簡易檢索 / 詳目顯示

研究生: 高子恩
Kao, Tzu-En
論文名稱: 宜蘭紅柴林地區現地應力與導水裂隙關係之研究
Study of Relationship Between In-Situ Stress and Fluid Conduits in Hongchailin of Ilan, NE Taiwan
指導教授: 葉恩肇
Yeh, En-Chao
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 地球科學系
Department of Earth Sciences
論文出版年: 2016
畢業學年度: 104
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 109
中文關鍵詞: 加強型工程地熱現地應力岩心中視構造分析宜蘭
英文關鍵詞: Enhance Geothermal System
DOI URL: https://doi.org/10.6345/NTNU202204169
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:81下載:23
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  • 臺灣東北部宜蘭平原歷經造山擠壓與弧後張裂的影響,有較高的地溫梯度,因而產生豐富的地熱資源。透過現地應力場評估可以瞭解現今應力狀態,有助於地熱資源探開與開發,同時也對地熱鑽井工程提供重要資訊。導水裂隙發育與現地應力有密不可分的關係,為了使地熱發電達到最高產能。本研究利用非彈性應變回復法(Anelastic Strain Recovery )評估現地應力狀態進,而瞭解三維應力方向與大小,同時也對結元井200米岩心與養鴨場150米岩心進行岩心中視構造分析,詳細觀察並測量記錄岩心中各個地質構造的特徵與位態,探討地質構造於地底下的分布狀況。最後整合應力場評估與岩心中視構造分析結果,探討其地下構造與應力之關係。

    Ilan plan in northeastern Taiwan possesses abundant geothermal resources resulted from a higher geothermal gradient due to the influences of compression of mountain building and extension of back-arc rifting. Understanding in-situ stress field can evaluate current stress state for benefiting geothermal exploration and development and providing important information to geothermal engineering. Because development of geothermal fluid conduits is highly depended on in-situ stress, for enhancing geothermal productivity, this study conducted Anelastic Strain Recovery (ASR) to evaluate direction and magnitude of in-situ stress. Simultaneously, core description and investigated structure characteristic in JY-01 and 102-01 wells. At last, integrate in-situ stress and core description to figure out relation of in-situ stress and underground structure.
    Based on results of ASR experiment, samples were affected by slaty cleavage.We speculate shrinkage of core due to dry out of core water escape from core that induce core volume shrink. Core descriptions indicate slaty cleavage were well development in JY-01. Therefore, most fracture and gouge were along slaty cleavage to develop. And open-filling fractures across and parallel to slaty cleavage in JY-01 well. Well 102-01 havs two open-filling groups, and well 102-01 also has kink structure. According to stress inversion of fault slip, there reverse and normal faulting stress states in JY-01. We exploit DCDA, stress polygon and slickenside inversion to provide direction and magnitude of in-situ stress, Then, 3D-stress analysis potential of slip and dilation tendency of open filling become fluid conduits in different stress regime. Open- filling fractures high dilation tendency in JY-01 and 102-01. This result signify that in-situ stress has high potential to make fracture perpendicular to slaty cleavage becoming fluid conduits.
    In summary, we speculate reverse faulting and early stage slaty cleavage were develop in same time. Okinawa trough elongate to S-W induce normal faulting stress regime in Ilan plain that induce S-N reverse faulting stress state turn into S-N normal faulting stress state. We speculate earlier reverse faulting evolution to normal and strike-slip faulting stress state.

    誌謝 I 中文摘要 II Abstract IV 目錄 VI 圖目錄 VIII 表目錄 XII 第一章 緒論 1 1.1 研究動機與目的 1 1.2 研究位置與交通 5 第二章 地質背景 7 2.1 地體架構 7 2.2 區域地質概況 7 2.3 地層 8 2.4 前人研究 11 第三章 研究方法 17 3.1 非彈性應變回復法 17 3.1.1 概念 17 3.1.2 非彈性應變回復程序 19 3.1.4 實驗流程 30 3.2 岩心中視構造分析 37 3.2.1 岩心中視構造分析方法 37 3.3 斷層擦痕反演 41 3.3.1 原理 41 3.3.2 資料來源 42 3.3.3 程式反演 42 第四章 結果 43 4.1 岩心定向 43 4.2 非彈性應變回復法結果 45 4.2.1 結元井ASR結果 49 4.3 岩心中視構造分析 56 4.3.1 結元井岩心中視構造分析 56 4.3.2 養鴨場井 70 4.3.3 結元井與養鴨場井構造 79 4.4 斷層擦痕 80 第五章 討論 85 5.1 ASR結果與板劈理之關係 85 5.1.1 應變方向 85 5.1.2 應變量 86 5.2 現地應力與導水裂隙關係 91 5.2.1應力場分析 91 5.2.2 滑動趨勢及擴張趨勢 96 5.3 應力演化史 102 第六章 結論 105 參考文獻 106

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