簡易檢索 / 詳目顯示

研究生: 郭成
Kosin Phonmang
論文名稱: 泰國在台公司主管與台灣員工間之跨文化溝通之研究
Cross-cultural Communication between Thai Expatriate Managers and Taiwanese Employees in Thai Organizations in Taiwan
指導教授: 賴志樫
Lai, Chin-Chien
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 國際人力資源發展研究所
Graduate Institute of International Human Resource Developmemt
論文出版年: 2008
畢業學年度: 96
語文別: 英文
論文頁數: 105
中文關鍵詞: 跨文化溝通駐外人員泰國企業文化台灣企業文化
英文關鍵詞: Cross-cultural communication, expatriates, Thai business cultures, Taiwanese business cultures
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:166下載:12
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  • 在全球化競爭的時代背景下,泰國,作為一個發展中國家,必須在各方面和世界各國的企業合作。泰國除了引進相當多的外籍投資或企業之外,也派遣了許多企業組織到海外。而對於這些在海外組織工作的泰國人而言,面臨到的一個課題就是如何調整自己來適應異國的工作環境。

    With the on going of the competitive world, one of the developing countries, Thailand, is now overwhelmingly confronted with globalization and obligatory has to conduct business with various countries around the world in order to survive in this contentious era. Recently, not only Thailand encouraged and welcomed the foreign direct investment companies to conduct their business in Thailand, but also sent a lot of potential multinational companies abroad in order to revive its economy. Thai people, formerly familiar with working only Thai way may be now in a state of confusion because they must adjust themselves to new working environments where they communicate with people from different cultures in multi-national companies.
    This study explored the issue of cross-cultural communication of Thai expatriate managers working with Taiwanese employees in Taiwan-based Thai organizations. The purpose is to find out the similarities and differences of Thai and Taiwanese national cultures that affect the communication in the workplace, and how they handle with those cross-cultural communicational issues. Moreover, as the main objective of this study, the researcher placed an emphasis on human resource professionals and organizations to understand the importance of development needed to assist expatriates before their departures. Not only the qualitative in-depth interviews; conducted with both Thai expatriate managers and Taiwanese employees, were employed to explore those significant matters, but also the observations were made in order to notify the issue of cross-cultural communication between Thai expatriate managers and Taiwanese employees in Taiwan-based Thai organizations.
    The researcher found that not only national cultures which could influence communication in the workplaces but also organizational cultures. Due to the fact that there were many similarities between Thai and Taiwanese cultures such as relationship-oriented cultures, high-context communication, concept of saving face and so forth, Thai expatriate managers did not encounter many difficulties of having communication conflicts with Taiwanese employees.

    Abstract I Abstract in Chinese……………………………………………………………III Table of Contents V List of Figures………………………………………………………………………VII List of Tables………………………………………………………………IX CHAPTER I. INTRODUCTION……………………………1 Background of the Study………………………………………………1 Purposes of the Study 4 Questions of the Study 5 Significance of the Study 5 Delimitations and Limitations 6 Definition of Terms 7 CHAPTER II. LITERATURE REVIEW…………………………9 Communication in the Workplace………………………………………9 Culture and Multinational Management……………………………13 Cross-cultural Communication…………………………………………17 The Issue of Cross-cultural Communication of the Thais………18 The Issue of Cross-cultural Communication of Taiwanese……24 CHAPTER III. METHODOLOGY 35 Framework of the Study… 35 Research Method 38 Research Procedure………………………………………40 Research Subjects……………………………………41 Research Instrument……………………………………………………………43 Data Collection and Analysis…………………………………………………44 CHAPTER IV. FINDINGS AND DISCUSSIONS 45 Introduction of Interviewees……………………………………………………46 A 20-day-observation in a Thai Organization in Taiwan…49 The Differences and Similarities between Thai and Taiwanese National Cultures that Has the Influence on the Communication in the Workplaces 50 The Differences of Organizational Cultures in Thai Workplaces in Taiwan,Both Government and Private Organizations………………61 The Difficulties or Problems of Cross-cultural Communication between Thai Expatriate Managers and Taiwanese Employees…………67 The Solutions to Overcome the Cross-cultural Communication Difficulties or Problems in Thai Organizations in Taiwan 71 The Reasons Why There Are No Cross-cultural Communication Conflicts between Thai Expatriate Managers and Taiwanese Employees in the Workplaces 75 The Means to Remain Those Situations in which There Are Neither Cross-cultural Communication Difficulties Nor Problems in the Workplace………78 The Suggestions for Thai Expatriate Managers Who Will Come Taiwan R.O.C. in the Future…81 CHAPTER IV. CONCLUSIONS AND IMPLICATIONS………87 Conclusions………………………………………………………………87 Implications……………………………………………………………91 REFERENCES…………………………………………95 APENDICES………………………………………………………99 LIST OF FIGURES Figure 2.1 The Communication Process……………………………………………10 Figure 2.2 The Role of Communication in the Workplace…………12 Figure 2.3 The Level of Culture in Multinational Management 15 Figure 2.4 The Chinese Interpersonal Relationships.........................................29 Figure 3.1 Research Conceptual Framework……………………………………………37 Figure 3.2 The Research Procedure…40 Figure 4.1 The Concept of Ren Qing (人情), En Qing (恩) and Bao En (報恩)58 LIST OF TABLES Table 2.1 Definitions of culture……………………14 Table 2.2 Hofstede’s cultural values by nation (Thailand and multinational countries,including Taiwan R.O.C.)19 Table 2.3 Hofstede’s cultural values by nation (Taiwan R.O.C. and Chinese Commonwealth countries, including Thailand)………………25 Table 2.4 Summary of the studies of cross-cultural communication 30 Table 3.1 Research participants…………………42 Table 4.1 The differences and similarities between Taiwanese and Thai national cultures in the workplaces……51 Table 4.2 The differences of organizational cultures in Thai workplaces in Taiwan,both government and private organizations …………………61 Table 4.3 The difficulties or problems of cross-cultural communication between Thai expatriate managers and Taiwanese employees………………68 Table 4.4 The solutions to overcome the cross-cultural communication difficulties or problems in Thai organizations in Taiwan 72 Table 4.5 The reasons why there are no cross-cultural communication conflicts between Thai expatriate managers and Taiwanese employees in the workplaces……………76 Table 4.6 The means to remain those situations in which there are neither cross- cultural communication difficulties nor problems in the workplace……79 Table 4.7 Suggestions for Thai expatriate managers who will come to work in Taiwan in the future (in the cross-cultural communication aspect)……………82

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