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研究生: 游佳瑀
Yu, Chia-Yu
論文名稱: 跨文化溝通能力導向華語交換生課程設計:針對荷蘭大學生之個案研究
Curriculum Design on Intercultural Communicative Competence for Exchange Students of Chinese Learning: A Case Study of Dutch University Students
指導教授: 曾金金
Tseng, Chin-Chin
口試委員: 方麗娜
Fang, Li-Na
Huang, Ya-Ying
Tseng, Chin-Chin
口試日期: 2022/06/16
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 華語文教學系
Department of Chinese as a Second Language
論文出版年: 2022
畢業學年度: 110
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 141
中文關鍵詞: 跨文化溝通能力海外交換跨文化適應課程設計華語教學
英文關鍵詞: intercultural communication competence, overseas exchange, intercultural adaptation, curriculum design, teaching Chinese as a second language
研究方法: 個案研究法
DOI URL: http://doi.org/10.6345/NTNU202200686
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:125下載:29
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  • 本研究以荷蘭籍大學生為研究對象,旨在針對其赴臺交換時,所需具備之跨文化溝通能力為研究導向,提出赴臺交換前預備課程設計,使其具備在臺期間與當地人跨文化交流所需之語言與跨文化能力,有效利用海外交換期間,增加口語練習機會並與當地人進行深度交流。跨文化溝通能力強調的是與不同語言和文化背景者溝通的能力,能夠將文化「知識」、「態度」結合外語能力以適當的溝通模式交流,並具備反思自身與他人文化的「批判性文化意識」以及學習新的語言與文化知識之「技能」。本研究透過分析荷蘭籍學生赴臺短期交流情形、荷蘭大學的華語與文化課程設置現況與荷蘭籍大學生來臺個案研究,探討目前在臺交換之荷蘭籍大學生於赴臺交換前的語言與文化學習背景與需求、與中文母語人士的交流情形,以及在臺的華語使用情況、與當地人的交流互動情形,再依據個案研究對象於在臺期間對日常生活中行為文化的觀察所撰寫之每週生活紀錄與訪談內容,歸納出符合荷蘭籍大學生華語學習需求並具真實性、文化差異性、話題性和具當代性的日常行為文化主題與情境,分別為:餐飲行為文化、宗教行為與態度、社群媒體的使用與符號、行為慣例與禮儀文化、學習態度及休閒生活。最後綜合現有文獻與研究結果提出適用於荷蘭籍大學生赴臺交換前預備課程之設計與教學範例,以培養跨文化溝通能力以及日常對話能力作為荷籍交換生來臺前之學習目標,以期提升在臺交換期間之跨文化溝通能力。

    This study focuses on the intercultural communicative competence required by Dutch university students when they study in Taiwan as exchange students, and proposes a curriculum design of a pre-exchange programme to equip them with the language and intercultural competence needed to communicate with local people during their stay in Taiwan, so that they can make effective use of the exchange period abroad to increase opportunities for speaking practice and in-depth communication with locals. Intercultural communicative competence emphasises the ability to communicate with people from different language and cultural backgrounds, to combine cultural ‘knowledge’ and ‘attitudes’ with foreign language competence to communicate in appropriate ways, and to have the ‘awareness’ to reflect on one's own and others' cultures and the ‘skills’ to learn new language and cultural knowledge. This study examines the learning backgrounds of Dutch university students on exchange in Taiwan prior to their exchange to Taiwan, their learning needs and their interaction with native Chinese speakers, as well as their use of Chinese and their interaction with the local people during their exchange period in Taiwan, by analysing the trend of Dutch students on short-term exchanges in Taiwan, the current situation of Chinese language and culture programmes in Dutch universities and case studies of Dutch university students on exchange in Taiwan. The research data of case studies is based on the weekly journals and interviews compiled by the participants during their stay in Taiwan. Upon conclusion of the initial phase of research, five themes within everyday behavioural culture were selected. These are: 'dining out' behaviour culture, religious behaviour and attitudes, the use of social media and symbols, behavioural conventions and etiquette culture, learning attitudes and leisure life. The themes were chosen with the following criteria: meet the needs of Dutch university students' Chinese language learning, are authentic, with cultural differences, and are topical and contemporary. Finally, based on the existing literature and research results, the study proposes a curriculum design and a teaching example for the pre-exchange programme for Dutch university students who are going on exchange in Taiwan. The aim of the programme is to develop intercultural communicative competence and daily conversation skills for Dutch students before they go on exchange in Taiwan, with a view to enhancing their intercultural communication skills during their stay in Taiwan.

    謝辭 i 摘要 ii Abstract iii 目次 v 表次 vii 圖次 viii 第一章 緒論 1 第一節 研究背景與動機 1 第二節 研究目的與問題 5 第三節 名詞釋義 6 第二章 文獻探討 9 第一節 跨文化溝通能力與外語教學 9 第二節 海外交換與跨文化適應 27 第三節 語言與跨文化溝通課程設計 41 第三章 研究方法 49 第一節 個案研究法 49 第二節 研究參與者與研究倫理 50 第三節 研究實施與資料蒐集 52 第四節 研究架構 58 第四章 研究結果 61 第一節 荷蘭籍學生赴臺短期交流情形 61 第二節 荷蘭大學現代漢語課程開設與赴海外交流現況 62 第三節 個案研究資料分析 71 第五章 課程設計與教學範例 107 第一節 課程設計 107 第二節 教學範例 118 第六章 結論 123 第一節 研究總結 123 第二節 未來研究建議 127 參考文獻 129 附錄 附錄一 訪談知情同意書(中文版)136 附錄二 每週生活紀錄範例 137 附錄三 訪談內容整理文字稿範例 138 附錄四 自我文化價值觀量表範例 141

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