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研究生: 吳德彥
De-Yan Wu
論文名稱: 字彙與聽力學習後設認知策略覺察與行動語言學習準備度關係之研究-以台灣國中英語學習者為例
The Relationship between Metacognitive Vocabulary and Listening Learning Strategy Awareness and Mobile-Assisted Language Learning Readiness: A Study of Taiwanese Junior High School Learners of English
指導教授: 林至誠
Lin, Chih-cheng
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 英語學系
Department of English
論文出版年: 2014
畢業學年度: 102
語文別: 英文
論文頁數: 115
中文關鍵詞: 後設認知字彙學習策略覺察後設認知聽力學習策略覺察行動語言學習準備度
英文關鍵詞: metacognitive vocabulary learning strategy awareness, metacognitive listening learning strategy awareness, mobile language learning readiness
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:223下載:15
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  • 本研究旨在探討,在台灣以英語為外語學習(EFL)的國中學生,其字彙及聽力學習的後設認知策略覺察,與使用手機學習字彙及聽力準備度之間的關係。本研究採用問卷調查法,使用的問卷包含五個部份:受試者個人基本背景資料、字彙行動學習準備度問卷、聽力行動學習準備度問卷、後設認知字彙學習策略覺察問卷、以及後設認知聽力策略覺察問卷(MALQ)。
    在預試中,總共回收251份有效問卷。將回收問卷後所得的資料進行主成分分析(principal components analysis),經過刪題並且分類命名後,得到以下正式問卷:字彙及聽力行動學習準備度問卷將受試者的準備度分為三個層面(aspects),分別是熟悉度(Familiarity)、態度(Attitude)、及經驗(Experience)。後設認知字彙學習策略覺察問卷是用以探究受試者在選擇性注意(Selective Attention)、自我驅動(Self-Initiation)、及強化鞏固(Consolidation)三個要素(components)的覺察情形。而後設認知聽力策略覺察問卷,則將受試者的後設認知聽力策略覺察狀況分為五個要素來評估:問題解決(Problem Solving)、計畫評估(Planning/Evaluation)、專注學習(Directed Attention)、心智翻譯(Mental Translation)、及個人知識(Person Knowledge)。
    接著以正式問卷施測,共回收877份有效問卷,將問卷調查所得資料進行描述統計、獨立樣本t考驗、單因子變異數分析(one-way ANOVA)和多元迴歸分析(multiple regression analysis)等統計方法後,獲得下列結論:

    Educators are looking into the opportunities and concerns brought by the integration of mobile technologies and language learning. Although m-learning has been thought to be effective and beneficial, few studies have investigated learners’ perception and their readiness towards using these technologies in language learning. The present study intends to explore the relationship between the metacognitive vocabulary and listening learning strategy awareness and the readiness towards mobile-assisted English learning among Taiwanese junior high school EFL students.
    In the pilot study, a total of 251 participants completed the four questionnaires as the research instruments: a metacognitive vocabulary learning strategy awareness questionnaire, a Metacognitive Awareness Listening Questionnaire (MALQ), a mobile vocabulary learning readiness questionnaire, and a mobile listening learning readiness questionnaire. Their readiness towards mobile learning was assessed in terms of familiarity, attitude, and experience was assessed. The metacognitive vocabulary learning strategy questionnaire was used to investigate the learners’ awareness of metacognitive vocabulary learning strategies with respect to Selective Attention, Self-Initiation, and Consolidation. The MALQ evaluated their awareness and perceived use of listening strategies in five components, including problem solving, planning-evaluation, directed attention, mental translation, and person knowledge.
    After the principal components analysis (PCA), the questionnaires were revised and administered in the main study. A total of 877 copies of questionnaires were collected and analyzed. The results of the analysis revealed that the learners’ current grade levels, proficiency levels and ownership duration had significant influence not only on their readiness towards mobile vocabulary and listening learning, but also on their metacognitive vocabulary and listening strategy awareness. In addition, with the multiple regression analysis, the learners’ awareness of metacognitive vocabulary strategy in general was found to be significantly related to their mobile vocabulary learning readiness. The three aspects of readiness could be good predictors of the learners’ mobile vocabulary learning readiness. Furthermore, it was also found that the learners’ metacognitive listening strategy awareness in general was related to their mobile listening learning readiness. The five components of the awareness except person knowledge were also good predictors of their readiness.

