研究生: |
楊佩樺 |
論文名稱: |
網路影音分享平台之使用行為調查研究 |
指導教授: | 卜小蝶 |
學位類別: |
碩士 Master |
系所名稱: |
圖書資訊學研究所 Graduate Institute of Library and Information Studies |
論文出版年: | 2008 |
畢業學年度: | 96 |
語文別: | 中文 |
論文頁數: | 192 |
中文關鍵詞: | 網路影音資源 、網路影音分享平台 、網路使用者行為 、Web2.0 |
英文關鍵詞: | Web video, Video sharing websites, Web user behavior, Web2.0 |
論文種類: | 學術論文 |
相關次數: | 點閱:408 下載:59 |
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查詢本校圖書館目錄 查詢臺灣博碩士論文知識加值系統 勘誤回報 |
根據本研究樣本特性,女性使用者略高於男性(55.2% vs. 44.8%)。就年齡及身份分佈,以20至39歲之非學生人士最多(49.8%),其次為20至39歲具學生身份的使用者(37.1 %)。而此二族群使用者之人口特性當包括:教育程度皆為以大學(含)以上、多居住在北部地區、長期且經常使用網路,同時也多有Web 2.0網站的使用經驗。就影音觀看行為特性,使用者所使用的影音分享平台集中於YouTube(65.4%)及Yahoo!無名影音(19.1%)。由於影音分享平台為新興發展系統,使用者之使用頻率以每週使用2至3次為多(44.6%)。值得注意的是,使用者認同網際網路即將取代傳統影音傳播管道的比例並不低(39.5%),其中主要原因為:使用者相當重視觀看影音的方便性及是否能夠自行掌握。而透過因素分析,本研究也抽取出影音平台之主要觀看動機有二:即「資訊分享性」與「娛樂性」。就觀看影音的類別,使用者最常觀看的前三大類別為「影視娛樂/電視電影」、「音樂影音」及「幽默/搞笑」。所使用的語言類別以「華語(中文、閩南語、客語或粵語)」最多(96.6%)、其次為「英文」(84.8%)與「日文」(69.9%)。就影音分享平台功能,使用者最常利用的是關鍵字檢索功能,並經常瀏覽相關影音之連結。
This study collected a large amount of questionnaires to understand the users and uses of video sharing websites in Taiwan. The scope is in twofold: users’ video viewing and sharing behavior, and the relation between demographic characters and the above behavior There were 1,325 questionnaires being collected through the online questionnaire system. The study used SPSS 12.0 for the descriptive statistics analysis and the related analysis.
The collected sample data shows higher females than males (55.2% vs. 44.8%); the largest group of samples are within 20-39 years of age without student identity (49.8%), and the second is within 20-39with student identity (37.1%). In terms of video viewing behavior, YouTube (65.4%) and Yahoo!無名影音 (19.1%) are the top two video websites used; 44.6% of users used video sharing websites 2-3 times per week; 39.5% of users agree the statement that Internet will replace the traditional media, which convenience ranks the highest factor; using the factor analysis, two groups of factors were found to be Information Sharing and Recreation; , the top 3 most viewed categories are Entertainment, Music, and Comedy/Humor; 96.6% used Chinese language, (including other dialects), the next is English (84.8%) and Japanese (69.9%); keyword search is one of the mostly used functions, and users often browse relevant videos in the search results.
Concerning with video sharing behavior, the results show uploading video is the top function used (20.0%), and the rest sharing functions like leaving comments or giving rating scores are rarely used; People/Life, Comedy/Humor, Music, and Entertainment are the top 4 categories of video being uploaded; Community Interdependence and Personal Information Management are the two major purposes for uploading videos. Overall users feel satisfied with the function and content provided by the video sharing websites (59.3%); Bandwidth and Video Quality rank the top 2 problems needed to be improved.
There are some relationships between demographic characters and video viewing and sharing behavior: the age and education have statistical significance with video viewing motives; the gender has statistical significance with categories viewed and the function used; the age has statistical significance with video sharing behavior; the gender has statistical significance with video sharing motives and categories uploaded. Finally, the study provides a few suggestions to improving functions and services of video sharing websites.
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