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研究生: 邱于芳
論文名稱: 新DBAE藝術教育理論研究—以康橋雙語學校實施九年一貫藝術與人文課程綱要為例
An Investigation into Neo Discipline Based Art Education (Neo-DBAE)-A Case Study of implementing the Grade 1-9 Curriculum Guidelines in the Arts and Humanities programs in Kang Chiao Bilingual School
指導教授: 林詠能
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 美術學系
Department of Fine Arts
論文出版年: 2015
畢業學年度: 103
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 119
中文關鍵詞: 視覺藝術教育新DBAE藝術教育理論九年一貫藝術與人文
英文關鍵詞: Visual arts education, Neo-DBAE, the Grade 1-9 Curriculum Guidelines in the Arts and Humanities programs
DOI URL: https://doi.org/10.6345/NTNU202205420
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:323下載:0
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  • 藝術為人類精神生活的反映,處理人類整體精神的領域,也表現人類各種價值,從事藝術活動有助於智慧的提升、情感的陶冶、情操的培成、以及整體精神力量的開展,由此可見,「藝文素養」的提升,能夠帶給社會強大的力量,而提升藝文素養的方法,便是教育與學習。因此,近年來進行教育改革時,藝術教育成為相當重要的議題。因此,本研究針對新DBAE藝術教育理論進行探討,以了解
    國內有關新DBAE的研究截至2012 年為止數量極少,這個查詢結果讓研究者相當震驚,研究者認為,新DBAE研究論述絕對有其獨特的參考價值,後現代的來臨與後現代藝術觀的形成,對於目前藝術教育的影響不容忽視,做為一位藝術教育教師,若只是依照教科書內容或課程綱要去設計與研究教材,恐怕無法啟發孩子更多的創意與想法,本論文透過外國學者提出的藝術教育理論來看台灣的藝術教育現況是否有能夠精進的地方,經過實際資料蒐集與整理後,我們可以發現,九年一貫課程的立意很好,但近年來由於社會的改變,如電子工業及電腦科技、數位影像… 等等的發展,加上文化形態的變遷,形成了一種累積、傳達、轉化或複製知識及影像的全新模式,這使得人類長久以來的創作及思考方式,產生了重大的變化,尤其是對傳統的很多觀念造成了挑戰,因此,美術教育的目標、課程內容、教學的方法,也要隨著時代的變化而調整,例如:在新DBAE美術教育模式中,始終跟隨學生的美術教學記錄,也可以為我們如何解決保持美術教學的完整性和連貫性提供具體建議,因此,不同的美術教學理論勢必會對原本九年一貫課程提供不同面向的刺激,讓我們從中學習、成長,讓學生能具備更完整的美術素質和終身能力。

    Art reflects human’s spiritual life, representative of human overall spirit field, and also human various merit, engaged in art activities helps smart of upgrade, and emotional of edify, and sentiment of culture into, and overall spirit power of carried out, thus, upgrading of "Artistic Accomplishment" can be positive power of upgrading whole social, and the way to upgrade artistic accomplishment are education and study. Therefore, when education reform in recent years, arts education is an important issue. Therefore, the studies discussed the second-generation DBAE art education theory to understand if the international of arts education effect the development of Taiwan art education, hoping to learn about the development of Taiwan art education and provide specific recommendations, let Taiwan Arts Development will flourish even more.
    There is no any research related with second-generation DBAE Domestically until 2012 , this query results quite shocks researchers, researchers thought, the contention of second- generation DBAE is unique and has it’s own reference value absolutely, the effect of coming and form of post-modern to currently art education can’t be ignored, to be a art education teachers, if just pursuant to textbooks content or courses platform for to design and research textbook, probably cannot inspired children more of creative and idea, so, In the first chapter of the study motives and objectives are explained. In second chapter in the first discussion art education development of history, overview Taiwan art education development can is divided into: traditional art education thought period, and children Center art education thought period, and discipline standard art education thought period, and life Center art education thought period, and then discussion first generation DBAE and second generation DBAE of related connotation, from literature in the can found, second generation DBAE out modern doctrine meaning knowledge form of bondage, makes art and education of links knot more liberalization, Traditions and cultures adopt the attitudes of respect and tolerance, while stressing the importance of interdisciplinary, will contribute to the breadth and depth of art education.
    Therefore, the representative of second generation DBAE real DBAE theoretical and pragmatic change. In the third chapter, more in-depth understanding of the actual change of course, more can be found in the curriculum changes the teacher's role is no longer as traditional, but need to pay more attention to the good relationship between teachers and students, give their children more freedom to play. With the first three chapters of the Foundation, researchers hope that through international art education course to get to know Taiwan art education status, and according to the status of the proposals for amendments in order to provide better arts education development direction in the future.

    中文摘要…………………………………………………………………I 英文摘要…………………………………………………………………II 第壹章 緒論 第一節 研究動機…………………………………………………1 第二節 研究目的…………………………………………………4 第三節 研究範圍與限制…………………………………………4 第四節 重要名詞釋義……………………………………………4 第貳章 文獻探討 第一節 藝術教育發展脈絡分析…………………………………7 第二節 新DBAE藝術教育理論介紹及著作相關探討 ……… 18 第三節DBAE藝術教育及新DBAE藝術教育之比較……29 第參章 研究方法…………………………………………………… 41 第肆章 DBAE藝術教育理論實施狀況分析 第一節 DBAE課程內容分析………………………………………49 第二節 DBAE課程方案與教師角色分析………………………… 60 第三節 藝術教育思想轉變與差異 …………………………… 66 第伍章 DBAE藝術教育理論與九年一貫課程比較分析 第一節 基本理念內容分析…………………………………71 第二節 課程內容分析………………………………………73 第三節 教師角色分析………………………………………87 第四節 比較分析結果………………………………………91 第五節 訪談分析……………………………………………97 第陸章 結論與建議 第一節 結論 …………………………………………………103 第二節 建議…………………………………………………106 第柒章 參考文獻…………………………………………………114

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