有所影響,許多前人指出全球暖化可能會改變極端降雨的頻率、降雨強度以及延時長短,從熱力學的克勞修斯-克拉佩龍關係式,可以推測當氣溫在上升1度時,大氣的飽和水氣壓會上升大約7%,所以許多過去的研究認為,由於水氣增加,極端降雨強度也會以相似比例增加,比較不像平均降雨的變化會直接受到平均環流變化的影響。但是過去研究發現,當氣溫上升到較高的氣溫度時,雖然大氣中的水氣壓隨溫度上升的速度變化不大,但是極端降雨隨溫度上升速率變成克勞修斯-克拉佩龍關係的兩倍或更多。不過當氣溫或是露點溫度上升至25度至26度以上時,隨著氣溫或露點溫度升高,極端降雨強度反而下降。

    Past studies showed that both frequency and intensity of extreme rainfall increase when atmospheric temperature increases. From basic thermodynamic principle, the saturated atmospheric moisture content increases about 7% per °C. If there is no significant change in the dynamical forcing for extreme rainfall events, the extreme precipitation might increase with temperature in a similar fashion. However, there are studies indicating that, using the local observed data from surface stations, the extreme rainfall intensity can increase twice as large as compared to the thermodynamic theory. Further, the extreme rainfall actually decreases as the background surface air temperature or dew point temperature increases when the surface air temperature exceeds 25°C or the dew point temperature reaches 26 °C. Our study tries to use the rainfall type and event duration to explain the negative relationship between temperature increase and extreme rainfall intensity decrease.
    After classifying the summer rainfall types, we found that the negative temperature–rainfall intensity relationship is mainly due to diurnal convection and other unclassified convective rainfall types. The daily mean temperatures are higher in those two rainfall types due to the relatively high morning temperature before the start of a heavy rainfall event while their intensities are not as strong as compared to the extreme rainfall associated with typhoons or mesoscale convective systems during the Mei-Yu front. In addition, the extreme rainfall at higher temperature is typically with a shorter duration and weaker intensity. Both contribute to the negative relationship between temperature and extreme rainfall intensity. For the negative dew-point temperature and extreme rainfall intensity relationship, the weaker extreme rainfall at higher dew-point temperature is mainly due to rainfall associated with typhoons and other unclassified convective rainfall types. With additional rainfall event duration information, we found that both the rainfall intensity and duration increases with the dew point temperature for diurnal convective rainfall. Since diurnal convective rainfall is typically a local scale system triggered by instability, both higher temperature and more moisture, therefore higher dew-point temperature favor larger extreme afternoon rainfall. The lower background dew point temperatures associated with more extreme rainfall for typhoon events is typically due to the fact that the stronger typhoon rainfall has a longer rainfall duration. The background temperatures drop substantially for those long-lasting extreme rainfall events.

    第壹章 緒論 1 第一節 前言與文獻探討 1 第二節 研究目的與動機 2 第貳章 資料來源與研究方法 4 第一節 資料介紹 4 第二節 降雨量門檻以及極端降雨定義 4 第三節 日均溫取法 4 第四節 降雨型態定義 5 第五節 日循環分析 5 第六節 降雨事件定義 6 第三章 氣溫與極端降雨負斜率在夏季不同降雨型態、降雨事件分析 7 第一節 氣溫與極端降雨關係在不同夏季降雨型態下的貢獻與分析 7 第二節 四個降雨型態在pr99、pr99.9的日循環分析 8 第三節 負斜率下的極端降雨之降雨型態與降雨延時分析 9 第四章 露點溫度與極端降雨負斜率在夏季不同降雨型態、降雨事件分析 10 第一節 露點溫度與極端降雨關係在不同夏季降雨型態下的貢獻與分析 10 第二節 四個降雨型態在pr99、pr99.9的日循環分析 11 第三節 負斜率下的極端降雨之降雨型態與降雨延時分析 11 第五章 結論與未來展望 13 參考資料 15 附錄 18

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