Author: |
吳淑貞 Wu, Shu-chen |
Thesis Title: |
教師閱讀社群實踐與影響之研究-以臺北市一所公立國民小學為例 A Research on the Practice and Influence of Teachers' Reading Community - The Case of a Primary School in Taipei |
Advisor: |
Chen, Chao-Chen |
Committee: |
Ke, Hao-ren 曾品方 Tseng, Pin-fang 陳昭珍 Chen, Chao-Chen |
Approval Date: | 2023/07/19 |
Degree: |
碩士 Master |
Department: |
圖書資訊學研究所圖書資訊學數位學習碩士在職專班 Graduate Institute of Library and Information Studies_Online Continuing Education Master's Program of Library and Information Studies |
Thesis Publication Year: | 2023 |
Academic Year: | 111 |
Language: | 中文 |
Number of pages: | 87 |
Keywords (in Chinese): | 社群 、學習社群 、專業學習社群 、教師專業學習社群 、教師閱讀社群 |
Keywords (in English): | Community, Learning community, Professional learning community, Teacher professional learning community, Teacher reading community |
Research Methods: | 個案研究法 |
DOI URL: | |
Thesis Type: | Academic thesis/ dissertation |
Reference times: | Clicks: 200 Downloads: 7 |
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本研究根據學習型組織、社會建構論、實踐社群理論的理念,及Huffman和Hipp(2003)提出教師專業學習社群動態發展三階段觀點,探討個案學校教師閱讀社群的運作模式與困境,提出結論與建議。本研究主要發現如下:(1)教師閱讀社群透過領頭羊感召、凝聚共識,教師更願意投入付出。(2) 教師閱讀社群透過研習增能、專業對話,有效提升教師閱讀理解策略之應用能力。(3)行政邀請教師閱讀社群參與決策,明顯提升社群在學校的地位與影響力。(4)教師閱讀社群透過內外部行銷,提高學校教師對閱讀教育的認同度與行動力。
This study adopts a case study approach, using a public elementary school in Taipei City as an example, to understand the history and dilemmas of the teachers' reading community in promoting reading education to improve students' reading ability.The study analyzes how the teacher reading community influences members' perceptions and attitudes toward reading education and explores how the teacher reading community influences members' actions toward reading education. Finally, the study examines how teacher reading communities have influenced school-wide reading education.
This study adopts a case study approach, using a public elementary school in Taipei City as an example, to understand the history and dilemmas of the teachers' reading community in promoting reading education to improve students' reading ability.
The study analyzes how the teacher reading community influences members' perceptions and attitudes toward reading education and explores how the teacher reading community influences members' actions toward reading education. Finally, the study examines how teacher reading communities have influenced school-wide reading education.
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