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研究生: 陳欣愉
Chen, Hsin-Yu
論文名稱: 浦契尼《光榮彌撒》之探究與指揮詮釋
The Conducting Interpretation of G. Puccini: Messa di Gloria
指導教授: 孫愛光
Sun, Ai-Kuang
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 音樂學系
Department of Music
論文出版年: 2018
畢業學年度: 106
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 153
中文關鍵詞: 浦契尼光榮彌撒指揮詮釋
英文關鍵詞: Puccini, Messa di Gloria,, conducting interpretation
DOI URL: http://doi.org/10.6345/THE.NTNU.DMU.016.2018.A10
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:168下載:41
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  • 《光榮彌撒》(Messa di Gloria)於一八八〇年完成創作,為賈科莫•浦契尼(Giacomo Puccini, 1858-1924)自帕契尼音樂專科學校(Istituto Musicale Pacini)完成學業之大型合唱暨管絃樂畢業作品,其依循傳統彌撒之固定部分共分五個樂章;其中第三樂章〈信經〉採用一八七八年為「聖保利諾慶典」(Feast of San Paolino)所作的同名宗教樂曲《信經》(Credo),兩年後再譜寫其餘四個樂章完成全曲。

    浦契尼原先以《四聲部彌撒》(Messa a 4 Voci con orchestra)命名此作,並於同年七月十二日的聖保利諾慶典上首演,初顯丰采並大獲好評。然而他在生前從未出版此部作品或再度公開演出,直到一九五一年時,義裔美籍神父丹特•德•費歐倫提諾(Dante Del Fiorentino)發掘手稿,才冠上標題「光榮彌撒」並請紐約貝爾文─米爾斯出版社(Belwin-Mills, Melville, NY)代為出版,從此這部作品便以《光榮彌撒》聞名於世,因此筆者在論文中也以此名稱來稱呼;而目前全曲完整手稿收藏於浦契尼博物館(Puccini Museum)。


    The Messa di Gloria, composed by Giacomo Puccini (1858-1924) in 1880, was the composer’s first large-scale piece of music and his largest nonoperatic work altogether, as well as the passing-out piece from the Istituto Musicale Pacini. Based on the Ordinary of Mass sections, it comprised of five movements, including the Credo, written for the Feast of San Paolino two years earlier.

    This work was called by Puccini simply Messa a 4 voci con orchestra, and its premiere on 12 July 1880 was a great success, praised by critics and public alike. Nevertheless, the Messa neither had been performed again after its original premiere, nor was published during the composer’s lifetime. Until in 1951, an Itano-American priest named Dante Del Fiorentino, discovered the manuscript and then published it under the well-known title of Messa di Gloria.

    Through the research of music theory and the preparation of score study from rehearsals to the performance, this thesis focused on three aspects: Puccini’s motive for composing religious music works in his early youth, the analysis of musical form construction and the conducting interpretation of Messa di Gloria. Meanwhile, consi- dering the domestic studies of Puccini's early compositions are scanty and incomplete, the author expected this thesis as a systemic and consistent review on this topic.

    摘 要 i Abstract ii 目 錄 iii 表目錄 iv 圖目錄 viii 第一章 緒論 1 第二章 作曲家背景探究 5 第一節 浦契尼音樂家族 5 第二節 浦契尼的生平 9 第三章 《光榮彌撒》概析 22 第一節 浪漫後期彌撒發展與變革 22 第二節 創作背景與演出歷程 24 第三節 樂曲架構與編制 27 第四節 《光榮彌撒》部分素材運用於其他作品 34 第四章 《光榮彌撒》樂曲分析與指揮詮釋 39 第一節 〈垂憐曲〉 39 第二節 〈光榮頌〉 48 第三節 〈信經〉 89 第四節 〈歡呼歌與迎主曲〉 114 第五節 〈羔羊讚〉 125 第五章 結論 133 參考資料 137 【附錄一】 浦契尼作品列表 141 【附錄二】 《光榮彌撒》素材運用於《瑪儂•雷斯考》牧歌 146 【附錄三】 《光榮彌撒》歌詞內容與中文翻譯 150


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