    中文摘要..................................................i ABSTRACT.................................................ii ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS........................................iii TABLE OF CONTENTS........................................iv LIST OF TABLES..........................................vii LIST OF FIGURES..........................................ix CHAPTER ONE INTRODUCTION.................................1 1.1 Background............................................1 1.2 Purpose of the Study..................................3 1.3 Research Questions of the Study.......................4 1.4 Significance of the Study.............................6 CHAPTER TWO LITERATURE REVIEW............................8 2.1 Metacognitive Learning Strategies.....................8 2.1.1 Definition of Metacognition.........................8 2.1.2 Metacognitive Vocabulary Learning Strategies.......11 2.1.3 Metacognitive Listening Strategies.................19 2.2 Mobile-Assisted Language Learning (MALL).............24 2.2.1 What is MALL.......................................25 2.2.2 Differences between E-learning and M-learning......25 2.2.3 CALL and MALL......................................26 2.3 MALL and Vocabulary Learning.........................26 2.4 MALL and Listening Comprehension.....................32 2.5 MALL and Learner Readiness...........................38 CHAPTER THREE METHODS...................................43 3.1 Participants.........................................43 3.2 Instruments..........................................43 3.2.1 Demographic Information Questionnaire..............44 3.2.2 Metacognitive Vocabulary Learning Strategy Awareness Questionnaire............................................44 3.2.3 Metacognitive Awareness Listening Questionnaire (MALQ)...................................................45 3.2.4 Mobile Vocabulary and Listening Learning Readiness Questionnaires...........................................46 3.3 Procedures...........................................47 3.3.1 The pilot study....................................47 Results of the Demographic Information Questionnaire............................................48 Results of the Analysis of Metacognitive Vocabulary Learning Strategy Awareness Questionnaire................48 Results of the Analysis of Mobile Vocabulary Learning Readiness Questionnaire.........................51 Results of the Analysis of Metacognitive Awareness Listening Questionnaire (MALQ)...........................55 Results of the Analysis of Mobile Listening Learning Readiness Questionnaire.........................58 3.3.2. The Main Study....................................62 CHAPTER FOUR RESULTS....................................64 4.1 Sample Description...................................64 4.2 Demographic Information of the Participants..........64 4.3 Metacognitive Vocabulary Learning Strategy Awareness Questionnaire............................................65 4.3.1 Descriptive Statistics.............................65 4.3.2 The Relationships among Demographic Variables and Metacognitive Vocabulary Learning Strategy Awareness.....65 4.4 Mobile Vocabulary Learning Readiness Questionnaire...69 4.4.1 Descriptive Statistics.............................69 4.4.2 The Relationships among Demographic Variables and Mobile Vocabulary Learning Readiness.....................69 4.5 Predictors of Readiness towards Mobile Vocabulary Learning.................................................72 4.5.1 Inter-Correlation among Variables..................72 4.5.2 The Results of Multiple Regression Analysis........73 4.6 Metacognitive Awareness Listening Questionnaire (MALQ)...................................................75 4.6.1 Descriptive Statistics.............................75 4.6.2 The Relationships among Demographic Variables and Metacognitive Listening Strategy Awareness...............75 4.7 Mobile Listening Learning Readiness Questionnaire....80 4.7.1 Descriptive Statistics.............................80 4.7.2 The Relationships among Demographic Variables and Mobile Listening Learning Readiness......................81 4.8 Predictors of Readiness towards Mobile Listening Learning.................................................84 4.8.1 Inter-Correlation among Variables..................84 4.8.2 The Results of Multiple Regression Analysis........85 CHAPTER FIVE DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSION..................87 5.1 The Influences of Different Backgrounds on Vocabulary Learning.................................................87 5.1.1 Backgrounds and Metacognitive Vocabulary Learning Strategy Awareness.......................................87 5.1.2 Backgrounds and Mobile Vocabulary Learning Readiness................................................88 5.2 Metacognitive Vocabulary Learning Strategy Awareness, Mobile Vocabulary Learning Readiness and the Predictors .........................................................89 5.3 The Influences of Different Backgrounds on Listening Learning.................................................91 5.3.1 Backgrounds and Metacognitive Listening Learning Strategy Awareness.......................................91 5.3.2 Backgrounds and Mobile Listening Learning Readiness................................................93 5.4 Metacognitive Listening Learning Strategy Awareness, Mobile Listening Learning Readiness and the Predictors...94 5.5 Conclusion...........................................96 5.6 Pedagogical Implications.............................97 5.7 Limitations of the Present Study.....................99 5.8 Suggestions for Future Research.....................100 REFERENCES..............................................101

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