研究生: |
蘇郁嵐 Su,Yu-Lan |
論文名稱: |
國中生社會地位與合作學習對其英語科學業成就、社會焦慮、成就動機及歸因風格之影響 The effect of sociometric status and cooperative learning among junior high students on their English academic performance, social anxiety, achievement motivation and attribution |
指導教授: |
Chen, Li-Chou |
學位類別: |
碩士 Master |
系所名稱: |
教育心理與輔導學系 Department of Educational Psychology and Counseling |
論文出版年: | 2004 |
畢業學年度: | 92 |
語文別: | 中文 |
論文頁數: | 155 |
中文關鍵詞: | 社會地位 、合作學習 、英語科學業成就 、社會焦慮 、成就動機 、歸因風格 |
英文關鍵詞: | sociometric status, cooperative learning, English academic performance, social anxiety, achievement motivation, attribution |
論文種類: | 學術論文 |
相關次數: | 點閱:1212 下載:89 |
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本研究採用「4(社會地位)× 2(情境)獨立樣本二因子實驗設計」,以國中二年級學生為研究對象,分為合作與競爭二組,分別接受為期十二週的英語教學實驗;再以英語科學業成就、社會焦慮、成就動機、歸因風格和社會地位等為依變項施以前後測,進行二因子共變數分析及質性歷程分析。此外,取樣全省國中二年級學生1571名,以「英語科社會焦慮量表」、「英語科成就動機量表」和「英語科歸因風格問卷」為工具進行調查研究。結果分項概述如下:
This research aims to study the effect of sociometric status and cooperative learning among junior high students on their English academic performance, social anxiety, achievement motivation and attribution. The six main purposes are as follows: 1. to design English social anxiety questionnaire, English achievement motivation questionnaire, and English attribution questionnaire that can be used on junior high students, 2. to study the changes in their English academic performances, social anxiety, achievement motivation, attribution and sociometric status, when junior high students of different sociometric statuses study English in the two different contexts categorized as cooperative learning and competitive learning, 3. to study the English teaching process and qualitative research in cooperative learning and competitive learning, 4. to study the relationship among English social anxiety, English achievement motivation and English attribution, 5. to study the sex differences in English social anxiety, achievement motivation and attribution, and 6. to study the status quo of English attribution among junior high students.
The study uses the method of “4 (sociometric statuses) × 2 (contexts) between-subjects two factors experiment design,” with the second graders of junior high students as the target of the study, who were put on the experiment for 12 weeks, in two different learning contexts, respectively cooperative learning and competitive learning. I conduct two way ANCOVA and qualitative research on such items as English academic performance, social anxiety, achievement motivation, attribution, and social status. Besides, I collected 1571 samples in Taiwan and surveyed them with English social anxiety questionnaire, English achievement motivation questionnaire, and English attribution questionnaire. The results are as follows:
1.The English social anxiety questionnaire, English achievement motivation questionnaire, and English attribution questionnaire designed for junior high students in the English subject show high reliability and validity, which allows the establishment of percentile norm of boys and girls.
2.After the English teaching experiment, students in the cooperative learning context show better academic performance than those in the competitive context, and they show much less social anxiety, too. However, the changes in their English achievement motivation, attribution and sociometric status aren’t significant. The influences of the two different learning contexts on the English academic performance, social anxiety, achievement motivation and attribution aren’t different because of students’ peer social status.
3.Students in the cooperative learning context show better self-aware learning attitude ,effort and sociometric status improvement than the students do in the competitive learning context, and they can also put forth study strategies that improve the performance of individuals and groups. Besides, Students both in the cooperative and the competitive contexts have the ability of meta-cognition and self-evaluation. Students with higher achievement are better adapted to learning in the competitive context, while those with lower social status find it harder to learn in the competitive context.
4.There are significant correlation between English social anxiety, achievement motivation and attribution. Students with higher English achievement motivation have higher negative evaluation anxiety and lower social context anxiety. Also, they are more likely to show “internal attribution,” while those with lower English achievement motivation are more likely to show “external attribution.”
5.Boys and girls has different English social anxiety, achievement motivation and attribution. Junior high girls show more anxiety than boys when facing criticisms. Boys, however, show more anxiety in the social context. Girls show much higher English achievement motivation than boys, and are more likely to show “successful internal attribution.” On the other hand, boys are more likely to show “external attribution.”
6.Those with higher achievement are more likely to show “effort attribution” . On the contrary, those with lower achievement are more likely to show “ability attribution,” “mood attribution,” and “task difficulty attribution”.
The research results put forth suggestions on teaching, counseling, and future study.
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